Title: Tales From Frewyn
Publisher: Red Willow Publishing
Publish Date: May 24, 2011
Buy: Amazon
Review Copy Provided By: Book Lovin' Bitches Ebook Tours and the author
Book Blurb:
Review: This book is such a fun read, except when your nook battery dies and you have to read it on Adobe Digital Editions on a computer located in a really hot room. That said, I intend to reread this one when my nook battery arrives.
Michelle has given her reader some wonderfully humorous stories. When I saw the title of the first story "Five Second Rule" I burst into laughter. When I saw that chocolate was involved, I thought, Yup..you never let good chocolate go to waste.
Something about these stories reminded me a bit of Terry Pratchett's Discworld. Definitely something to check out and revisit from time to time.
Rating: 4 flowers
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