Friday, January 29, 2010

An Awesome Novel Of The Chick Lit Variety

I just finished up reading Kelly Harte's hilarious, Guilty Feet. Who would have thought that the 80s classic Careless Whisper would figure in so much in a novel?

If you find it unbelievable, you need to try Guilty Feet out.

The novel centers around Jo and Dan, two ex-lovers on the verge of something and the whacky people that live in the building that Dan does.

Jo moves out on Dan when he says something she considers (and many women) would consider unforgivable. But Jo, like many angry women leaves without telling him why or where she's going, and expects him to follow after her.

When he doesn't, she's miserable and to complicate matters, her job goes belly up and her father moves in with her, having decided he no longer wants to be married to her mother.

Jo's life is definitely chaos. So you can forgive her for creating a fiction person, Sarah Daly, who just starts up an email relationship with Dan, who is a music writer?

Sounds crazy?

Yes, definitely, but it makes for a funny read. Especially when there's a neighbor that has designs on Dan, another neighbor that Jo thinks is already hooking up with Dan and hot Italian waiter and his mother that run a local cafe.

The characters were all believable and funny. This book was more about relationships than sex, and that makes it all the more entertaining. Its also about second chances and you are definitely happy that they happen for Jo and Dan, though it takes the whole book for them to get back together.

This was great light reading and it definitely made me laugh over and over again. Its one for the keeper shelf.


1. Christine said...

I like the sound of this, it might just be that humourous read I was after.

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