Thursday, June 26, 2014

Historical Fiction Virtual Book Tours Book Review:Roan Rose

Roan Rose

Publication Date: October 1, 2013
Books We Love, Ltd.
Formats: eBook, Paperback

Loyalty Binds Her.

More like a gangland war for turf and loot than chivalry, the War of Roses disrupted the life of the English commoners for hundreds of years. Roan Rose is the story of one of them, a girl born on the Yorkshire dales. When the Countess of Warwick decides to take sturdy, gentle Rose to Middleham Castle to be companion and bed-time poppet for her youngest daughter, Anne, her fate is changed forever. Rose bears intimate witness to the passions, betrayals, battles and all the reversals of fortune which will shape her lady’s life—and her own. Anne Neville will briefly become a Queen, and Richard, Rose’s secret love, will become a King, one whose name has become synonymous with evil. When her King is betrayed and slain at Bosworth Field, Rose returns to a peasant’s hard life. She has one final service to perform.

Book Trailer for Roan Rose:  

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Review: If you love historical fiction, you need to put Juliet Waldron's books on your reading list. This is the third book of hers that I've read and I have to say, she's now one of my favorite authors in this genre, she puts some of the more well known writers to shame with her attention to detail.

It is a novel of hardship and love and of The War Of The Roses. Like Juliet's other books, you need time to read this one. I get totally absorbed in the story, but I always find myself wanting to learn more.

This is a novel of Richard III a King that I've not read much about, so this was uncharted territory. He's the final Plantagenet king and he was only king for a brief period of time. History paints him as evil though Juliet paints him in a different light with just a foreshadowing of what he did to acquire the throne of England.

Rose is an interesting character whose life gets weaved in with Richard as well as with Anne Neville, the woman that would be his queen. Rose it truly a devoted servant that loves her mistress, perhaps a bit too much.  There were times when I really wanted to choke for her for her actions. Her treatment of her husband was horrid, yet she didn't marry him because she wanted to.

If you are a lover of historical fiction, this is a book you want to read. (As well as Juliet's others)

Rating: 5 flowers

About the Author

 "Not all who wander are lost." Juliet Waldron earned a B. A. in English, but has worked at jobs ranging from artist's model to brokerage. Thirty years ago, after the boys left home, she dropped out of 9-5 and began to write, hoping to create a genuine time travel experience for herself--and for her readers. She loves her grand-girls and her kitties, likes to take long hikes, and reads historical/archeological non-fiction as well as reviewing for the Historical Novel Society. For summer adventure, she rides behind her husband of 50 years on his "bucket list" (black, and ridiculously fast) Hyabusa motorcycle.

You can find more information at or connect with Juliet on Facebook.


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