Friday, September 10, 2010

Book Blogger Hop

Book Blogger Hop

This week's get to know you question from Crazy For Books is: Post a link to a favorite post or book review that you have written in the past three months.

I'd have to say Laura Baratz-Logsted - The Twin's Daughter. I reviewed this one for an ARC Book Tour and I really loved it and I think my review adequately reflected that.

Feel free to check out any of my other reviews and I always love comments and will come to reciprocate the comments when I get a chance!

Happy Friday everyone!


1. Aisle B said...

Coming via the hop and will look up the Twin's Daughter.

have a great weekend :)

2. Black Disaster Fairy said...

Happy Hopping and Reading.

I love your name. Mistress of the dark! Great pick.

Checking out your link now :)

Black Disaster Fairy

3. Lover Of Romance said...

Just stopping by for the hop!! Hope you have had a good week so far!!

4. Belinda said...

Happy Saturday :) Hopping by and wanted to say hey. I look forward to reading the review you posted.

If you have time Hop by my blog

5. pussreboots said...

Happy weekend. I'm already a follower. Come see what my favorite review is.

6. La Coccinelle said...

Just stopping by from the Hop!

Enjoy the rest of the weekend! :)

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