Friday, December 5, 2014

Historical Fiction Virtual Book Tour Author Interview: Regan Walker

Today I have a quick holiday inspired interview with author Regan Walker. Stop back later, when I review The Twelfth Night Wager

What is your favorite thing about Christmas?

I like that it's focused on faith and family. That's one of the reasons I love writing stories set in the past. In Regency England, one's faith was built into the celebration. And it was a simpler time. Unlike today where Christmas shopping takes center stage, in the early 19th century, it might only be a child that would receive a small toy. The emphasis was on getting together, having a wonderful meal, singing carols and enjoying the time with family. And those are my favorite things too.

What is your favorite Christmas memory?

When my son was little and just old enough to understand what we were celebrating, it was wonderful to read him the Christmas story and tell him about the greatest gift of all, God's gift to the world, and see the smile on his little face.

What is the most challenging thing about writing a holiday romance?
For me it's not much different than the challenge of incorporating real history into my historical romances...I must weave in the traditions of the season as one more thread in the love story never forgetting the historical setting. To keep my head in the time frame and the season, I write with Christmas carols playing in the background. In the case of both The Twelfth Night Wager and The Holly & The Thistle, it was the Clare College Choir. You can hear the choir's Christmas music on You Tube here:

Do you have a favorite holiday novel?
 I'm not sure I have a favorite holiday novel. I like Christmas romances that have the same meaty plots that other historical romances have, but they are hard to find. One I did like was a medieval by Michele Sinclair, The Christmas Knight. I thought Sinclair did a great job of weaving in the Christmas season's traditions that were being celebrated in the 12th century while drawing us into a true love between two people who have much to give.I also like Johanna Lindsey's The Present. It's a good one, especially for fans of her Malory series.

What is next for you?

I am currently writing the prequel to my Agents of the Crown trilogy, To Tame the Wind to be released in 2015. Think of a blond Errol Flynn capturing that which his enemy holds most dear. Claire Donet is the convent-raised daughter of a French pirate. Simon Powell is an English privateer who will hold her for ransom to regain his men and his ship. The waters between France and England will roil as Claire's father and her captor clash in the last year of the American Revolution and spies lurk in Paris. It's set in London and Paris and the waters of the English Channel in 1782. When I finish that, I'm going to write Rogue Knight, the second in my Medieval Warriors series. I just published book 1 in October, The Red Wolf's Prize, and my readers seemed to love it.


They rode into Hyde Park and soon were on the broad path of Rotten Row, the King’s Road. Ahead of them, the path was clear and the trees on either side shielded them from view. The bays picked up speed in response to Eustace’s commands. Grace observed how adroitly he handled the reins, expending little effort in controlling the powerful horses.
“You are very good at this. And the bays are performing wonderfully to your hand.”
He turned to look at her for only a moment. “Do you know something about horses, my lady?”
“A little. Well, actually, I should say I love to ride. When he was alive, my father Sir Richard kept a good stable at our estate in Oxfordshire. Young David, the new Lord Leisterfield, or Leister, as his school chums call him, loves to visit Ashdown.”
“Do I detect a fondness for the lad in your voice?”
“You might,” she admitted. “Though he is my stepson, I care deeply for him and he has honored me with his affection. He’s such a splendid young man, and with so much promise.” A promise Grace wanted to see fulfilled untainted by scandal. For a moment she was tempted to confide in the man sitting beside her. He might have a thought as to what she could do about Lord Pickard. But her spirit urged caution. She did not know Eustace well and was reluctant to bring them closer by such a confession when he had in mind to seduce her.
Eustace began to drive the horses like the wind, racing down the path as if straining to gain a lead on some unseen competitor. He was definitely in his element. The horses, as if sensing a master, responded to his touch. Grace watched his gloved hands on the reins, powerfully gripping the leather, and there was something very masculine about them so that she shivered at the thought of them touching her.
As Eustace let the pair have their heads, she braced herself with one hand on the side of the carriage and one on the seat beside her to keep from being jostled. He was laughing, and Grace found herself laughing with him. This was exhilarating and so unlike her life in the last few years. She felt more alive being with this dangerous man and his fast ways; she was once again the young girl she had been racing over the hills of Oxfordshire with her long hair streaming out behind her. What had happened to that girl?
After some time, he slowed the horses and guided the phaeton to the side of the path. Holding the reins in one hand, he turned to face her. His eyes seemed to glow in the dim light. “I never would have thought the serene Lady Leisterfield would be so stimulated by a ride in the park. You are flushed and your eyes bright. I do think you enjoyed our dash through the Row.”
“Yes, I quite liked it,” she said, breathless. “Though you must admit, the ride was more like a race.”
He looked at her lips and then her neck. “I can see your pulse jumping. Perhaps you like to race as much as I do.”
Grace wondered if he was still speaking of horses or something else. Her heart sped as he leaned toward her and brushed his lips across hers. After only a moment, she pulled back.
“Too soon?” he asked.
“That question implies such is inevitable, my lord. I can assure you it is not.”

Please join Regan Walker as she tours the blogosphere with HF Virtual Book Tours for The Twelfth Night Wager, from November 25-December 6, and enter to win a Twelve Days of Christmas Bracelet!

01_The Twelfth Night Wager CoverBoroughs Publishing Group
eBook; 134 pages
ISBN: 978-1-938876-83-7

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It was a dull day at White’s, the day he agreed to the wager: seduce bed and walk away from the lovely Lady Leisterfield, all by Twelfth Night. This holiday season, Christopher St. Ives, Viscount Eustace, planned to give himself a gift.


She was too proper by half—or so was the accusation of her friends, which was why her father had to find her a husband. But Lord Leisterfield was now gone a year, and Grace was at last shedding the drab colors of mourning. The house felt empty, more so during the coming Christmastide, and so tonight her coming out would begin with a scandalous piece of theater. The play would attract rogues, or so promised her friend the dowager countess. It would indeed. The night would bring about the greatest danger—and the greatest happiness—that Grace had ever known.

Buy the eBook


03_Regan Walker About the Author

Bestselling author Regan Walker loved to write stories as a child, particularly those about adventure-loving girls, but by the time she got to college more serious pursuits took priority. One of her professors encouraged her to pursue the profession of law, which she did. Years of serving clients in private practice and several stints in high levels of government gave her a love of international travel and a feel for the demands of the “Crown” on its subjects. Hence her romance novels often involve a demanding sovereign who taps his subjects for “special assignments.” And in each of her novels, there is always real history and real historic figures. Regan lives in San Diego with her golden retriever, Link, whom she says inspires her every day to relax and smell the roses. For more information please visit Regan Walker’s website and blog. You can also find her on Facebook, Twitter, and Goodreads.

The Twelfth Night Wager Blog Tour Schedule

Tuesday, November 25
Review at Historical Romance Lover

Friday, November 28
Guest Post at Historical Romance Lover

Monday, December 1
Spotlight at Let Them Read Books
Guest Post at The Christmas Spirit

Tuesday, December 2
Review at Good Friends, Good Books, and a Sleepy Conscience
Review & Giveaway at With Her Nose Stuck in a Book

Wednesday, December 3
Review & Giveaway at The Christmas Spirit

Thursday, December 4
Guest Post at SOS Aloha

Friday, December 5
Review & Interview at A Chick Who Reads

Saturday, December 6
Guest Post at Romantic Historical Lovers


To enter to win a Twelve Days of Christmas Charm Bracelet, please complete the Rafflecopter giveaway form below.


– Giveaway ends at 11:59pm on December 6th. You must be 18 or older to enter.
– Giveaway is open to residents of the US only.
– Only one entry per household.
– All giveaway entrants agree to be honest and not cheat the systems; any suspect of fraud is decided upon by blog/site owner and the sponsor, and entrants may be disqualified at our discretion.
– Winner have 48 hours to claim prize or new winner is chosen.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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1. Regan Walker said...

Hi, Andrea! Thanks so much for having me on your blog...great Christmas questions. And I'm delighted you are going to review The Twelfth Night Wager. I hope you have a wonderful holiday.

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