Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Surviving The Twilight Saga

I'm not fan of the Twilight books. Until this past week I had only read the first one, and it didn't really excite me enough to want to read more. However, last Saturday I took my mother to the hairdresser and on their bookswap shelf was a copy of New Moon. Fool that I am, I picked it up and am now more than halfway through it.

I'm still not a Twihard, and probably never will be, but I do have a strong urge now to finish reading the series. I had a feeling when I read the first book that it would come to this.

If all goes well I should finish New Moon on Friday (the book has eaten up my reading this week). I'll be posting a review, but I'd also like to have some discussion on this one, as most of the bookies I know have said it was the worst of the series.

So if there are any Twilight junkies here, and I know there's at least one (looks pointedly at Jennifer), I want you to jump in and share your thoughts with me. Share with me what you liked and disliked about this one, and tell me why I should read the last two books in the series.

Oh and feel free to wager whether or not I'll survive reading the last books, if I choose to do so.


Unknown said...

Good luck! IMO, it was easier to read and like the series when it first started--I read Twilight and New Moon in 2006, and thought they were great bc I'd never really read YA or vampire fiction or romance for that matter. They can be fun if you just let yourself go with the flow and not expect much--otherwise, there's bunches of flaws. :-)

Irena @ This Miss Loves to Read said...

I'm not a Twilight fan either, but after reading the first book, I had to finish the whole saga. Sagas have a curse on me: I need to finish them.;) The four books were an enjoyable read to me, but I'm not a Twihard, nope.

Jennifer-Girls Gone Reading said...

I am a Twilight fan-just like I am a fan of other things that are pointless, just for fun, and a little bad for me...i.e. Blizzards, pizza, and US Weekly :)
New Moon was not my favorite book in the series. The one that I loved the best was Breaking Dawn, but that is because it summed everything up.

Hope you enjoy the books-and don't worry about becoming a Twi-Hard. You can like them and still retain your sanity.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for commenting on my blog! I am a Twilight fan, was so before the hysteria hit and now its getting a little pathetic but oh well, what can I do? My favorite in the series is Breaking Dawn, because it is the most exciting and like Jennifer said, sums everything up. My second favorite is New Moon, and least favorite is Twilight. (I re-read Twilight a few months ago and it is boring compared to the others.) I really love New Moon because I find her pain kind of beautiful as she heals from being around Jacob. and the ending is really good. I think you should read the last two just so you can have an understanding of it whether you love it or hate it. :) happy reading!


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