Monday, April 25, 2016

Great Escapes Book Tours: Raisin The Dead

Raisin the Dead:
A Bread and Batter Mystery

2nd in Series
Cozy Mystery
Publisher: InterMix (April 19, 2016)

 The author of Bun for Your Life returns to Destiny, New York, where bakery owners and amateur sleuths Molly Tyler and Olivia Williams never crumble under pressure…
While the rest of Destiny is focused on the arrival of an upper crust perfume mogul, Molly is more concerned about what’s on the front page of the newspaper: her mother. Library director Anne Tyler was photographed at the most romantic restaurant in town having a cozy dinner with library advisory board member Philip Baldelli. But there’s more for Molly to worry about after Philip is found dead a few days later.
When Detective Sean Corsino zeroes in on Anne as a person of interest in the case, it turns down the heat on his budding romance with Molly. But after he’s injured during the course of his investigation, Molly and Olivia must step in to sift through the clues and clear Anne’s name.

Review:  I'm on a cozy mystery kick these days.  Raisin The Dead is the first book by Karoline Barrett that I've read and it is the second in the Bread and Batter Mystery Series that I've read.

I loved Molly and her dog Noelle. I'm a sucker for books where pets figure in the story and Noelle and Beau were sweet.

This book involves the murder of a library advisory board member and Molly's mom is a person of interest. Phillip also has a visiting niece who happens to be a rich perfumer. She's not all that pleasant at first but she is a character that really grows on you as the story progresses.

Sean, the town's detective and Molly's boyfriend is injured on one of the town's new police horses. This really adds a lot of drama to the story. He's not there to work the case and his sister in law, Felicia is in town, trying to stir up some trouble.  There is no way you can like Felicia. She's a big ole B.

I'm surprised Sean was allowed to work the case with his girlfriend's mom as a prime suspect.

Molly's brand of sleuthing reminded me a bit of Hannah Swenson. I think it was the bakery that did it, though she's  more down to earth and not as condescending as Hannah.

The romance between Molly and Sean is front and center here, but I didn't really mind that. I liked them as a couple and can't wait to see how things go with them.

I really liked all the mystery involving the library expansion. It gave me warm fuzzies thinking that a library somewhere was getting bigger rather than smaller.

It was a fun fast paced mystery with characters you will absolutely fall in love with. 

Rating: 5 flowers


1. Karoline Barrett said...

Thank you so much for reading and reviewing Raisin the Dead! So glad you liked it.

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