Tuesday, November 20, 2018

TLC Book Tours Book Review: The Secret Language Of Cats

About The Secret Language of Cats

Hardcover: 288 Pages
Publisher: Hanover Square Press; Original edition (November 1, 2018)
Have you ever wondered what your cat is saying?
Cats do not meow randomly, nor do they growl or hiss because they have nothing better to do. Cat sounds have a purpose, and they can carry important messages, whether for us or other cats.
Susanne Schštz is hard at work on breaking the cat code. She is a professor at Lund University in Sweden, where a long-standing research program is proving that cats do actually use vocal communication—with each other and with their human caretakers. Understanding the vocal strategies used in human-cat communication will have profound implications for how we communicate with our pets, and has the potential to improve the relationship between animals and humans within several fields, including animal therapy, veterinary medicine and animal sheltering.
In The Secret Language of Cats, Schštz offers a crash course in the phonetic study of cat sounds. She introduces us to the full range of feline vocalizations and explains what they can mean in different situations, and she gives practical tips to help us understand our cats better.

Purchase Links

Amazon | Books-A-Million | Barnes & Noble

Review: I'm a self professed "Cat lady".  Eleven kitties reside with me right now and a chihuahua that thinks she's a cat. So this book intrigued me. I want to learn as much about my furbabies as I possibly can.

I'm not sure how I feel about the book. I think part of it has to do with the translation from Swiss to English, but whatever it is the book came across as a little too elementary for me in the writing style while the subject matter sometimes was more complicated. Of course, there is the fact that I'm a cat lady, so if there's been an article written about kitties, I've read it, especially about this particular subject matter.

The best part of the book isn't so much learning about what each cat sound means, but more Susanne's experiences with her own cats. If you read the appendix and check out her website and look and listen to the sounds her cats make, you may find yourself lost for a long while, cos well, kitties meowing and purring = happiness.

As for the information imparted in the book, if you aren't a cat devotee, you will definitely learn something from reading this. For me, I learned more about purring than any other cat sound.

This was a quick read for me and fun.

Oh and I should mention, the illustrations throughout the book are absolutely adorable. So if you are in need of some "book learning" on kitties, this is a good one to pick up.

Rating: 4 flowers


1. Heather J. @ TLC Book Tours said...

Thanks for being on the tour!

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