Sunday, September 5, 2010

Favorite Summer Reads

The Summer of 2010 has pretty much come to an end. Even the temperatures are trying to cool down here in my part of Pennsylvania.

The kids have gone back to school.

Farm markets are selling apples and soon pumpkins.

Summer is sadly on its way out. So what books did you read and totally fall in love with this summer?

Here are some of my favorites that I've read from June through August 31. What were your favorites?

Lauren Baratz-Logsted - The Twin's Daughter
Kris Radish - Annie Freeman's Fabulous Traveling Funeral
Gareth Roberts - I Am A Dalek
Hope Tarr - The Tutor
Janet Evanovich - Finger Lickin' Fifteen
Jason F. Wright - The Wednesday Letters


1. Anonymous said...

I am reading the Wednesday Letters as a part of your challenge! (been in my TBR pile for a long time). Great post :)

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