Tuesday, September 8, 2015

TLC Book Tours Book Review Broken Homes and Gardens

Author:  Rebecca Kelley
Title: Broken Homes & Gardens
Publisher: Blank Slate Press
Publish Date: April 28, 2015
Buy: Amazon
Book Blurb: 
A girl, a guy, a broken-down house. Not exactly on-again, off-again, Malcolm and Joanna are in-again, out-again: in love, out of each other's arms, in an awkward co-living arrangement, out of the country. Their unconventional relationship is the only way, Joanna says, to protect herself from the specter of commitment, which inevitably leads to heartbreak.

When Harry Met Sally for the Millennial generation, set in the damp and drizzly neighborhoods of Portland, Oregon, Broken Homes and Gardens is an ode to friendship, lust, and the unrelenting pull of love.

Review: First of all, this the cutest cover I've ever seen. I'm a bit on the fence on how I really feel about the book. At times it was really funny, but the twenty something, Joanna was a character I had trouble loving, but I did enjoy laughing with.

Joanna was really a snapshot of so many people out of college, which in some ways is a sad portrait of life in our twenties. She has commitment issues but wants to be involved. She comes from a broken home, and her experiences with her mother have left her really jaded when it comes to relationships.

I liked her crazy relationship with Malcolm really was really what this story was all about and they really seem to belong together, even though both of them seemed to do everything to prevent it from happening. For the most part, I wanted to shake Joanna, really hard, because she seemed to sabotage her life. Malcolm is very much the same, but no matter what these two seem to end up in each other's company and eventually living together. I can see how some might compare it to When Harry Met Sally for modern times, but I found the characters here to be a bit more juvenile, or less mature, whichever you choose.

Overall it was a fun book, probably more for the college age set than for old forty-something fogies like me.

Rating: 4 flowers


1. Heather J @ TLC Book Tours said...

I love the cover of this book too - it's just so cute and fun!

Thanks for being a part of the tour.

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