Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Book Review: Double Whammy

Author: Gretchen Archer
Title: Double Whammy
Publisher: Henery Press
Publish Date: May 14, 2014
Buy: Amazon
Review Copy Provided By: The author in exchange for an honest review
Book Blurb: 
Davis Way thinks she’s hit the jackpot when she lands a job as the fifth wheel on an elite security team at the fabulous Bellissimo Resort and Casino in Biloxi, Mississippi. But once there, she runs straight into her ex-ex husband, a rigged slot machine, her evil twin, and a trail of dead bodies. Davis learns the truth and it does not set her free—in fact, it lands her in the pokey.

Buried under a mistaken identity, unable to seek help from her family, her hot streak runs cold until her landlord Bradley Cole steps in. Make that her landlord, lawyer, and love interest. With his help, Davis must win this high stakes game before her luck runs out.

Review: It is hard to figure out where to start when it comes to Double Whammy, the first book in the David Way Casino Mystery series.

First, let's talk about the book cover. OMG isn't it adorable? It is absolutely perfect for the book too.

But back to the story, which is fantastic, especially if you like casinos, and I do. (Even though I'm not much of a gambler, I like the pretty lights).

In some ways you really feel like you are learning the workings of a big casino. The Bellissimo is a fancy one. Think The Bogata in Atlantic City or The Bellagio in Vegas.

Davis Way lands a job in the casino's security team, only it is not what it seems. There's a lot of bad bad stuff going on and some of it involves the owner's wife and her twice ex'd husband. (Davis' backstory is both funny and sad at the same time in regards to Eddie).

Davis is really a great character. She's smart and a bit goofy, so you can't help but like her. Her family is off the wall, and her ex's family is a little bit scary. (well more than a little bit)

I love the nicknames Davis gives to some of her co-workers (No Hair and Teeth). One of them is a good guy the other a baddie. I won't spoil it for you though.

Gretchen mixes humor with a great whodunit that keeps the pages turning. I can't wait to read Double Dip, book two in the series.



1. Anonymous said...

Janet Evanovich blurbed this book! Awesome, as I am on a massive Stephanie Plum kick. I have now read books 1 - 3 and I love it. I know nothing about casino's so would be really fun to learn about :).

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