Wednesday, November 15, 2017

TLC Book Tours Book Review: The Silent Fountain

About The Silent Fountain

  • Paperback: 400 pages
  • Publisher: MIRA (October 31, 2017)
Hollywood, 1978 
Tragedy sends troubled film star Vivien Lockhart into the arms of Giovanni Moretti—and it seems her fortunes have finally changed. Until she meets his sister and learns that her new husband’s past holds dark secrets…
Tuscany, Present day 
Lucy Whittaker needs to disappear. But her new home, the crumbling Castillo Barbarossa, is far from the secluded paradise it seemed. Strange sounds come from the attic. The owner of the house will never meet her in person.
The fountain in the courtyard is silent—but has never run dry.
Across the decades, Vivien and Lucy find themselves trapped in the idyllic Italian villa. 
And if they are ever to truly escape its walls, they must first unearth its secrets…

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Review: I can't say that I've ever heard of Victoria Fox before I read this book, but after perusing Goodreads, there are several of her previous novels that are going to be added to my TBR pile.

Reading this felt like a cross between Victoria Holt with a hint of the Hollywood master, Jackie Collins. OK, maybe not Jackie Collins, but somewhere close by.

The novel starts out slow and I had to fight to like Lucy at first. She wasn't the easiest character to get into, especially with the hints of what was happening in her life. In fact, for her relationship co-dependency I wanted to smack her really hard more than once.

But when the book took off, boy did it take off.

It is told through two time periods, the last 70's through the 80s and the present. I have to say, Lucy's part of the story didn't really interest me. Her issues and her behavior at the start of the book were hard to get by. It was Vivien's story that grabbed me and kept me turning the pages.

From an abusive childhood, to days of sort of prostitution and finally as a star. Vivien's life is full of everything. Then after a tragic accident she meets Gio.

You can't even begin to describe her relationship with him, especially once she meets his sister. I had ideas about Isabella from the start. I'm glad that the things I thought about her and her brother weren't true, but oh the stuff that sister got up to.

And the ending.

There are no words. As Vivien's story plays out you will cry. I actually screamed at my kindle towards the end. "NO NO NO NO NO!" Because Ms Fox dangled some happiness before our eyes and than she tossed it to the ground and jumped all over it.


That was the ending.

Its a fabulous read and definitely one that puts Victoria on my auto buy list

Rating: 5 flowers


1. Heather J @ TLC Book Tours said...

This sounds like a fantastic read! I can see why you loved it so much.

Thanks for being a part of the tour.

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