Saturday, July 24, 2010

Review Policy

To Authors and Publishers

I will gladly review a book if it fits the following criteria:

What I will review: I am open to reviewing books that are romance, literary fiction, historical fiction,  young adult, paranormal, chick lit, fantasy, supernatural, suspense and humor. This book will primarily focus on romance and YA, but if you have a book you think I might enjoy, feel free to email me @

What I will NOT review: Anything that is political as well as most non-fiction, as that is really not my thing

eBooks: I will gladly review your book in eBook form as long as is in either mobi or epub format.

My Reviews: My reviews include a picture of the book cover and other publishing information including author, publisher, date and date of publication. I will also include the book blurb from a major book seller or Goodreads.

I will read the book(s) as soon as I possibly can. Please allow 14 days for a review to be posted.

Rating System: My rating system can be found on the sidebar. I use a scale of 1 to 5 with 5 being the best.


1. G.G. Vandagriff said...

I would love for you to read my book, which is sort of a cross between chick lit and women's fiction. The first in the Crazy Ladies of Oackwood series, it is called The Only Way to Paradise. The back copy says: After watching a romantic Italian movie together, four women in a therapy group discuss the question, "If Italy is so wonderful and therapeutic, what are we doing in Ohio?" Dubbing themselves "The Crazy Ladies of Oakwood," they all take off for Florence, packing their worries with them.
Their lives will change forever in this seat of the Renaissance, but not at all in the ways they expected. Possessed of more than artistic treasures the Italians seem to be born with the unique gift of agape (unconditional love) and phillia (love of all mankind). It is this balm that is applied gently into their weary souls. The Crazy Ladies slowly transform while embracing these Italian virtues. They discover romance as well as a healing that binds them together and puts them on the road to recovery, "The Only Road to Paradise."
If you would like to review this, please e-mail me and I will send you a copy for your Nook! My website is

2. Angelina Rain said...

Your site is so cute! I love it. I just stumbled upon it today but plan to visit it often. :-)

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