Friday, November 4, 2016

Great Escapes Book Tours Book Review: Send In The Clowns

Cozy Mystery
4th in Series
Publisher: Henery Press (October 25, 2016)
Paperback: 246 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1635110814
E-Book ASIN: B01J499OUE


Haunted houses are scary enough without knife-wielding clowns. Especially murderous knife-wielding clowns. So thinks Ellison Russell, single mother, artist, and reluctant sleuth.
Now death wears a red nose and Ellison is up to the blood-stained collar of her new trench coat in costumes, caffeine, and possible killers. Who stabbed Brooks Harney? And why? Money? Jealousy? Drugs?

With Mother meddling, her father furious, and her date dragged downtown for questioning, turns out Ellison’s only confidante is Mr. Coffee.

Books in the Country Club Murders Humorous Mystery Series:
Review:  I read Clouds In My Coffee and thoroughly enjoyed it. Send In The Clowns was equally enjoyable.

I love Ellison and her family. They are such fun family and reading these mysteries reminds me of an upscale That 70s Show, because Julie really takes you back to the 70s in this series.

These are all stand alone novels and they really ae. Julie provides enough backstory that you won't feel lost, but you will want to go back to read each book, that I can guarantee.

I liked the Halloween theme with this book, with Ellison's daughter doesn't come home on time. That prompts Ellison to go hunting for her and she witnesses 2 clowns and one of them ends up dead.  Soon she's up to her neck in another murder investigation.

Can you get any scarier than a mystery involving clowns?

This is a wonderfully written mystery, perfectly capturing the time period.

I can't wait for the next book!

Rating: 5 flowers


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