Monday, March 3, 2014

A Chick Ponders Bookish Things: Getting My Blog On

This year has gotten off to a very slow start for me, but I want to enjoy my blogging. Even if my nook is making it very difficult for me to do anything.

I've decided...this year, there will be no monthly recap posts.

Does anyone really care about them anyway?

I doubt it.

I'm hoping I'll be able to update challenges and my reviews this week sometime, but right now, I will get to things as I get to them.

I really just want to enjoy reading.

(Kicks my nook for making that difficult)

So from  now pressure...just a great enjoyment of my books


1. The_Book_Queen said...

Ooh, I know that feeling very well -- I have had to slow down many times over the years to prevent book OR blog burnout. Take this time, find some great books that make you happy, and let some of the blog stress ease away for a while! :)


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