Saturday, January 30, 2010

Books and Music

In the last few days I've read two books that music figured in quite prominently. Both books were chicklit books.

Amazing, isn't it?

The first one was Guilty Feet, which I reviewed yesterday, the other was Jennifer Cruise's Charlie All Night. Both used humor over sex to make the story go by. But music really was the underlying thing that moved it along, whether it was Dan's writing in Guilty Feet or the playlist selections of Charlie in his late night radio show in Charlie All Night.

The music was a character in itself and without it, the plots wouldn't have been the same. I loved that in both books, there was one character that really loved their music.

More books should be like these, though the authors have to know their stuff, and thankfully Kelly Harte and Jennifer Cruise do. I guess that's why I like Nick Hornby's novels so much, even the novels that music isn't totally part of the plot, its always in the background.

Its always nice to discover books that have characters that have he same passions that the reader shares. Thanks to those authors that obviously have a great love of music too.

Are there any books you've read that music figured in or had a character that shared a similar interest as you?


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