Friday, May 8, 2015

Tasty Book Tours Book Review & Excerpt: Ever After

Ever After at Sweetheart Ranch
Valentine Valley # 6
By: Emma Cane
Releasing April 28th, 2015


The only thing hotter than a cowboy...

Math teacher Lyndsay De Luca never surprised anyone-least of all herself-until this summer. First, she secretly published her debut romance novel. Then she started dating Will Sweet, the cowboy of her dreams. And now Lyndsay’s scrambling to hide the juiciest tidbit of all: that the hazel-eyed hero of her steamy fiction is the same guy whose kisses have become her mind-blowing reality.

Is a cowboy in love.

Ever since Will’s high school sweetheart died in a tragic accident, he hasn’t been able to commit to a long-term relationship. Lyndsay is the first woman in years who’s been able to catch-and keep-his attention. She’s fascinated by his work at Sweetheart Ranch, and a glance from her gorgeous brown eyes sends Will’s thoughts wandering. Will she be the one to finally break down the walls around his guarded heart?

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Lyndsay put Will out of her mind and scanned the people scattered through the stands for friends to sit with. Nearby, she saw a big banner that hadn’t been there last week, stretched across two poles and stuck into the ground, in perfect view of the stands.
The Valentine Valley Historical Society needs you!
Vote for Mrs. Rosemary Thalberg for President!
On the left side of the banner was a picture of Mrs. Thalberg wearing a confident smile. Her hair was dyed a flattering red, and her tasteful makeup gave her the appearance of being in her sixties instead of seventies. The woman herself was overseeing the placement of the last pole, making suggestions to her grandsons Nate and Josh Thalberg, who both kept glancing toward their softball team with longing.
“What do you think?”
Lyndsay’s recently renewed best friend, Kate Fenelli, was walking toward her. Still wearing her law firm work clothes of tailored slacks, multicolored top, and blazer, Kate radiated happiness. Her short blond hair was windswept around her head, and her laughing eyes were a violet hue that always made people take a second look.
Ten years ago, when Kate’s marriage with Lyndsay’s brother, Tony, had fallen apart, neither of them had even told Lyndsay they were having problems. The breakup had ruined Lyndsay’s friendship with Kate and strained her sibling love, but you didn’t break up with a brother over something like that. Of course Tony hadn’t been talkative about his problems—he was a guy.
Kate, on the other hand…nine years had gone by, but last fall their friendship was repaired. Kate had quit her job with a powerful Denver law firm and moved back to Valentine Valley to buy into a small, local firm. And somehow, she and Tony had rediscovered their love and were getting remarried in two months.
“I didn’t know about an upcoming vote for the historical society,” Lyndsay remarked to Kate.
“I’m surprised a banner was necessary,” Kate said, crossing her arms over her chest and examining it almost critically. “After all, wouldn’t a mailing to the historical society members accomplish the same thing?”
“That’s right, you were gone nine years and don’t know. Every resident in town is a member of the historical society, automatically.”
Kate blinked at her. “Now that’s interesting.”
“Keeps everyone invested in the town’s history and tourism. The society puts out a great newsletter.”
Kate eyed Mrs. Thalberg. “Are the widows the driving force behind that, too?”
“Oh, they’re part of it all right, but it isn’t their ‘baby,’ like the Valentine Valley Preservation Fund is. But the two groups certainly go hand in hand.”
“And you just know all about this stuff from living here?” Kate asked.
“Nope. Remember, my dad has been dating Mrs. Thalberg for a few months now. I get to hear all the gossip.”
“Uh-oh,” said a deep male voice behind them.

  Review: I discovered Emma Cane's Valentine Valley book about 2 books back and I'm glad I did. I'm just really sad that this is the last installment of the Valentine Valley series, as I really like all the characters in these books.
Valentine Valley is a series much like Debbie Macomber's Cedar Cover series. Its sweet romance in a small town setting. If you love books like that, than you'll want to stop in Valentine Valley.
I really loved Lyndsay. She's the type of girl I wish I could be. She's got a regular job by day,as a math teacher,  but she's got a secret. She's going to be a published romance writer soon.
Like most readers, I dream of being a writer, so that's one of the reasons I loved Lyndsay.
Then there's our hero, Will. A Cowboy. I have to admit, I've always been a fan of cowboys/farmers in contemporary romance, and Will is a perfect hero. He's got his own problems/secrets too. The woman he planned to marry was killed in an accident and he feels guilty about it.
We get to revisit characters from the past books too, which is always nice. If you are new to the series, don't worry, this will only make you want to go back and read the other books. Like most small town series you don't have to read them all.

If you haven't read any of the previous books, you'll meet Tony, who is Lyndsay's brother and his soon to be wife Kate, who is oddly enough his ex-wife too.

Lyndsay wants to hook up with Will to get him out of her system. She's had a crush on him since high school when he was dating her best friend Brittany, the one that died in the accident. Relationships with Will don't last because of his odd sense of guilt.

I really liked how you know from the start that their fling was going to be more than that.
I totally loved this book and can't wait to visit Valentine Valley again
Rating: 5 flowers

Author Info
Emma Cane grew up reading and soon discovered that she liked to write passionate stories of teenagers in space. Her love of “passionate stories” has never gone away, although today she concentrates on the heartwarming characters of Valentine, her fictional small town in the Colorado Rockies.
Now that her three children are grown, Emma loves spending time crocheting and singing (although not necessarily at the same time), and hiking and snowshoeing alongside her husband Jim and two rambunctious dogs Apollo and Uma.

Author Links: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads



1. Emma Cane said...

Thanks so much for the great review!

2. Tasty Book Tours said...

Thank you for hosting EVER AFTER! I too wish I could FINALLY finish one of my manuscripts! sigh...

3. Lover Of Romance said...

I really had a fun time with this one as was definitely a good conclusion to the series. And like you I felt a draw to Lynsay...I loved the secret writer...I doubt I could ever be accomplished as a writer, but as a reader and blogger it is one of those things I would love to have. And their "dates" were so fun to read weren't they? Great review hun. Hope you are well and enjoy the weekend. We are getting rain pretty much all weekend...hope its better weather for ya!

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