Author: R. L. Stine
Title: The Third Horror
Mini Series: 99 Fear Street: House Of Evil
Publisher: Archway
Publish Date: Oct 1994
Rating: 3 Stars
Book Blurb: Kody Frasier always swore she'd come back to 99 Fear Street, she knows the spirit of her dead sister, Cally, is trapped there, waiting to be set free. Now Kody is starring in a movie about the evil that murdered Cally - set in the very house that destroyed their family.
~ Review: R.L. Stine was the author of choice for my nephews. I was more a Francine Pascal girl, having grown up in the 80s. I found The Third Horror in my basement and decided to give it a read.
Its a good story for the most part and reads like a cheesy horror script or even Scary Movie. There's nothing about this book that would really keep anyone awake at night. Its very low on the scare factor.
I don't know how well this story will work for the more intellectual reader, mostly because it does read like a really cheesy horror film. Every time Kody starts to follow the voice of her dead sister, you know something is going to happen to her. Just as when they start working on the film, you know someone is going to get hurt or killed.
It really makes you wonder if people could ever be that foolish. If a house feels EVIL why would you return to it? And when you did, if bad things started happening wouldn't you high tail it out as fast as you could?
I like that there was a little bit of a relationship element between Kody and Rob, if it wasn't for that the story might have taken a turn to the absolutely ridiculous.
This is definitely a good read for the tween who isn't quite ready for the more mature young adult fiction. Its definitely a good dark stormy night read.
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