Thursday, September 27, 2018

Book Blitz: Sparkles In Love

Sparkles In Love
Sarah Gai
(Sparkles Book Club, #1)
Publication date: March 18th 2017
Genres: Adult, Comedy, Romance
A Romantic Comedy with a plus size heroine! You will fall in love INSTANTLY!
Meet Jess. Accident prone and unlucky in love. Her life has hit a stalemate. What better way to change things up than by playing Matchmaker. But Jess gets more than what she’s bargained for. It also doesn’t help that she lives next door to the worlds sexiest man. When things go wrong and Jess is faced with her own feelings, will she admit them?, Run? or finally catch a break!
‘Fall in love with this tutu toting, pink wig wearing cutie and come along for some major laughs, with her and her friends!’
Grab your copy today for only 99¢!
I remembered my mission and left Haley, speeding up my pace as I searched for the tallest head in the bar. Brax wasn’t hard to find—he towered over ninety percent of the other patrons filling the place.
I spotted him over near the stage, his hands above his head leaning against the wall. As I got closer, I could see he was talking to a woman, who was much shorter than he. She had her back against the wall and her eyes were all starry as they peered up at him. Typical. I hadn’t even been there an hour and I had to put up with that. Not that it bothered me at all. Nope, not one single bit. Brax was a grown man who could do whatever he wanted. Who was I kidding? I was so jealous it hurt. God, why couldn’t he look at me like that?
Setting my irritation and jealousy aside, I pushed my way through the crowd and planted myself right in the middle of their partnering; facing the woman, I smiled.
“Sorry, I only need one moment of my neighbor’s time. Just one little second,” I said and raised my pointer finger to face height so she understood over the music.
I didn’t wait for her reply but immediately turned and stared up into the face of a God—crap, I mean Brax. I didn’t have time for lusty thoughts about him right now.
Brax opened his mouth to speak, but I covered it with my palm.
“No time for your cocky words, my friend. Did you do what I asked? Just nod, that’s all I need from you tonight. Save your words for what’s-her-face behind me.”
I could feel Brax laugh, his mouth moving behind my hand as he nodded up and down.
“Great, where is he?” I continued.
Brax just raised an eyebrow as I waited for his reply. I realized why he wasn’t answering and quickly removed my palm from his mouth.
“You look adorable tonight, Jess.”
Those velvety words streamed from his mouth, well, actually, were hollered, but my mind wanted to imagine it another way. Stupid man! He had no idea what he did to me. It took a lot of effort to act as if his presence didn’t affect me. Every. Damn. Day.
I hit him in the stomach. I wasn’t falling for his smoothness this time. Other girls would, but I’ve been living next to him for years and have heard it all before.
“Knock it off. Now hurry up and tell me where Goatee Guy is,” I demanded, entirely over the conversation already.
Brax peered around me before leaning over my shoulder to whisper something in the woman’s ear behind me. I knew then what being the meat in a sandwich felt like and it was pretty darn uncomfortable as my backside pushed into her front. Nevertheless, she didn’t seem to care as she giggled girlishly into my ear.
Brax stood up straight once more and flung an arm around my shoulder, pulling me away from the side of the club and making way for us through the crowd. As we reached the bar, I pushed his arm off and away and took a seat on a vacant stool. His two arms placed themselves on either side of my body, caging me in as I waited for one of the bartenders to take my order.
“First off, his name is not Goatee Guy. He’s my brother and his name is Thomas. But I’ll let him know what you call him. And yes, Thomas is here,” Brax whispered in my ear. If that bar wasn’t holding me up, the floor and I would have been quite acquainted.
“So, where is he then?” I managed to groan out. I hoped I sounded annoyed and not super flustered, which is what I was feeling with his uber-close proximity.
“I don’t know. I’m not his keeper, but he’s here somewhere,” Brax snorted. “Why is it so important to get him here anyway? I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love hanging with my baby bro, but you were adamant he had to come tonight, which makes me think you’re up to something,” Brax spoke into my ear again.
I couldn’t take it. Screw the drink, I needed fresh air A.S.A.P. Ducking under his arm, I pushed him out of the way and made a beeline for the beer garden. But as I pushed open the glass door, I felt the impact and heard, “Argh!!!” Oh God, I’d pushed the door straight into some poor guy’s nose!
I let go of the door and brought my hands up to cover my face, too scared to look. Oh God, oh God, oh God. I felt the chilly gust of air as the door was flung open again. Taking a peek out through the crack between my fingers, I saw none other than Goatee, I mean Thomas, holding a hand over his bleeding nose.
“Shit! Thomas! Oh my God, I’m so sorry!” I cried.
Grabbing him by the shirtsleeve, I took the lead and began pulling him as fast as I could through the crowd and towards the back offices where I knew Damon kept his first-aid kit. Being accident prone, I had to know exactly where he kept the medical supplies. Usually, I was fine—it was other people that really needed to steer clear of me completely or give me a tremendously wide-berth.
As we walked along the corridor, the perfect opportunity presented itself—May was just coming out of the women’s bathroom. That’s when I decided to push Thomas in front of her.
“May, you have to help him! I’m freaking out about all the blood.”
“Oh, jeepers. What happened?” May asked urgently, trying cautiously to peer behind Thomas’ hands to inspect the damage.
“I happened. I pushed a door into his face, which, mind you, I’m going to have to talk to Damon about the dangers…”
“Yes, you do that, Jess,” May cut my rambling. She grabbed Thomas and led him to the end of the corridor and through the door into the office.
I watched them disappear and couldn’t help but smile. Plan “Help May Find Love” was officially in play! Damn, this whole matchmaker thing was working like a charm. Maybe I had found my new calling—Sparkles the Matchmaker fairy.
The sad thing was I had no idea exactly what was about to be set in motion.

Author Bio:
Wow! How do I sum up my life? .... Well, I'm a mother of Three little princes who light my life. A wife to a very patient husband who puts up with my hectic thinking. A completely imperfect woman who sees the grace of God everyday. Especially when I toe the lines with my writing. I don't give you fairytales, I bring a lot of the real world into my stories. A tattooed, plus size, coffee drinking, wears her heart on her sleeve, incessant chatterer!
My love is writing and reading fiction. I'm also one of the world's worst cooks, but I love food!
As for being an Author, I seriously can not pick a Genre and stick to it. Yes, i'm pretty mixed up. I need comedy, tear jerkers, flawed characters, a little adventure and a big escape. So, I write it all!!!
I spend way too much time on Facebook. I LOVE to chat with other readers and writers. So if you want to contact me or join the fun then Come and join Sarah Gai's Sparkle Girls Group. See excerpts from upcoming books, teasers, behind the scenes, Cover reveals and giveaways! What are you waiting for?



Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Barclay Book Tours Book Reviews: Make Me Fall

Enemies make the worst neighbors, but the best lovers in Sara Rider’s MAKE ME FALL, the second book in her standalone Books & Brews series. Eli doesn’t have a lot of sympathy for his uptight neighbor, Nora, until he hears about her “un-datable” status and all it takes is one disastrous date with Nora for Eli to fall hard. Fans of Lauren Layne, Jenny Holiday’s ONE AND ONLY, and THE FINE ART OF FAKING IT by Lucy Score will devour this opposites attract, fun buy sexy romance.

Title: Make Me Fall
Author: Sara Rider
Release Date: September 24, 2018
Publisher: Self-published
Series: Books & Brews #2
Genres: Contemporary Romance
Page Count: 226


After losing her job, her home, and her friends in her divorce, Nora Pitts is determined not to make the same mistakes when she starts over in the small town of Shadow Creek, Washington. No more toiling away in the lab at the expense of her social life, and definitely no more men. Ever. But making friends in her thirties is so much harder than she anticipated. And when it comes to her gorgeous yet obnoxious neighbor, it’s a whole lot easier to make enemies.

Eli Hardin doesn’t have a lot of sympathy for his uptight neighbor, until he overhears her so-called new friends making fun of her un-datable status. Suddenly he finds himself volunteering for a date with a woman who’s been leaving angry hate-notes in his mailbox, and in way over his head. Because all it takes is one disastrous date with Nora for Eli to fall hard.

But falling for Eli isn’t something Nora’s ready for—not when he’s her complete opposite, and especially not when he turns out to be the best friend she’s made in Shadow Creek. But as her attraction and her feelings for Eli grow hotter, resisting him might just lead to heartbreak anyway.

Find out more at: Amazon | iBooks | B&N | Kobo
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Review:  Make Me Fall was really such a fun read. I've not read my enemies to lovers stories, but this one might make me a fan of that trope for good.

Its about an end to a relationship and new beginnings with a lot of laughs in between.

It was really a fun and funny book!

Rating: 5 flowers

Copyright © 2018 Sara Rider

Eli marked off twenty-six and three-quarter inches as precisely as he could and lifted the blade of the circular saw.
Oh my God, I soooo wasn’t kidding,” one of the women next door said loudly. “Nora really does need to get laid.”
His shoulders tensed. This wasn’t the first time he’d overheard the women loudly shit-talking his neighbor behind her back. He had no idea why she hung out with them.
Maybe you should set her up with someone,” another woman added.
The other two laughed. “Can you imagine Nora on a date? She’s so uptight and frigid. Who would want to date her? No lay is worth that kind of torture. Can’t you just picture her busting out her bottle of sanitizer before the poor sap tries to hold her hand?”
His jaw tensed and he felt the last of his patience snap like an icicle in his warm hands. He sliced the saw through the wood, threw his protective glasses onto the ground, and marched over to the waist-high chain link fence. “I’d do it.”
All three women turned to look at him like he was a space alien who’d just beamed down to earth. The one who’d been talking the most leaned forward in her seat. “What did you just say?”
You heard me. I’d go out with her.”
You can’t be serious.”
The more this woman pushed, the more he wanted to put her in her place. No, Nora was not the kind of woman he would normally ask out—mainly because she was one of the few who didn’t seem to fall for his charm. In fact, he was pretty sure she didn’t think he had any charm whatsoever, but she was attractive and smart enough to read a book every month. That alone made her more dateable than half the population in this town. “Sure as hell am.”
The woman leaned forward, smiling at him like he was freshly caught prey in her snare. “If you’re looking for a date, I could show you a much better time.”
He shrugged, keeping his fake smile on his face. “No thanks. Backstabbing and mean isn’t my type.”
He probably enjoyed the shocked look on the woman’s face a little too much, but it was seriously fucking rude to trash-talk the hostess while sitting on her porch and eating her canapés.
The screen door slid open right at that moment. Nora walked out with a plate of decadent-looking mini-chocolate cakes that made his mouth water on sight. Her eyes darted from her friends to him and back again. “Um, what’s going on?”
He rested his hands against the old chain-link fence. “What’s going on is that your so-called friends are talking trash about your love life behind your back and don’t seem to think you can get a date. So I volunteered.”
You what?”
Volunteered. You and me. Tomorrow night at seven. I’ll drive.”
She slammed the cake tray onto the coffee table and set her hands on her hips. She looked around, like she couldn’t decide where to focus her anger. Of course she settled on him. “Who says I’d want to go out with you?”
He raised his eyebrow, liking the way she got flustered around him a little too much. “Got better plans?”
Even at the distance between them, he could see her suck in a breath. Her mouth hardened into a flat line, but she didn’t say no.
Tomorrow. Seven. Dinner. Oh, and consider making new friends who aren’t so damn mean. These ladies don’t deserve any of those amazing-looking cakes.” He grabbed his plank of wood and headed into the house, wondering what the hell he’d just gotten himself into.  

Want Some More Books & Brews from Sara Rider? Pick up a copy of RIGHT KIND OF LOVE today!

Enter to win a $25 Amazon Gift Card and six digital copies of REAL KIND OF LOVE!

About Sara Rider:

Sara Rider writes contemporary romance full of heart, heat, and happily ever after. She lives in British Columbia with her husband and daughters. She spends far too much time in public libraries and never leaves the home without her e-reader stuffed in her purse.

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Barclay Book Tours First Look: Quick Fall

Here’s your FIRST LOOK at QUICK FALL by Michelle Dayton! Join us as we get our first peek at this spicy, yet sweet opposites attract romance. Check out the excerpt and enter to win a gift card and advanced reader copies!

Find out what happens in QUICK FALL by Michelle Dayton, when sparks fly between Justin Tracy, the eternal ladies man, and his new tenant, Maddy Trainor, a feisty single mom. It was supposed to be uncomplicated fun and sexy times ... it wasn’t supposed to be love. Fans of Christina Lauren and NO MORE MR. NICE GUY by Amy Andrews will love this spicy and sweet opposites attract romance.
Title: Quick Fall
Author: Michelle Dayton
Published: October 8, 2018
Publisher: Self-published
Series: Tracy Brothers #2
Genres: Contemporary Romance

Justin Tracy, the perennial life of the party, is used to being teased by his friends about his success with the ladies. Not that he’ll ever get serious with one. Why should he? His life is absolutely perfect the way it is. But at his brother’s bachelor party, a drunken bet about his womanizing skill gets a little out of control. Before he knows it, his friends have invited his new tenant – a woman he’s never even met – to go to his brother’s wedding with him.

Single mom Maddy Trainor has just moved back to Chicago, ready to reclaim her life and conquer the city. Maddy’s determined to get her new business off the ground and build a happy home for her son, Teddy. She didn’t expect a gorgeous landlord, but ogling Justin Tracy is definitely a bonus to her new apartment.

Justin intends to apologize to Maddy for the out-of-the-blue wedding invitation and get gone, but his new neighbor turns out to be funny, whip-smart, and sexy as hell. Why not take her to the wedding for real? Just as friends, of course. To Maddy, the wedding – one night of champagne and dancing with a self-admitted Peter Pan – sounds like amazing no-strings fun. But the sparks that blaze between the two of them can’t be contained to one night. And two people who think they have life figured out are about to realize they know nothing about love …

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Quick Ride Excerpt
Copyright © 2018 Michelle Dayton
Justin caught Maddy in his arms just as she turned to head back to their table. “Not so fast,” he said. “May I have this dance?”
Her cheeks were flushed from the exercise, and her eyes glowed like candles again. “Absolutely.”
He pulled her close. So close he could smell the shampoo she’d used on her hair. She moved her hands up and down his biceps before settling them lightly on his shoulders. He gripped her hips, loving how they swayed back and forth beneath his touch.
Everything felt so good that half the song passed before he spoke again. “You looked great out here,” he murmured into her hair.
She tipped her head back. “I told you I love to dance.”
He moved his hands from her hips to her lower back so that she was pressed even tighter against him. Then he whispered in her ear, “You did not tell me, however, how sexy you look while doing it.” Bizarrely, on their own, his lips traveled down and pressed a kiss to the skin beneath her earlobe.
What the hell was he doing? He was never into PDA. Occasionally, he’d put his arm around a woman or give her a teasing kiss on the cheek—the kind that came with a smacking sound effect. He didn’t even usually hold hands.
But here he was, in public, with his mouth on Maddy’s skin. And it wasn’t a dry peck either. His lips wanted to explore. His tongue was dying to taste her. Briefly, he let it.
She shivered against him, moved her own hands higher so they were locked around his neck. “Some things you just have to find out for yourself.”
The words were a throaty chuckle, said with the cadence of a confident woman. He went hard as a rock.
Pressed so tightly against him, she could hardly fail to notice. Would she pull away, deflect, pretend they weren’t rubbing against each other as much as physically possible in public?
She didn’t. In fact, she did something between a whisper and a moan, stood on her toes, and kissed his throat.
Jesus. “When this song ends, you’re going to have to shield me as we walk back to our table.” His voice was a desperate laugh. “You’ve put me in a … complicated position.”
She squirmed against him, making it worse. “Really?” she said innocently, arching an eyebrow. “This position seems fairly simple to me.” She laughed, low in her throat. “I’m guessing you know positions that are a lot more complicated.”

Meet Justin’s older brother, Garrett Tracy!
FAST RIDE is on sale for $.99! Grab your copy today!
Buy Now: Amazon | iBooks | B&N | Kobo

Enter to win a $15 Amazon gift card and eARCs of QUICK RIDE!
10 will win copies!!!

About Michelle Dayton:

There are only three things Michelle Dayton loves more than sexy and suspenseful novels: her family, the city of Chicago, and Mr. Darcy. Michelle dreams of a year of world travel – as long as the trip would include weeks and weeks of beach time. As a bourbon lover and unabashed wine snob, Michelle thinks heaven is discussing a good book over an adult beverage
Follow Michelle: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Amazon | BookBub

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

TLC Book Tours Book Review: The Secrets We Carrie

About The Secrets We Carried

• Paperback: 368 pages
• Publisher: William Morrow Paperbacks (September 25, 2018)

Readers who love Susan Wiggs and Susan Mallery will adore New York Times bestselling author Mary McNear newest novel. A young woman travels home to Butternut Lake, confronting her past and the tragedy she and her friends have silently carried with them for over a decade while also facing an unknown future.

Butternut Lake is an idyllic place—but for one woman, her return to the lake town she once called home is bittersweet…

Sometimes life changes in an instant.

Quinn LaPointe grew up on beautiful Butternut Lake, safe, secure, sure of her future. But after a high school tragedy, she left for college and never looked back. Becoming a successful writer in Chicago, she worked to keep out the dark memories of an accident that upended her life. But now, after ten years, she’s finally returned home.

Butternut is the same, and yet everything is changed. Gabriel Shipp, once her very best friend, doesn’t want anything to do with her. The charming guy she remembers is now brooding and withdrawn. Tanner Lightman, the seductive brother of her late boyfriend, wants her to stick around. Annika Bergstrom, an old classmate who once hated Quinn, is now friendly. Everyone, it seems, has a secret.

Determined to come to terms with the tragedy and rebuild old relationships, Quinn settles into Loon Bay Cabins, a rustic but cozy lakeside resort, where she begins writing down her memories of the year before the accident. Her journey though the past leads her to some surprising discoveries about the present. As secrets are revealed and a new love emerges, Quinn finds that understanding the past is the key to the future.

Purchase Links

HarperCollins | Amazon | Barnes & Noble

Review: I am so glad Mary McNear kept on with the Butternut Lake series. This is book 6 in the series, but it definitely can be read as a stand alone novel.

Quinn was involved in a tragic accident 10 years prior, and she now comes back to Butternut Lake.  Its a story of secrets and mysteries and a little heartbreak. People running from their past.

I wasn't as fond of this story as with the earlier books in the series, because I liked having a bit more romance than there was. The love story wasn't as much front and center as with other books. This book is much more emotional than the others. The ending is pretty much a tear jerker. I love when a book does that.

Its a very sweet and powerful read.

Rating 4 flowers

About Mary McNear

Mary McNear, New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of the Butternut Lake series, writes in a local doughnut shop, where she sips Diet Pepsi, observes the hubbub of neighborhood life, and tries to resist the constant temptation of freshly made doughnuts. Mary bases her novels on a lifetime of summers spent in a small town on a lake in the northern Midwest.

Find out more about Mary at her website, and connect with her on Facebook and Twitter.

Great Escapes Book Tour : Past and Present

Past & Present: A Marketville Mystery by Judy Penz Sheluk

About the Book

Cozy Mystery 2nd in Series Superior Shores Press (September 21, 2018) Paperback: 232 pages ISBN-10: 0995000735 ISBN-13: 978-0995000735 Digital ASIN: B07FYZ6HPF
Sometimes the past reaches out to the present...
It’s been thirteen months since Calamity (Callie) Barnstable inherited a house in Marketville under the condition that she search for the person who murdered her mother thirty years earlier. She solves the mystery, but what next? Unemployment? Another nine-to-five job in Toronto?
Callie decides to set down roots in Marketville, take the skills and knowledge she acquired over the past year, and start her own business: Past & Present Investigations.
It’s not long before Callie and her new business partner, best friend Chantelle Marchand, get their first client: a woman who wants to find out everything she can about her grandmother, Anneliese Prei, and how she came to a “bad end” in 1956. It sounds like a perfect first assignment. Except for one thing: Anneliese’s past winds its way into Callie’s present, and not in a manner anyone—least of all Callie—could have predicted.

Review: First of all, don't judge a book by its cover. I'm really bad at that, but I'm glad that I gave this book a go, because it was so worth it.

I love the Cold Case aspect of this book. That was one of my favorite shows and this book gives me that in spades. I also like that is more than just another mystery series. Its got the fun quirky characters, but I like the fact that our main character was a PI.

This was a fabulous quick read that I really couldn't get enough of. I absolutely love mysteries that have a historical aspect to them

I can't wait to read more by Judy Penz Sheluk

Rating: 5 flowers

About the Author

Judy Penz Sheluk is the author of two mystery series: The Glass Dolphin Mysteries (THE HANGED MAN’S NOOSE and A HOLE IN ONE) and The Marketville Mysteries (SKELETONS IN THE ATTIC). Judy’s short crime fiction appears is several collections. She is a member of Sisters in Crime, International Thriller Writers, the Short Mystery Fiction Society, and Crime Writers of Canada, where she currently serves on the Board of Directors as the Regional Representative for Toronto/Southern Ontario. Find Judy on her website/blog at, where she interviews and showcases the works of other authors and blogs about the writing life.

Author Links Website Facebook Twitter Amazon GoodReads Pinterest Publisher
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Goddess Fish Promotions Book Blast: Sweet Christmas Kisses

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. The authors will be awarding a $10 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Fill your holiday stocking with love and 9 sweet romance novellas, from USA Today, Publisher’s Weekly, and award-winning authors. Sweet Christmas Kisses 5 brings you heartwarming contemporary romances that celebrate the joy of the season around the world, including in snowy Maine and the sun-kissed skies of Florida, the mountains of Colorado, small-town Illinois and South Carolina, New York to San Francisco, and even the glittering lights of Paris and the old-world charm of Florence. The Sweet Christmas Kisses 5 bundle features all-new, standalone novellas that will make you smile and fill your heart with the Christmas spirit.

Christmas With The Poker Group by Beate Boeker, USA Today Bestselling Author. After losing her beloved grandmother and getting dumped by her boyfriend, Sabrina is left feeling like Scrooge this Christmas. She makes a plan to survive the holidays in Florence, only to realize her grieving grandfather has a plan of his own. One that involves the crazy Mantoni family and the distractingly handsome man she’s determined to avoid. It’s beginning to look a lot like a tricky Christmas.

About the Author: Beate Boeker is a USA Today bestselling author with a passion for books that brim over with mischief & humor. She writes sweet, sophisticated romantic fiction and cozy mysteries, many of them set in beautiful Italy. While “Boeker” means “books” in a German dialect, her first name Beate can be translated as “Happy” . . . and with a name that reads “Happy Books,” what else could she do but write novels with a happy ending?

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Christmas With The Carmichaels by Christine Bush, USA Today Bestselling Author. Widow and retiree Gabby is ready for a rocking chair. At least according to her daughter. Except maybe she’s not. After getting stranded in a Maine snowstorm with a silver-haired fox, Gabby might find the courage to say “yes” to life once more, and find a Christmas love she never expected.

About the Author: Christine Bush is an award-winning author of many sweet romances, mysteries, and novellas. When she’s not writing, she can be found teaching Psychology at a local college, working as a Marriage and Family Therapist in private practice, or (mostly) spending time with her twelve grandchildren.


The Mistletoe Bachelor Auction by Milou Koenings, USA Today bestselling author. When a supermodel with a string of bad news boyfriends “wins” a volunteer firefighter at a charity bachelor auction, Rose and Ryan might both discover they’ve found their perfect Christmas match. A fun and romantic holiday tale set in the fictional town of Green Pines, Illinois.

About the Author: USA Today bestselling author Milou Koenings writes heartwarming romance novels because sweet stories with happy endings are like chocolate – they bring joy to the world and so make it a better place. She’s lived all over the world, working as an editor and newspaper columnist, but loves staying home with her family most of all. She's the author of the Green Pines Romance series.



Sweet Peppermint Kisses by Josie Riviera, USA Today Bestselling Author. Sometimes the best gifts are hiding right under your Christmas tree. His emotions were once trampled flat. Can he throw his heart over the fence toward the ultimate Christmas gift—a future filled with love? A holiday tale about the healing power of love, set in the charming fictional town of Cherish, South Carolina.

About the Author: Author Josie Riviera writes Historical, Inspirational, and Sweet Romances. She lives in the Charlotte, NC, area with her wonderfully supportive husband. They share their empty nest with an adorable Shih Tzu who constantly needs grooming and an old house forever needing renovations. Facebook:


Christmas In Paris by Roxanne Rustand, USA Today Bestselling Author. Kindergarten teacher Heather thought all her dreams were coming true—until she was jilted by her fiancé three months before their Christmas wedding. Since the honeymoon to Paris is already paid for, Heather determines to go sans groom and have a great time, no matter what. Love is not part of her travel plans, but when a handsome young doctor literally runs into her on the street, the magic of Christmas in Paris may cause a change of heart.

About the Author: USA Today bestselling author Roxanne Rustand is the author of thirty-five traditionally published novels, plus four indie novels. She was a Golden Heart finalist twice, and a Golden Heart winner in 1995. She has won two RT Magazine Reviewers’ Choice Awards, and was nominated for an RT Magazine Career Achievement Award. Her earlier books were secular, but she now writes sweet indie romance, and inspirational romance for Love Inspired.



Second Chance Christmas by Kristin Wallace, USA Today Bestselling Author. Ten years ago, Mia Reynolds and Win Barrington spent one magical Christmas together—until lies and manipulation tore them apart, and left Mia to raise a daughter all on her own. Now, both are back in their hometown of Palm Cove, Florida just in time for the holidays. Once they uncover the truth about what happened, can Mia and Win rediscover love and celebrate a Second Chance Christmas with their daughter?

About the Author: Kristin Wallace is a USA Today bestselling author of inspirational, contemporary and women’s fiction filled with “Love, Laughter and a Leap of Faith.” Her popular series include the Covington Falls Chronicles and Shellwater Key Tales.



Ghosts From Christmas Past by Mary Alford, Publisher’s Weekly Bestselling Author. She was the love of his life, until a tragic accident on Christmas Eve left Charlotte Swenson in a coma. For eight years, Sheriff Dylan Parker of Bitter Creek, Colorado has held on to the hope that somehow his love will find a way back to him. And when Charlotte opens her eyes, just days before Christmas, Dylan can’t help but believe a holiday miracle may grant his every wish.

About the Author: Publisher’s Weekly bestselling author Mary Alford was inspired to become a writer after reading such romantic suspense greats as Victoria Holt and Phyllis Whitney. Creating characters and throwing them into dangerous situations that test their faith was a challenge, but 2012 Mary received “the call” to publish her first book — a dream come true. Today, Mary writes Christian romantic suspense, and small-town contemporary romances.



Christmas Pizza To The Rescue by Jean C. Gordon. When a freak winter storm strands them alone at the Team Macachek barracks in Central New York, champion motocross racer Royce Evans and out-of-work investigative reporter turned pizza deliverer Samantha Linder strike a bargain that benefits them both. But when it appears Sam has broken the agreement, will the spirit of Christmas be strong enough to save their blossoming holiday love?

About the Author: Award-winning sweet and inspirational author Jean C. Gordon writes what she knows best — small-town, happily-ever-afters set in her native Upstate New York.



The Love Clause by Liwen. Y. Ho. He needs a fake girlfriend to advance his career. She needs a pretend date to keep her mom off her case during the holidays. The solution to both of their problems? A contractual relationship with one clause: neither of them can fall in love. A Christmas tale set in romantic San Francisco that will cause this reluctant couple to rethink the “no love” clause.

About the Author: Liwen Y. Ho writes sweet and inspirational romance infused with heart, humor, and a taste of home (her Asian roots). She lives in California with her family and blogs about life as a recovering perfectionist.


Monday, September 24, 2018

Release Day Blitz; Butterfly Ops

What's a superheroine to do when her super soldier ex turns up alive after more than fifteen years?
Follow the first look and enter to #win a $10 Amazon Gift Card or one of five digital copies of a Jen Doyle backlist title
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Title: Butterfly Ops
Author: Jen Doyle
Series: Butterfly Ops
Genre: Contemporary Fantasy with Romantic Elements
Release Date: Sept 24, 2018
Length: 120,000 words

What's a superheroine to do when her super soldier ex turns up alive after more than fifteen years?
Lyndsey doesn't have much time to walk down memory lane before she and Ian find themselves thrown together to investigate the mysterious deaths of ten young men in the Canadian wilderness. How do such seemingly normal, healthy men's hearts just...stop?

With the hint of an evil spirit in the wind--and a whole lot of butterflies--there's no telling what Lyndsey and Ian are dealing with, including their own extensive baggage. Though seventeen years is a lot of life to live, there's one thing they can't deny: their attraction is as intense as ever. But is it just a spark that will burn itself out, or is it true love bringing them back together? When the force they're hunting turns its sights on them, the leap of faith required far exceeds either of their powers. But worrying about their future might be premature because one wrong move and they might not make it out alive.

In Book One of the Butterfly Ops trilogy, Lyndsey and Ian reconnect fifteen years after seeing each other for what each thought was the last time. That the spark is still there is undeniable—but is it enough to get past the secrets and lies that tore them apart the first time around? With old tensions rearing their heads as new challenges arise, what at first seems to be a sure path back to trust and happiness is rockier than it seems.

Note: this is Book One in a serial trilogy. Book Two will be released in Spring 2019; Book Three will be released in early Summer 2019. Books should be read in order. 

Find out more at: Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iBooks | Kobo

Excerpt 1:
What she should have been thinking about was spending three weeks in the woods with the next generation of the Army teams that had spent almost a year trying to kill her. Possibly even with some of the very same men, if Matt’s presence were any indication. That realization had used up all of five seconds of her mental energy, however. Army teams = men with guns who might still think of her as the enemy = she was going to have to watch her back even more so than in normal circumstances. Noted. Moving on.
What she couldn’t get her mind off of, however, was Ian. Spending three weeks with Ian. Even if he wasn’t going to actually be out in the woods with her, she’d seen enough about how Matt had operated to know they’d be connected, possibly even around the clock for that whole time.
Oh, God, she thought, sitting back in her seat. What if they really did end up on this job together for who knew how long? She had no idea how she’d manage to accomplish anything. It was all she could do right now not to openly stare. And it certainly wasn’t helping that—what was her name, Julianna?—was being totally flirty with Ian while talking about weapons, no less. If there was anything Lyndsey knew about Army guys, it was that they liked their toys.
Not fair, Lyndsey thought, fighting the urge to glare. She couldn’t exactly get all WWE and jump on the table and be like, Weapons? You think you’re getting to him because you know the difference between a Glock and a, um, not-a-Glock? Well, check this out. My body is a weapon. If he’d stuck around he would’ve gotten to benefit from that fully. What he did see, though, he totally liked. So top that Miss Desk Job.
Unfortunately, a somewhat irritated “Hmph” did slip out.
Conversation stopped as heads turned her way. “Lyndsey?” Matt said, eyebrows all bunched up into a frown. “Did you want to add something?”
Feeling her cheeks grow alarmingly warm, Lyndsey looked down at the table in front of her. “No,” she mumbled. “Sorry. Go on.”

Excerpt 2:
Of course, in all the years since the night they’d broken up, Lyndsey had realized it went a lot further than him just trying to get her to leave; he’d probably had a much better sense of what was to come after he did. Asking Lyndsey to come with him had been Ian’s last resort, what he’d fallen back on when she’d refused to back down. But remembering that about him—understanding how deeply he’d wanted to protect Lyndsey that night, it wasn’t too hard to guess what the last fight with his wife was about. “You wanted her to stay home. You didn’t want her on that flight.”
I wanted her to be the one who didn’t die,” he snapped. Then, clearly aware of how defensive he sounded, his voice grew quiet. “It was one of those things you say in the heat of it all, just to make someone mad.” He paused before adding, “But I was too damn proud to give in. Biggest mistake I ever made in my life. Thought I couldn’t top the one I made with you. It turns out I was wrong.”
When he looked up there were tears in his eyes. His hand was right there, resting next to hers. How could she not reach out to him? She couldn’t help it any longer. “Ian...”
She supposed it wasn’t a shock that he pulled his hand back. The only real surprise was that he didn’t walk away— and that he actually kept talking.
It took a few months for it to fully hit. I totally lost it at Jack’s first birthday party. It was the first time they let Matt leave the hospital. Saw him in that wheelchair and whammo.” The detachment was back; there was even a touch of the self-deprecating thing Ian was so good at. “Handed Jack over to my mom and barely made it upstairs. It wasn’t pretty. Mom’s been here ever since. My dad retired two years later and came east. There you have it.” He spread his hands open wide. “No more secrets.”
I don’t know what to say,” Lyndsey said quietly. “I’m so sorry.”
He picked up his beer bottle and tossed it across the deck, sinking it perfectly into the trashcan. There was the sound of the glass shattering. “Yeah. So… Eight and a half years. The first few were hell. It’s gotten better.”
Thus all the women in your life,” Lyndsey said, surprising herself with the words she’d just spoken out loud.
Now why would she go and say that? There was nothing but bad there.
He raised his eyebrows in a ‘Really?’ kind of way. Part amused, part irritated, Ian answered, “I’ve got plenty of women in my life.”
Your kids, your mom, Matt’s wife. Seems you’re missing a biggie.”
And, no, she had absolutely nothing invested in the response to that.
You, too?” He seemed to be looking around for something else to throw. “I don’t need anyone else trying to fix me up. I’m perfectly—”
Happy,” she finished for him. “Yeah. That’s what I tell them, too. Doesn’t necessarily mean it’s true.” If she had to be perfectly honest.
There was a pause before he said, “So why aren’t you?” He folded his arms in front of his chest, the smile on his face saying, Dare ‘ya. “Happy, I mean.”
She hesitated. Hadn’t quite expected him to throw it right back at her. He’d never been one for asking questions; everyone who knew him knew that.
Thinking about changing the subject?” he said, his smile broadening. “Unh-uh. Your turn.”
Talk about busted. Darn it. She shrugged. “I’ve been in love three times. I know what it feels like. I don’t want to settle.”
Three times, huh?” Though his arms stayed folded, he turned so he was leaning sideways against the wall, facing her. “You’ve got me beat by one.”
She got caught up for a minute, lost in his eyes, thinking about how much she wanted to kiss him.
Stop thinking about kissing him.
It wasn’t her usual practice to jump on someone the moment he entered her vicinity, even if he happened to be in the small club of men she’d had an actual relationship with—a real, honest-to-goodness relationship. Not the marking time one like she’d been in with Steve for the past several months.
But her body was busy making the point that it never had the chance to properly say good-bye. Never had that one last tender kiss, one last caress. Not even a run-of-the-mill hug.
The nearness of him now did nothing to ease the ache. Really—all she wanted was good-bye. The fact that she was at a point in her life where the whole second chance thing had better odds? She wasn’t going to entertain the thought. Couldn’t. No siree.
She made herself blink and look away. “I should probably tell you I’m sorry for asking, but...” Well... “I’m not.”
He grinned. “You know? It actually feels good to talk about her. I don’t much, not to an adult at least.”
Lyndsey realized she was fidgeting—running her hands down her thighs towards her knees, letting her feet kick against the wall. Very deliberately, she rested her hands alongside of her, flat on the ledge. “You talk to your kids about her? You don’t avoid answering their questions?”
He shook his head. “I swore to myself the night Abby died that I’d never hold anything back from my kids. And these days I pretty much say what’s on my mind no matter how dumb it sounds. Learned that lesson the hard way.”
Good policy, she thought, especially because it opened him up to the question: “So what’s on your mind right now?” she asked quietly. Breathlessly.
He looked at her and then, cheeks reddening, quickly turned away.
Set myself up for that one, didn’t I?” Ian said it almost under his breath, as though he were laughing at himself. Placing his hands on the ledge, he looked past the buildings to the river. “I’m thinking it was really nice to talk to you about Abby. That it’s been too long since I’ve done that.” He hesitated and then bowed his head, adding softly, “And that it seems like a total betrayal of her memory, but all I want to do right now is kiss you.” He turned back to her. “It’s all I’ve wanted to do since the moment I saw you.”
Not wanting to wait another second, Lyndsey put her hands on his face and drew him to her. After a moment’s hesitation, his hands were on her waist, on her hips, and his mouth opened. It didn’t take long for his tongue to find all the old, familiar places.
Who was she kidding? Forget good-bye. Hello. Good. Freaking. Lord.

Author Bio: A big believer in happily ever afters, Jen Doyle decided it was high time she started creating some. CALLING IT, her four-book baseball/contemporary romance/romantic comedy series, has been winning awards since its inception, the most recent being the 2017 Best Banter Contest for Calling It and a nomination for the 2017 Harlequin Hero of the Year for Called Out. She also wrote the acclaimed HANSONS OF ST. HELENA series of novellas in the St. Helena Vineyard Kindle World. Butterfly Ops: Book One is the first installment of the BUTTERFLY OPS trilogy, an epic love story and her first in the paranormal realm.

Jen has an M.S. in Library and Information Science and, in addition to her work as a librarian, has worked as a conference and events planner as well as an administrator in both preschool and higher education environments (although some might say that there is very little difference between the two; Jen has no comment regarding whether she is one of the “some”). She is a member of the Romance Writers of America and is represented by Sarah E. Younger of the Nancy Yost Literary Agency.

You can visit her online at the following places: Website Facebook | Twitter Goodreads | Amazon | BookBub | Pinterest

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