Thursday, November 10, 2016

TLC Book Tours Book Review: In The Blue Hour

About In the Blue Hour

Paperback: 316 pages
Publisher: Lake Union Publishing (November 1, 2016)
Elise Brooks dreams of a car accident on an icy road. Weeks later, her beloved husband, Michael, is killed in just such a crash. Now, overcome with grief and uncertainty, Elise believes his spirit may be following her in the form of a raven, trying to tell her something from beyond the grave.
Accompanied by Tom Dugan, an engineer and scientist who does not believe in psychics, mediums, or the hoodoo “conjure woman” they encounter on the road, Elise navigates the rituals and omens of the spirit world in an attempt to unravel the mystery of her husband’s message.
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Review: Sometimes there are books you need a little more time to process after reading them. This is one of those books for me.

Its different from what I usually read.

I did enjoy learning about Native American's and their culture and folklore.

It took quite a bit to really grasp what I liked and didn't like about this book. It was an enjoyable read, but the pacing was terribly slow.  Elise's journey to find out what her husband was trying to tell her just took way too long for me, though I did enjoy her journey.

The book was a comfortable read, which sounds strange, but that's the best word I can use to describe how I felt the story.

It was one I didn't blow right through. I read it at a very leisurely pace, which is really how Elise's journey felt to me.

Elise's husband died tragically less than a year prior and she dreamed what happened to him and she has guilt that she could have done something to prevent it.

Then there's the raven that keeps showing up along with a piece of art that he had made of a raven. These things reaffirm her belief that her husband is trying to tell her something from the beyond.

She meets a psychic who gets her started on her journey by introducing her to a man that helps her and her widow's and orphan's group.

The people she met on her way were wonderful and unique. Tom was the perfect foil for her and her friend Monica. He's the critical thinker, and a bit of geek and a nerd, and truth be told, quite lovable.

Through a series of coincidences or through fate or whatever you call it, she meets some wonderful people that give her more to think about when it comes to her husband's message. Then she also gets a seed of doubt from her best friend, which results in a rather climatic event.

The ending was a unique twist but unsatisfying as well. It was very unexpected and totally out of the blue. (Pun intended) I was pleased with the results, but in a way was also let down because of all the expectations that the reader gets while Elise makes her way to Tennessee.

Rating: 4 flowers


1. Heather J @ TLC Book Tours said...

I appreciate a book that keeps me thinking after I finish the final page.

Thanks for being a part of the tour!

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