Thursday, October 7, 2010

Should I Read This

How many of you have got that email from Shelfari?

I hate those! And every one I get is for the same book, Alice Sebold's The Lovely Bones.

I hated that book, therefore it isn't one I'd recommend.

It would only take a few clicks of the mouse to see my feelings on the book. Just read my review!!!

Mind you, I'm apparently in the minority, just as I am with The Twilight Saga. (Hate those too)

Why not read the reviews and make a decision? It would be the most intelligent thing to do. I mean I could list all the reasons I didn't like the book in a response to this email, but there's someone else out there that can list all the reason's they love it.

Think for yourself!


1. Stephany said...

You should really add links to some of your posts. I've spent the last 20 minutes trying to find your review on The Lovely Bones and still haven't found it. Can you get me pointed in the right direction?

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