This is an meme from The Broke and the Bookish.
Each week we will post a new Top Ten list complete with one of our bloggers answers.
Top Ten Most Intimidating Books!
1. Victor Hugo - Les Miserables: I have read two of the abridged versions but still have not had the guts to try to read the full 1000 + page original.
2. William Makepeace Thackery - Vanity Fair: This book is on my Classics challenge this year. I will read it, if it kills me! (It just might)
3. Stephan King - The Stand: Horror novels intimidate me, long horror novels terrify me.
4. Stephanie Meyer - Eclipse: OK, the whole Twilight Saga has been intimidating to me, but I'm tackling it. I'm usually a fast reader but these books usually take me forever to get through. I'm not looking forward the the last two gi-normous books.
5. Herman Melville - Moby Dick: I never made it through this book in high school. Apologies to Mrs. Paglia, but this book was intimidating and boring, and I still think it was just about a FREAKING WHALE! I'd rather read a book about Shamu!
6. J.K. Rowling - Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: I need to re-read the whole series when I finally find a copy of the last book, so I have a clue. I'm a little bit intimidated by all 7 books even though I have read most of them.
7. Charles Dickens - A Tale Of Two Cities: I have no problem reading the classics but some of the writing is so dry and Dickens is one author who I've never been able to get into aside from A Christmas Carol.
8. Walter Issacson - Einstein: His Life and Works: OMG this is one I've actually made it through, but it is huge and I expected it to be boring, and the science parts were, but Einstein's life was really interesting and he was quite the ladies man, believe it or not!
9. Leo Tolstoy - Anna Karenina: Another huge tome that has been sitting on my shelf for ages.
10. Mary Shelly - Frankenstein: Not a long one but one I've been fearful of reading.
Deathly Hallows is my favorite of the series! Dont be scared lol :) Plus the movie is coming out soon...anyway, if you got this idea from me, I think I posted last weeks topic instead of this weeks, so we might want to do another post. Have a great day!
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