Wednesday, June 3, 2020

TLC Book Tours Book Review: Dali Summer

About Dali Summer

• Paperback: 344 pages
• Publisher: Tule Publishing Group, LLC (May 5, 2020)

Her wild and vivid visions inspire an icon...

Nothing is more important to prim, colorblind Dolors Posa than family and living down the shame of her illegitimate birth, but when the sudden onset of fantastical visions threaten her sterling reputation, she must search for answers before the inhabitants of the tiny village of Cadaqués brand her as demente-- crazy like her mother. In a quest to stop her hallucinations, she befriends a beautiful, intoxicating fortune teller and her handsome anarchist brother, as well as becoming a reluctant muse for thirteen-year-old Salvador Dali. In a summer that changes everything, Dolors must choose between her family's reputation and a life filled with adventure, friendship, rapturous color and the possibility of love.

Set against the political upheaval of 1917 Spain, Dali Summer captures the fierce spirit of Catalonia, the generosity and stubbornness of its people and the blossoming promise of a woman who thought life was bland and empty and had long ago had passed her by.

Review:  1917 Spain is the setting and all I can think of is the pandemic that follows the next year. This is how stressed out I am right now.

This book is so beautiful though. Dolors is a woman of illegitimate birth and she's trying to live down that stigma. Her family is the most important thing to her. Her life is not an easy one, and when she starts having visions, well that threatens her reputation as well as her family's.

Art fans will love the glimpse we get of a young Salvador Dali. Dolors was one of his muses. Reading this book made me long to find out more about her and more about Salvador Dali.

This was the perfect read to start the summer.

Rating: 5 flowers

Social Media

Please use the hashtag #dalisummer, and tag @tlcbooktours.

Purchase Links

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | IndieBound

About T. J. Brown

Well behaved women rarely make history. Teri Brown lived that quote way before she ever even heard it. The two things she is most proud of, (besides her children), is that she jumped out of an airplane once and she beat the original Legend of Zelda video game. She is a novel writer, head banger, pet keeper, math hater, cocktail drinker, booty shaker, book reader, city slicker, food fixer, French kisser, rule breaker, wine sipper and word scribbler. She loves her husband, kitties and chocolate.

Find out more about Teri at her website, and connect with her on Facebook and Twitter.


1. Sara Strand said...

I am so glad you enjoyed this one! Thank you for being on this tour. Sara @ TLC Book Tours

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