Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Reading Addiction Book Tours Book Review: The Twelfth Child

Author: Bette Lee Crosby
Title: The Twelfth Child
Publisher: Bent Pine Publishing
Publish Date: April 27, 2012
Buy: Amazon
Review Copy Provided By: Reading Addiction Book Tours & the publisher
Book Blurb: Trust, love and friendship--Abigail Anne Lannigan searched for these things all her life. Now, when she is at the tail end of her years, she teams up with a free-spirited young woman. A nobody from nowhere, who suddenly moves in across the street. Their unusual friendship comes under suspicion when a million dollars goes missing and a distant relative, claims embezzlement. Abigail knows the truth of what happened but, unfortunately, she'll never get the chance to tell.

Review: There are some books that leave you with the simple impression of wow! This is one of those books.

I loved Abigail and I loved her life story. It wasn't an easy one because of her father, who was really crazy/abusive and with no love for women. Her life, like so many of ours is a series of ups and downs. Just when you think something has gone well for her, something zaps it away, the depression, a bad relationship and ultimately cancer.

This book really pulled me in and kept me reading, especially after Abigail dies and bad things start happening to Destiny as a result of Abigail's greedy relative.

Bette wrote strong characters that made you want to keep reading. This truly was a page turner, that you won't be able to put down.

Bette is definitely an author to watch. I can't wait to read more from her.

Rating: 5 flowers


1. Elizabeth said...

I agree...it was SUPERB. I loved this book.

My review is up on November 15.

Silver's Reviews

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