Author: Erin Hunter
Title: Warriors: Forest Of Secrets Book 3
Publisher: Harper Collins
Publish Date: October 1, 2004
Rating: 5 Stars
Book Blurb: As this third book in this series begins, Fireheart, former house pet turned warrior cat, continues to be torn between his allegiance to his Thunderclan and his suspicions that Tigerclaw is planning to take over as its leader. When Fireheart gets proof of his deceit and presents his findings to the clan's wise and compassionate leader, she refuses to believe him. Tensions are already running high between the clans because the cats are getting sick from fish from the polluted rivers, flooding is widespread, and they must invade each other's territory for food. The tragic death of Graystripe's mate as she's giving birth and his betrayal of the clan by loving a cat from an enemy clan bring the simmering tensions to a boil as both groups claim rights to the kits. Other secrets come to light as Tigerclaw, exiled in disgrace, vows revenge and Fireheart becomes the new deputy. This exciting book is not for the faint of heart as it is often violent. It is reminiscent of Greek drama, with its huge cast of characters (a chart of allegiances is included), intrigues, divided loyalties, star-crossed lovers, and parents murdering their offspring. Fans of the series will lap it up while impatiently awaiting the next entry.
Review: Have I mentioned these books are addicting? I've read the first 3 in less than a week! Each picks up right where the last one left off, so as soon as you finish reading one, you are ready to jump into another.
So far, this is my favorite of the series. It had so much action and adventure and love. Yes, there's even romance among the cats!
There's a lot going on in these books too, from betrayal of one of the cats in the higher ranks of the clan, to romances between clans and then some. It is kind of a like a cat soap opera in print.
I love the personalities of the cats. Erin really makes these cats come alive. I don't think I could pick a favorite cat..I love Yellowfang and Cloudpaw and of course, Fireheart. After so many books, these cats are as real to me as my own kittypets...erm cats.
What I find the most appealing is that though these books are written for a young audience, Grades 5 and up, they really can be read by anyone. They aren't terribly childlike, and that's good for me, because I'm thirty six!
If you like cats and fantasy, these books are definitely something to look into. I can't wait to get into book 4!
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