Vangie Vale & the Strangled Strudel (The Matchbaker Mysteries) by R.L. Syme

Cozy Mystery
3rd in Series
Setting - Montana
Hummingbird Books (January 4, 2018)
Print Length: 330 pages
E-Book ASIN: B077GK124B
You could call it the straw that broke the camel’s back but it was more like a Montana forest timber. Just when Vangie Vale’s life was getting back to normal after a murder that rocked her little Rocky Mountain tourist town, she found herself in the middle of another murder... as the chief suspect.Vangie stood shocked on the side of the curb as the sheriff stretched yellow crime scene tape around the front of her new bakery. Wouldn’t this make a lovely headline in next week’s paper: Local Baker Kills Parishioner With Pudding. Vangie’s road back to good graces as a part-time pastor was bumpy enough already. This would be a roadblock. Can't have that.
Review: I discovered this series last year, when the first book came out. This is book three in the series and they really keep getting better.
I love the humor in the Vangie books. This time Vangie is prime suspect in another murder. This one happened at her bakery, which makes her staying on the good side of her church people kind of hard. I have to say that her parish didn't really play a huge part in this story.
A client died after eating a pudding at her bakery. That's just the start of it, as all things point to someone tampering with the pudding that Vangie made.
R.L. Syme has crafted a mystery that will definitely keep you guessing. Karin Dekker isn't a woman that you'd think anyone would want dead, but it seems like members of her family have a lot of secrets. Just when you think that it might be one character, another clue points you in another direction.
All this is going on and Vangie is getting phone calls from people from her past, that she doesn't want to hear from.
I love how the relationships are developing in this story. Vangie is dating Derek now and things are going smoothly for the most part. I also like the fact that Vangie and Sheriff Malcolm have a comfortable friendship too.
This is one cozy that you won't be able to put down. Heck the other two books were just as good, so go grab them as well, because this series just gets better and better.
Rating: 5 flowers

R.L. Syme is a USA Today best-selling author of cozy mystery and small tow=n romance. She writes cozy culinary mysteries as R.L. Syme and small-town romance as Becca Boyd and. She is a writer of amateur sleuths worth loving and villains worth hating. Lover of fancy cheese, binge-watching, strawberries, and hope. A foodie and a baker herself, Becca grew up reading Nancy Drew mysteries passed on by her grandmother. A Tweeter and Pinner of things. She loves to connect with readers via social media.
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I love your blog! Nice graphics and love the "flowers" rating system. Thanks for the great review for one of my favorite authors!
Thank you for your review on "Vangie Vale & the Strangled Strudel" and for being part of the book tour!
I'd love the chance to read this book.
2clowns at arkansas dot net
Thank you so much for reading Vangie!
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