Saturday, January 19, 2013

A Chick Ponders Bookish Things: Net Galley

I don't know about you, but I always feel like a kid in the candy store when I go to Net Galley. My Nook can't handle all the goodies I find there. I love getting to read books before they hit the shelves.

I often bite off much more than I can chew, or rather, read.

I then feel guilty about this, because I requested the book and I couldn't finish it, or get to it in 55 days!

What is wrong with me!

Its book greediness!

I suffer from it terribly.

I've been trying to avoid the site altogether, unless I have a review to post there, so I don't get sucked in by all the wonderful new books.

When I do let myself look around, I always end up requesting at least 5 books.

Please tell me I'm not the only person that is like this?

It is an addiction, and I think I need a 12 step program to get over it.

Oh Net Galley, why do I love you so much?


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