Monday, June 2, 2014

Historical Fiction Virtual Tours Book Review: Nightingale

Tour Hashtag: #JulietWaldronBlogTour 


Publication: June 5, 2013
Books We Love, Ltd.
Formats: eBook, Paperback
Her body belonged to the Count, but her heart yearned for true love.
18th Century Vienna was glamorous and corrupt, and the pathway to fame could not be trodden in innocence. Count Maximilian discovers Klara in a Nightingale Cage, an orphanage for the abandoned children of musicians. He educates her, fosters her remarkable vocal talent and initiates her into the art of love, intending to create the perfect mistress. The Count controls every aspect of Klara’s life, until Fate, in the form of handsome Akos Almassy, takes a hand. The tall, dark Magyar violinist can make beautiful music and healing potions, too, but can he rescue Klara from the Count—and live?

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Review: This is the kind of historical romance that I really devour. It reminded me a bit of Jane Lark's Illicit Love Of A Courtesan, though Klara isn't a courtesan, but then again, in a way, she is.

Every so often I like a darker romance and this fits the bill.

I love the setting of the novel in Vienna in the 18th century. Its a magical time for music and Juliet has worked in this time period before with her "Mozart" novels. Mozart even figures into the story as a secondary character. I really loved how she portrayed him as a youth, interacting with Klara and Akos.

But what I loved is the relationship with Klara and Akos. You just really loved them both..and of course, hated Max. By the end of the story, you will really hate Max. At first this felt like it was going to be a wonderful story of Klara and Akos' relationship, but then Max comes back and that's how things go to the "dark" side. (In this case physical and mental abuse).

It is a story that has a happily ever after, but one that also has consequences, so it wasn't entirely happy. So in some aspects, it felt real.

Definitely a historical romance for those that like something a little more than a bodice ripper. I look forward to reading more of Juliet's novels.

Rating: 5 flowers


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