Nun Too Soon
by Alice Loweecey
Nun Too Soon
Paperback: 272 pages
Publisher: Henery Press (January 13, 2015)
ISBN-13: 978-1940976655
E-Book File Size: 522 KB

Paperback: 272 pages
Publisher: Henery Press (January 13, 2015)
ISBN-13: 978-1940976655
E-Book File Size: 522 KB

Giulia Falcone-Driscoll has just taken on her first impossible client: The Silk Tie Killer. He’s hired Driscoll Investigations to prove his innocence and they have only thirteen days to accomplish it. Talk about being tried in the media. Everyone in town is sure Roger Fitch strangled his girlfriend with one of his silk neckties. And then there’s the local TMZ wannabes—The Scoop—stalking Giulia and her client for sleazy sound bites.
Giulia Falcone-Driscoll has just taken on her first impossible client: The Silk Tie Killer. He’s hired Driscoll Investigations to prove his innocence and they have only thirteen days to accomplish it. Talk about being tried in the media. Everyone in town is sure Roger Fitch strangled his girlfriend with one of his silk neckties. And then there’s the local TMZ wannabes—The Scoop—stalking Giulia and her client for sleazy sound bites.
On top of all that, her assistant’s first baby is due any second, her scary smart admin still doesn’t relate well to humans, and her police detective husband insists her client is guilty. About this marriage thing—it’s unknown territory, but it sure beats ten years of living with 150 nuns.
Giulia’s ownership of Driscoll Investigations hasn’t changed her passion for justice from her convent years. But the more dirt she digs up, the more she’s worried her efforts will help a murderer escape. As the client accuses DI of dragging its heels on purpose, Giulia thinks The Silk Tie Killer might be choosing one of his ties for her own neck.
Review: I'm a sucker for books about nuns or ex nuns. I wish I would have known that there was a previous series with the characters from this book, because I would have liked more backstory on Giulia and that just wasn't found here. Mind you, I have one of the books from the previous series on my tbr pile, but I didn't know that until after I have started this one.
The mystery however is great and that's what kept me from getting to confused trying to figure out Giulia's story. Most of the time, I wanted to know more about her time as a nun, or why she left the religious life.
That doesn't stop her from being a really awesome heroine, and her co-workers, Zane and Shirley and husband, Frank are all great. The best thing about Giulia, is that she's professional and not the typical bumbling female sleuth.
From the get go, you hate Roger Fitch. Honestly, there's never been a character that you wish "did" it, in a mystery. And when it comes to Fitch there's more than just a murder that he may or may not be involved in, and that really helps to keep the pages turned.
Oh and there's a crazy TMZ type news show that Giulia keeps getting on, as a result of working on the case. As a person from the Pittsburgh area, where this book is set, I really with there were a "The Scoop" to watch. It would have to be a riot!
Like all books from Henery Press, you'll find yourself laughing as you turn the pages. I look forward to reading more from Alice and going back to find the three books from the previous series. (especially the one I already have).
Rating: 4 flowers
Review: I'm a sucker for books about nuns or ex nuns. I wish I would have known that there was a previous series with the characters from this book, because I would have liked more backstory on Giulia and that just wasn't found here. Mind you, I have one of the books from the previous series on my tbr pile, but I didn't know that until after I have started this one.
The mystery however is great and that's what kept me from getting to confused trying to figure out Giulia's story. Most of the time, I wanted to know more about her time as a nun, or why she left the religious life.
That doesn't stop her from being a really awesome heroine, and her co-workers, Zane and Shirley and husband, Frank are all great. The best thing about Giulia, is that she's professional and not the typical bumbling female sleuth.
From the get go, you hate Roger Fitch. Honestly, there's never been a character that you wish "did" it, in a mystery. And when it comes to Fitch there's more than just a murder that he may or may not be involved in, and that really helps to keep the pages turned.
Oh and there's a crazy TMZ type news show that Giulia keeps getting on, as a result of working on the case. As a person from the Pittsburgh area, where this book is set, I really with there were a "The Scoop" to watch. It would have to be a riot!
Like all books from Henery Press, you'll find yourself laughing as you turn the pages. I look forward to reading more from Alice and going back to find the three books from the previous series. (especially the one I already have).
Rating: 4 flowers
About This Author
Baker of brownies and tormenter of characters, Alice Loweecey recently celebrated her thirtieth year outside the convent. She grew up watching Hammer Horror and Scooby-Doo Mysteries, which might explain a whole lot. When she’s not creating trouble for Giulia Falcone-Driscoll, she can be found growing her own vegetables (in summer) and cooking with them (the rest of the year).
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