Friday, October 30, 2020

Cover Reveal Second Start

  We are so excited to share the cover for the upcoming release, Second Start by S.E. Rose. Check out the fantastic cover for Second Start, a must-read second chance romance from the upcoming Holiday Springs Resort series! Title: Second Start Author: S.E. Rose Release Date: 11/20/2020 Series: Holiday Springs Resort, # 5 Tropes/Genres: Second Chance, Contemporary Romance, Holiday Romance

  Will a former Olympic athlete and budding musician get a second chance at their happily ever after? Brittany Evans and Tyson Mitchell were the “it” couple in the Poconos. Until their own dreams and goals got in the way. With broken hearts, they both left their town while doing their best to never look back. But, when a skiing injury and a failed singing career bring them both back home, they find that their feelings may not have iced over after all. Fate has brought them together again, but if Tyson wants to win back Brittany’s heart, he’ll have to prove that she’s the only dream that matters. Escape to the romantic paradise of Holiday Springs and warm-up with your next happily ever after.

Pre-Order Second Start Today!

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USA Today & International Bestselling romance author, S.E. Rose lives near Washington D.C. with her family. When she's not wrangling her cats or keeping up with her kids, she's plotting her next story. She loves all things wine, coffee, and cats. In her non-existent free time, she enjoys traveling, going to concerts, binging on her favorite shows, and reading, especially if it's a good mystery or comedy.

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About the Holiday Springs Resort Series


  Nestled deep in the mountains of Pennsylvania, Holiday Springs Resort promises to bring the heat this winter! Join Forever Write PR and seven amazing authors as they take to the slopes on the adventure of a lifetime and find their happily ever afters. From hot bartenders to brooding exes, Holiday Springs Resort is the place to be. Each story features a brand new couple and a fun trope to love from our amazing line up of authors including: second chance romance and best friend's sibling to jilted brides and friends to lovers. Your holiday wonderland won’t be complete without a widower, office, and enemies to lovers romance. We’ve got a remarkable line of up must-read romance authors including, A.M. Williams, Julie Archer, Kim Bailey, Moni Boyce, S.E. Rose, Stacey Lewis, and B. Ivy Woods. Follow the Holiday Spring Resort series on Facebook for more on release dates, cover reveals, and exclusive book news ➝ This series and all promotional events are brought to you by Forever Write PR - Forever your source for all your writing needs.

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Release Blast Tour: Wicked Again


Lord Haddon is handsome, charming and at least a decade younger than the thrice-widowed Marissa. Engaging in an affair with Haddon might damage Marissa’s reputation and it will definitely compromise her heart. But Haddon can be very persuasive when he wants something and he wants Marissa. Will Marissa give into temptation and allow herself to love again? If you like steamy, historical romance you’ll love Wicked Again.

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  A scandalous affair with a much younger man… Lady Marissa Cupps-Foster has buried three husbands. Only one, her dear Reggie, was a love match. As a woman considered past her prime with two grown sons, she’s decided on discreet trysts when she feels the need for male companionship. Lord Trenton Haddon was only a dalliance. Haddon is tempting but far too young for her. And love is out of the question. Clearly, she isn’t good at it. Determined to forget Haddon, Marissa returns to London and immerses herself in society. A former rake who has never been in love… Seducing the widowed Lady Cupps-Foster was a way to pass the time at a dull house party but instead Haddon fell in love. Unfortunately, the object of his affection ended the affair and returned to London before he could declare himself. But Haddon has the perfect excuse to see Marissa again. His eldest daughter is about to make her debut and as a widower, he is in dire need of direction. Marissa won’t refuse his plea for help. Another chance at love… Haddon can be very persuasive when he wants something, and he wants Marissa. But Marissa is just as convinced he’ll eventually break her heart. Will Marissa allow herself to find love again or will she stand by and watch Haddon marry someone else? Wicked Again is a steamy historical romance set in post-regency London where scandal meets happily ever after. Book 7 of the Wickeds.

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Copyright 2020 @Kathleen Ayers

Despite wanting to forget him, the memory of Haddon never left Marissa, no matter how busy she had kept herself since her return to town. The destruction of Simon and his mother did take up a great deal of her time. And of course, she had holiday festivities to plan. Haddon shouldn’t have entered her thoughts at all. “Lady Cupps-Foster.” The light, spicy scent Haddon favored hovered about his broad shoulders as he bowed before her. Marissa inhaled sharply, filling her nostrils. Haddon’s scent had stayed with her, lingering along with her memories of him and the night she’d spent in his arms. He took her hand, eyes flitting across her bosom as he straightened, a soft purr of male appreciation coming from his chest. The brush of his lips against her knuckles sent a tendril of warmth from her core to slide between her legs. But the touch of his tongue made her knees buckle. Marissa abruptly snatched her hand from his. A mischievous grin crossed his lips, meant to disarm her and indeed any lady he bestowed it upon. It made him quite irresistible. An image of Haddon walking toward her, naked, the same grin firmly in place on his lips, flitted before her eyes. The ballroom had grown very warm. She resisted the urge to fan herself. Realistically, for any woman her age, there was always bound to be someone in the room she had been involved with. Two of Marissa’s previous lovers were at the Cambourne ball tonight, in fact, though she couldn’t for the life of her remember how they looked naked, nor, upon greeting them tonight, had she felt as if her heart might burst from her chest. “Lord Haddon, how lovely to see you again.” “Isn’t it though?” His grin widened further. “Dance with me?” he said as the musicians began to play. Without waiting for an answer, Haddon took her hand in his and led her out to the dance floor, his grip on her fingers tight as the sapphire skirts of her gown wrapped around them both. Marissa had always found the sensation of silk hugging her to a gentleman as they danced to be mildly erotic, though much more so with Haddon than, say, Enderly. Haddon was a graceful dancer, confident and agile. Turning her expertly, he brought Marissa closer to the lean lines of his body with each twist of his hips. They moved easily together, as if they’d danced many times in each other’s arms. In truth, they had only danced once before. The warmth of his palm splayed intimately across the small of her back, fingertips pressing into the skin at the base of her spine. The pressure was seductive. Enticing. Haddon had kissed that very spot during their night together, as well as a great many other places. She saw Adelia out of the corner of her eye watching them with a smug look. “How have you been, Marissa?” The husky growl of her first name sent bits of flame across her arms. “Enjoying London?” “I’m quite well, thank you. I didn’t realize you’d come to town.” The tips of her breasts chafed against the fabric of his coat, stroking her nipples each time he turned her; it was distracting, to say the least. A tiny smirk crossed his beautiful mouth. He knew she was lying. “I don’t come as often as I did before my wife died. My daughters require my attention, as does my estate. London does not.” Haddon had been married very young in a match arranged by his father. His wife had been sickly and bed-ridden during the latter part of his marriage, the birth of his youngest daughter destroying what remained of her fragile health. In between bouts of lovemaking, they’d whispered to each other in the dark and Haddon had told Marissa of his marriage. Another thing she hadn’t done with a previous lover. Dalliance. He had left out his former rakish reputation, and well he might. Though discreet, Haddon certainly had cut a swath through the ladies of London. But unlike most husbands who wouldn’t have cared to be saddled with an ill spouse, he’d been with his wife when she died, at her bedside. After, he had not returned to London to pick up the threads of his life; instead, he’d stayed away from town, choosing to remain with his daughters in the country. Another thing most gentlemen would not have done. “I brought Jordana to London with me.” He mentioned his eldest daughter, to whom Marissa had been introduced to at Brushbriar. “And how does Jordana like town?” Marissa found it hard to have a casual conversation with Haddon, especially when his hips kept brushing hers. “As well as can be expected. But I thought she might enjoy some time here before making her debut. Ease her into things, so to speak. Jordana has a tendency to be stubborn.” Haddon twirled her, the motion forcing her more fully against his chest. The distance between them was only one tiny, heated inch. “You left before I could tell you goodbye,” he said, breath warm against her temple. “Did I need to tell you goodbye?” Her own guilt at not doing so made her reply sharper than she intended. His grip on her tightened. “I suppose not.” “After the discovery of my late husband’s remains, I was in shock, as you can imagine.” That was putting it mildly. “I’m sure you were.” “I wasn’t up to receiving callers, nor did I wish to receive polite condolences,” she said. “Of course,” he agreed coolly. Marissa bristled. Something about his calm manner, his instant agreement with her, smacked of judgement. It was clear by his attitude Haddon thought she should have received him. Sent him a note. Told him goodbye. She didn’t care for him acting the discarded lover. Dalliance. “Ours was a brief acquaintance, Lord Haddon,” Marissa said politely, allowing a hint of chill to enter her words. “Little more than a dalliance, if you’ll forgive me for saying so.” He looked down on her, eyes like quicksilver. A touch of pink shone on his magnificent cheekbones, a sign of his annoyance, perhaps, though it could have been a trick of the light. “A dalliance?” “A tryst, if you prefer.” “A tryst?” Would he repeat everything she said? “Our relationship would have invited speculation and unwanted attention, both things I don’t care for. An older widow carrying on with—” “Dear God, Marissa.” He looked away from her, the corner of his lip lifting into something resembling amusement. “You didn’t seduce some innocent young lad; stop behaving as if you did.” I didn’t do any seducing,” she shot back. “Debatable. I was under the impression we seduced each other, not out of boredom, as I’m sure will be your next point, but because we were meant to.” His broad shoulders gave a soft roll. Marissa stayed silent, uncertain how to respond. “You know, I never really considered your elderly status at the time, but you brought it up so often during our brief acquaintance, perhaps your concerns have merit.” “They do?” “You’re a highly intelligent woman. Older and wiser than I. Shouldn’t I listen to your council?” The heat of him bled through the thick silk and layers of petticoats, caressing her skin as they danced. Each time he spun her, Haddon managed to notch the length of one muscled leg into her skirts and between her legs. Deliberately. “Stop doing that,” she hissed beneath her breath. A slow, honeyed ache followed the movement, driving her mad. “Do you intend to cause a scene?” “What? This?” He pulled her a fraction of an inch closer and moved his thigh into her skirts again, sliding his leg in a sinuous motion. “I’m merely dancing.” A flutter of arousal slid down the length of her body at Haddon’s very calculated teasing though Marissa was doing her best to ignore the sensation. Desperate to provide a distraction, she said, “I see you’ve made the acquaintance of Lady Christina Sykes.” “An incomparable beauty with an impeccable lineage,” Haddon acknowledged. “A gentleman could do worse than to wed her. She’s a lovely girl.” “She’s very young.” Marissa said, hating the prick of jealousy at the thought of Haddon dancing with Lady Christina the way he danced with her. “You don’t sound as if you approve. Shouldn’t I seek someone closer to my own age? I’m barely out of the schoolroom, after all.” The mischievous grin, the one she found so endlessly endearing, floated across his mouth. Marissa forced herself to smile up at him. “I’m sure my approval is of no consequence. I’m only concerned.” “How very maternal of you, Marissa.” She deliberately stepped on his toe. Haddon grunted in pain. “Lady Christina is barely older than Jordana,” she said. “But it is none of my affair who you deem a suitable bride. If your aim is to find a wife, Christina Sykes would serve as well as any.” She forced the words up her throat though they left a bitter taste. Spinning her about, he gave her a wolfish grin before murmuring, “The lady doth protest too much.” Her heel ground into the top of his foot. “Pardon me. I seem to have two left feet this evening. Goodness.” Haddon’s fingertips dug into the silk at her hip. “I’m only acknowledging the vast difference in our ages. One you’ve brought to my attention repeatedly during our previous dalliance. Are you old enough to be my mother?” He pretended to consider the question. “Good lord, how depraved I am.” Marissa was going to slap him, right here in the middle of a dance with most of the ton watching. “While there is an age difference, my lord, I assure you—” “And in regard to Christina,” he interrupted her tirade, “you also suggested during our dalliance that I need to remarry. Truthfully, I hadn’t considered wedding again until you brought it to my attention. Again, I’m thankful for your guidance.” She bit her lip, knowing she couldn’t refute his claim. Haddon was correct on all counts. She had been the one to bring up his need to remarry and produce a male heir. At that moment, Marissa could have cheerfully kicked herself for reminding him of his duty. “I’ve something I wish to discuss with you, my lady.” “Oh?” There was a slight, hopeful leap of her traitorous heart before remembering it would be best if she didn’t allow him to seduce her again. Haddon was far too dangerous. They could remain acquaintances and nothing more. “May I call upon you? I would prefer not to have a private discussion here.” “Yes, of course,” she agreed, ignoring the slight racing of her pulse. The dance ended, and Haddon led her off the dance floor, a wisp of a smile hovering on his lips. But instead of leaving her where she’d stood with Adelia, Haddon purposefully took her to the opposite side of the ballroom; an area populated with elderly matrons, wallflowers and spinsters. A strangled sound bubbled from her lips. “Something wrong, my lady? Didn’t you enjoy our dance?” “I did. Immensely.” If she wasn’t sure it would cause a scene, Marissa would wrench her fingers from his. Once he seemed satisfied Marissa stood with the most undesirable women in the room, Haddon bowed again over her hand, hiding his enjoyment at her discomfort behind a polite, bland smile. “Enjoy the rest of your evening, Lady Cupps-Foster.” Haddon turned and, without another glance at Marissa, sauntered back across the ballroom.

Read Wicked Again Now!

About the author

Kathleen Ayers is the bestselling author of steamy Regency and Victorian romance. She’s been a hopeful romantic and romance reader since buying Sweet Savage Love at a garage sale when she was fourteen while her mother was busy looking at antique animal planters. She has a weakness for tortured, witty alpha males who can’t help falling for intelligent, sassy heroines. A Texas transplant (from Pennsylvania) Kathleen spends most of her summers attempting to grow tomatoes (a wasted effort) and floating in her backyard pool with her two dogs, husband and son. When not writing she likes to visit her “happy place” (Newport, RI.), visit wine bars, make homemade pizza on the grill, and perfect her charcuterie board skills.

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Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Release Blast: Its Always Been You


  Falling in love for Zeke and Delaney could mean risking their friendship. But what’s the worst that can happen when these two best friends share a tiny honeymoon suite? Readers will fall in love with this friends to lovers romance from A.M. Williams. The Holiday Springs Resort series is here and IT’S ALWAYS BEEN YOU is now live!
  Two best friends and one tiny honeymoon suite...what's the worst that could happen? When my ex decided to leave me just three weeks before our wedding, I did the only thing a girl could do. I grabbed my best friend and headed for the mountains to celebrate my newfound freedom and get over my broken heart while taking full advantage of all of the pre-paid amenities that should have happened on my honeymoon. There's just one problem: Holiday Springs Resort is booked solid and I may have forgotten to change our reservations. Now Zeke and I are forced to share a bed, but am I ready to share my heart again so soon? Delaney always seemed to be the right girl at the wrong time. With her ex-fiance out of the picture, it's up to me to mend her broken heart. There's just one problem: I've been in love with her since the day we met. With all the romance in the air, it's hard to fight back the tension between us. What was supposed to be a fun-filled rebound trip between friends suddenly heats up to so much more. Falling in love could mean risking our friendship. Are we both willing to take that leap? One thing is for sure - this trip changes everything. If you like snowy locales, sizzling romance, and a scene with a hot tub, then you'll love It's Always Been You, the first book in a new series. Escape to the romantic paradise of Holiday Springs and warm up with your next happily ever after.

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Copyright @ A.M. Williams 2020

We both moaned when my center came in contact with his erection. Even through two layers of clothing, it was a heady feeling. I undulated my hips on top of him as we continued to make out, slowing working us both into a frenzy. Zeke ripped his mouth away from mine. “We need to go inside.” I nodded even though I wasn’t sure what he was saying. I was too focused on pulling his lips back to mine. “Delaney,” he said between kisses. “Let’s go in.” He gently pushed me away and stood. I pouted as I stood too. He quickly got out and wrapped his towel around his hips before helping me out and hangin me my towel. I quickly dried off and walked inside, the head of the cabin beckoning to me. Once inside, I didn’t waste any time dropping my towel and stripping out of my bathing suit, leaving me naked. I turned to face Zeke and watched as he drew the curtains. I got a great view of his face when he turned around and realized I was already naked. “Hot damn,” he muttered and tossed his own towel to the side. His finger immediately starting working the laces of his bathing suit while his gaze raked over my body. I used the opportunity to look at him as well. My heart ssped up at the thought of everything coming together right now. I’d wanted this for so long and now that it was happening, it was surreal, and I wanted to remember every part of it. Every kiss. Every caress. Every whispered word. I wanted them all. Zeke’s bathing suit dropped, and my gaze immediately zeroed in on his dick, which was pointing toward the ceiling. I whimpered as I looked at it. Moisture was beading on the tip, and it looked like the perfect dick. Especially since it was attached to the perfect man. A few minutes later, we were parked outside the cabin, and Zeke had our bags in hand while I swiped the keycard for the room. It took several tries to get the lock to open, something that annoyed me to no end. After discovering everything with the reservation, the door not working was just one more thing to add to the list of why I was upset with my life. Once the door was open, I stepped to the side and allowed Zeke to go in first before flicking the light switch by the door and letting the door fall shut behind me. I turned toward the main part of the cabin and drew up short when I noticed Zeke standing frozen with the bags still in his hands. “What’s wrong?” I asked, walking closer. “Uhh…” Zeke said, shifting his weight from side to side. “Is there supposed to be only one bed?” I cringed. I didn’t tell him what happened with the reservation while we were in the car. He deserved to know that I hadn’t changed it like I told him I would. “Well…I didn’t realize until I went to check in that I forgot to call them to let them know that the reservation needed to be changed. I couldn’t change it today because it was too late.” Silence greeted my words, and I worried my bottom lip and dropped my gaze to the floor. “I’m really sorry,” she said when Zeke continued to say nothing. “I thought I’d called, and I didn’t. I can’t believe that I forgot to do that simple thing. Don’t even get me started on the excursions we have booked because—” I jumped when Zeke pressed a finger to my chin and tilted my head up. He was grinning. “Don’t worry about it. I’ve always wondered what it would be like to sleep in the same bed as the Delaney Carrigan.” My face heated. “Oh, uh…” “Come on!” Zeke said, pulling me into a hug. “It’ll be fine. Nothing to worry your pretty little head about.” He released me and turned back to pick the bags up and stepped further into the room. With him out of the way, I could see what gave him pause. It wasn’t just the single king-size bed in the room. It was the rose petals that were littered all over the bedcovers and on the floor. They were everywhere. As I stepped closer to the bed, I cringed as I realized they were even in the shape of a heart with a small card in the center. Though I knew I shouldn’t, I picked it up. It read “Congratulations on your marriage!” I stared at it for several long moments, my mind flashing back to when Josh told me he couldn’t marry me. “Whatcha got in your hand?” Zeke asked. Before I could crumple the card, Zeke plucked it from my fingers. I watched as his expression darkened. “Fuck him.” He ripped the card in half, then ripped it again before tossing the pieces in the air. I watched them flutter toward the floor. “You’re better off without that douche-canoe. Seriously. What guy breaks up with the supposed love of his life only days before their wedding? Asswads, that’s who. Don’t waste another minute worried about him.” I nodded. What could I say to that? It wasn’t anything I didn’t already know and that Zeke and my family hadn’t already said. Josh was an asshole of the first order for what he did to me. It didn’t make it hurt any less, though. “Right, let’s get unpacked and look over what we’ve got going on this week. Maybe we can add some things to do instead of what we’ve got on there. What do you say?” I nodded and felt myself relax. “Sounds good.” Zeke turned and grabbed his bag, unzipping it while I stood there, frozen. While he’d made me feel better about the rose petals and the asshole ex-fiancé, we hadn’t addressed the elephant in the room: the single bed. Yeah, Zeke joked that he’d always wanted to sleep in the same bed as me, but I knew he said that to make me feel better. How were we going to make this work?

Only on Amazon + Read for FREE on Kindle Unlimited

About A.M. Williams A.M. Williams is just a simple girl from the south that found herself living abroad. When she’s not annoying her cat or reading, she’s spending time with her husband and traveling as much as possible. She has a serious case of wanderlust and wants to go as many places as possible while she can. She loves Cheerwine, sweet tea, and North Carolina (eastern style) BBQ as well as those crystal clear waters on the North Carolina coast.

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About the Holiday Springs Resort Series


  Nestled deep in the mountains of Pennsylvania, Holiday Springs Resort promises to bring the heat this winter! Join Forever Write PR and seven amazing authors as they take to the slopes on the adventure of a lifetime and find their happily ever afters. From hot bartenders to brooding exes, Holiday Springs Resort is the place to be. Each story features a brand new couple and a fun trope to love from our amazing line up of authors including: second chance romance and best friend's sibling to jilted brides and friends to lovers. Your holiday wonderland won’t be complete without a widower, office, and enemies to lovers romance. We’ve got a remarkable line of up must-read romance authors including, A.M. Williams, Julie Archer, Kim Bailey, Moni Boyce, S.E. Rose, Stacey Lewis, and B. Ivy Woods. Follow the Holiday Spring Resort series on Facebook for more on release dates, cover reveals, and exclusive book news ➝ This series and all promotional events are brought to you by Forever Write PR - Forever your source for all your writing needs.

TLC Book Tours Book Review: The Outlook For Earthlings


About The Outlook for Earthlings

  • Paperback: 237 pages
  • Publisher: Regal House Publishing (October 2, 2020)
The Outlook For Earthlings traces a difficult friendship across a lifetime. Melanie Taper is rule-bound, timid, self-erasing. Yet in unguarded moments she demonstrates such deadly insight into human foibles as to suggest a strength that has, for dark reasons, deliberately hidden itself lifelong. Scarlet Rand is rash, willful, abrasive—vexed by “demure” traits and “small fussing motions.” Shocked by Mel’s passivity and near-archaic saintliness, Scarlet disbelieves it. Their friendship suggests to each a final frontier, a saving sanctuary. Yet at its core each woman takes a secret, moral offense at the other’s inmost nature—and her choices. Against the deadline of the illness which is slowly destroying one of them, a reckoning must occur. The Outlook for Earthlings considers the limits of friendship—and of witnessing. It asks how we may finally measure a life—and who should do the measuring. Social Media Please use the hashtag #theoutlookforearthlings, and tag @tlcbooktours.

Purchase Links

Regal House Publishing | Amazon | Barnes & Noble

Review: I'm not going to say that The Outlook for Earthlings was a disappointment might be a bit harsh, but I will say it wasn't quite what I expected. I wanted something otherworldly. I knew it was women's fiction, but I thought there would be something special about this book

Sadly I couldn't find anything that I could construe as special

This story focuses on two friends, Mel and Scarlet who couldn't be more different. The main focus is on Mel, who is essentially a big ole doormat. She has such promise as the story starts. She is a wonderful actress and yet she is quiet and reserved, the opposite of her friend Scarlet.

Then she throws it all away to marry Richard. I kind of went all WTF is wrong with you, when she  married this guy. I mean this was the late 60s early 70s. Women were getting liberated then and she walked into this horrid relationship and she's a smart talented woman and she let's this jerk treat her the way he does.

This story is really Mel's more than Scarlet's. Truthfully I don't remember much about Scarlet other than she's Mel's friend who is there for her when she moves back home due to illness.

Oh and Mel moves back home to be with someone. 

And can we get another ARGH for that relationship that was more frustrating that her marriage.

Really Mel? At the beginning of the book I thought, wow, the mousey little girl is going to go somewhere and do something.

At the end of the book, Mel felt like a doormat and a wasted life.

If you take away anything from reading this book, it should be, don't be like Mel.

Rating: 3 flowers

About Joan Frank

Joan Frank is the author of ten books: eight of literary fiction and two essay collections. Her recent books are WHERE YOU'RE ALL GOING: FOUR NOVELLAS and TRY TO GET LOST: ESSAYS ON TRAVEL AND PLACE. A MacDowell Fellow and recipient of many honors and awards, Joan also reviews literary fiction and nonfiction for the Washington Post. Find out more about Joan at her website.

Friday, October 23, 2020

Cover Reveal: Stuck With You



  We are thrilled to share the cover for the upcoming release, STUCK WITH YOU by Moni Boyce. Check out the stunning cover for STUCK WITH YOU, a must-read enemies to lovers romance from the upcoming Holiday Springs Resort series!


Author: Moni Boyce

Release Date: 11/13/2020

Series: Holiday Springs Resort, #4

Tropes/Genres: Enemies to Lovers, Contemporary Romance, Holiday Romance


  Can enemies turn into lovers over the course of a week? Maddie When I decided to attend my high school reunion, I knew I’d run the risk of running into Jack Carter. Mr. Big Time Country Music Star. The same guy that broke my heart in high school. What I didn’t expect was that the resort would mess up our reservations, and we’d end up roommates. Now I’m stuck sharing a cabin with him for the next week, and I don’t know whether I want to kill him or kiss him.   Jack What are the odds I would end up sharing a cabin with my ex-high school sweetheart, Maddie Grace? The woman was a sweet tomboy back then, now she’s a knockout, uptight lawyer, who loves to argue. Even though we fight like cats and dogs, I’m feeling that familiar old spark and the more time I spend with her, the more I’m beginning to think letting her go was my biggest mistake.   Thanks to a little mix-up at the resort, I’ve now got a week to prove to her that we belong together and you can bet I’m going to give it my best shot.   Escape to the romantic paradise of Holiday Springs and warm up with your next happily ever after.

Pre-Order Stuck With You Today!

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Moni Boyce is a writer, filmmaker, poet and Award-winning author of contemporary and paranormal romance. After working in the film industry for fifteen years, helping others bring their visions to life, she now creates characters and worlds of her own. She considers herself a bookworm, film buff, foodie, music lover and an avid world traveler having visited 33 countries and counting. She lives a bit of a nomadic life, but considers Los Angeles her hometown.

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About the Holiday Springs Resort Series

  Nestled deep in the mountains of Pennsylvania, Holiday Springs Resort promises to bring the heat this winter! Join Forever Write PR and seven amazing authors as they take to the slopes on the adventure of a lifetime and find their happily ever afters. From hot bartenders to brooding exes, Holiday Springs Resort is the place to be. Each story features a brand new couple and a fun trope to love from our amazing line up of authors including: second chance romance and best friend's sibling to jilted brides and friends to lovers. Your holiday wonderland won’t be complete without a widower, office, and enemies to lovers romance. We’ve got a remarkable line of up must-read romance authors including, A.M. Williams, Julie Archer, Kim Bailey, Moni Boyce, S.E. Rose, Stacey Lewis, and B. Ivy Woods. Follow the Holiday Spring Resort series on Facebook for more on release dates, cover reveals, and exclusive book news ➝ This series and all promotional events are brought to you by Forever Write PR - Forever your source for all your writing needs.

Monday, October 19, 2020

Forever Write PR Cover Reveal: Game Winning Goal


The final book in the beloved 425 Madison Ave is nearly here! Check out the amazing cover for GAME WINNING GOAL by Kay Gordon, a must-read sports romance!


Life was good. I had a great job, amazing people surrounding me, season tickets to see my favorite hockey team play, and a cat that I could cuddle. Although it didn’t seem glamorous, I was happy. But when the shy, handsome, and somewhat awkward hockey player slid into my life, I realized that I could be happier. I wanted to be more than just content with life.


I knew I wanted to be a hockey player from the moment I put on my first pair of skates. I played

hard for the Titans, proving that I belonged on the top line. But just when I finally made it, an injury took me out of the game. While feeling sorry for myself and waiting to heal, I met the bubbly, beautiful, and smart pediatrician who brought me to my knees. She made me see that there was more to life than scoring goals. A love of the game helps bring these two together and onto a path towards a different kind of love.

Cheyenne and Kamden’s road isn’t as smooth as ice, though. What happens when Kam’s recovery isn’t easy and his position on the team is threatened? Cheyenne has to figure out how to break down his defense and Kam has to realize that he might not always be the one to score the game-winning goal.

After all, 425 Madison is the perfect place to fall in love.

Pre-Order Game Winning Goal today!

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Want to jump into 425 Madison Ave now?

Don’t miss Two For Holding, Kay’s other book featured in the first season!


Read Two For Holding, Porter & Savannah’s story!

About Kay Gordon

Kay Gordon is a married mother of two living near the west coast. She spends her days teaching young, impressionable minds in public school and evenings typing away furiously once her children are in bed. Her favorite genres to read are Contemporary Romance and New Adult/College romance, although she rarely denies a good paranormal or dystopian! When she's not teaching or writing, Kay loves to spend time with her family. They're all a bunch of nerds who can quote Disney movies and Star Wars quickly!

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About the 425 Madison Series

Welcome to 425 Madison Ave the perfect place to fall in love. Rounding out the summer with some hot city nights and coasting into fall with more cool characters at this famous high-rise, 425 Madison is returning for a third season!

With some familiar faces and some brand new residents - you'll be sure to find an author you love and a trope to ignite your taste buds after all 425 Madison IS the perfect place to fall in love!

We’ve got an amazing line of up must-read romance authors including, Lauren Helms, Allie York

J Marie, Kay Gordon, Marcie Shumway, Aubree Valentine, S.L. Sterling, and Fiona Tulle

Prepare for pages packed with new romances, characters, and tropes all from the same well-loved high-rise apartment building in NYC.

Season One and Two feature stories from some of your favorite romance authors: Leigh Lennon, MK Moore, Allie York, Aubree Valentine, Kay Gordon, Lauren Helms, Sylvia Kane, Katy Ames, KC Enders, Marci Shumway, and C. Lesbirel. All these authors came together, each with a standalone romance for you to enjoy. Covering all of your favorite tropes each tale offers you something new, something different.

Make sure to follow the 425 Madison Avenue Facebook page for more on release dates, cover reveals, and author spotlights. For exclusive excerpts, giveaways, and news subscribe to our 425 Madison newsletter!

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Catch up on the first two seasons, available exclusively in Kindle Unlimited!

Friday, October 16, 2020

Cover Reveal: Love On The Rocks


We are so excited to share the cover for the upcoming release, Love on the Rocks by Kim Bailey. Check out the sexy cover for Love on the Rocks, a must-read workplace romance from the upcoming Holiday Springs Resort series!

Melina Morales is a good girl.

A hardworking, ambitious, follows-all-the-rules girl. Maybe that’s why her coworkers call her the ice queen. She might care if it weren’t for the looming pile of debt and her family’s dependence on her. But with her dream job on the line, she’s determined to succeed, no matter the sacrifice.

There’s just one tiny, six-foot-something problem. . . Zane Wilder is a bad boy.

The Holiday Springs bartender is the guy everyone turns to for a good time—especially the women. Except lately he’s been unsatisfied. Maybe it’s got something to do with the drunken kiss he shared with Melina, but since he’s not interested in commitment, he figures there’ll never be a chance to find out.

When Melina agrees to one date in return for a favor, they both quickly realize there’s something between them. But it’s going to take Zane a lot more than his fun-loving ways and easy charm to convince the good girl to give him a serious shot. This time, he’ll have to risk his heart. Escape to the romantic paradise of Holiday Springs and warm up with your next happily ever after.

Pre-Order Deal Breaker today!

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About Kim Bailey

Kim Bailey is a born procrastinator and sarcasm junkie who gets her motivation from coffee and good books. She enjoys lively conversations, usually with imaginary people, and can often be found daydreaming at work.

Most of all, she loves writing about love.

Her romance stories range from small-town contemporaries to action-packed suspense but always have a high heat level. She writes strong-willed women, broody alpha males, deep family bonds, and fiercely passionate lovers. Kim proudly became a USA Today Best-Selling Author with her contribution to Wanted: An Outlaw Anthology. This charity anthology raised over $5000 for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.

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About the Holiday Springs Resort Series

Nestled deep in the mountains of Pennsylvania, Holiday Springs Resort promises to bring the heat this winter!

Join Forever Write PR and seven amazing authors as they take to the slopes on the adventure of a lifetime and find their happily ever afters.

From hot bartenders to brooding exes, Holiday Springs Resort is the place to be. Each story features a brand new couple and a fun trope to love from our amazing lineup of authors including second chance romance and best friend's sibling to jilted brides and friends to lovers. Your holiday wonderland won’t be complete without a widower, office, and enemies to lovers romance.

We’ve got a remarkable line of up must-read romance authors including, A.M. Williams, Julie Archer, Kim Bailey, Moni Boyce, S.E. Rose, Stacey Lewis, and B. Ivy Woods.

Follow the Holiday Spring Resort series on Facebook for more on release dates, cover reveals, and exclusive book news.


This series and all promotional events are brought to you by Forever Write PR - Forever your source for all your writing needs.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Forever Write PR Release Blast: Stagefright


She doesn’t want to be on the stage, but she’ll fight her biggest fear. For him. Mel Walker’s STAGEFIGHT is the sweetest combination of dance fiction and celebrity romance. This retelling of the Princess and the Pea will liven up any stage and is perfect for fans of The F List and Take the Lead. Part of the Internet Famous Collection, STAGEFIGHT is now live!


The stage is no place for romance.

Hell, it’s the last place I should be. I’ve always been happy living my life as if no one is watching because frankly, they aren’t. Then my personal world is upset forcing me out of my comfort zone. In the blink of an eye, my entire world is overturned. I’m about to fight my biggest fear and it’s going to play out in front of the entire world. Why would I do this? Because of him.


Music is my life, but the mask I wear to protect my carefully crafted persona also restricts me from evolving. A tragic event and a chance meeting have me willing to risk it all. But before I can, those that protect me insist on one thing: a hidden pea. It’s risky, ingenious, and cruel, but it will work. Only a true princess of music will be able to feel it in her bones. It’s a challenge we’re up for even if we are forced to fight for what we seek. I’m about to give them something only she can feel. Queue the music.

This STANDALONE, modern-day fairytale retelling of the ‘Princess and the Pea’ is the sweetest combination of dance fiction and celebrity romance. Part of the Internet Famous Collection.

Read StageFight today!

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Copyright 2020 @ Mel Walker

I was right. The heat has already caused him to peel off his hoodie. I’m mesmerized at his muscles popping and straining against his tight T-shirt. He approaches quickly, too quickly. I try to hide the fact that I’ve been staring at him by slinking into the dark corner, but he rushes up and turns the corner quicker than I expected.

Our bodies collide. My green juice spatters between our chests, the cool liquid causing an instant mess. My gaze lowers to his broad, muscled chest as the liquid begins to blend into his dark T-shirt.

“Fudge,” I whisper and close my eyes, knowing my choice of an all-white outfit for a move is my latest epic fail. I have no one to blame but myself.

I feel the warm tingle of his finger as he lifts my chin slowly. I force open my eyes to meet his soft, sympathetic gaze.

“Sorry about that, Princess. I don’t know how I missed seeing you when it’s clearly the best sight here.”

I blink and try to process his words. “Poppy,” I whisper.

“Yeah, I know,” he returns.

“But you called me Princess.”

He takes a small step back as the liquid from the juice drips down my chest to my shorts and makes its way down my legs.

He whips his T-shirt off in a flash and uses the shirt like a rag, pressing it against my legs in order to stop the progress of the juice before it reaches my white Converse sneakers. “Poppy is too ordinary. You deserve to be called Princess. Princess P, it shall be.”

The insane statement is delivered like a proclamation.

Read StageFight today!

About Mel

Novelist, Short Story Writer, Native New Yorker and life-long frustrated NY Mets fan. I love writing about ordinary people placed in difficult situations, especially as it relates to their closest relationships. (in other words, Life).

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About the Internet Famous Collection

Subscribe to the Hotness.

Whether they accidentally rose to fame or staked the claim, these modern-day princes are social media royalty. Follow the Internet famous celebs as they deal with fame, power, and the consequences of falling in love. Each story is a STANDALONE fairytale retelling with an HEA and swoon-worthy alphas. There's a little something for every book craving.

Want to keep up with all the Internet Famous Collection news? LIKE the Rewritten Fairytales Facebook page!

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Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Forever Write PR Release Blast: Her Last Love


Reid wasn’t looking when he saw her. Katreana stayed focused so she didn’t think about that time she was left at the altar, but when she saw him, she took notice. Can he prove he won’t hurt her and can she trust him enough to move on? Readers will fall in love with this jilted bride romance from Marcie Shumway. The 425 Madison series is back with season three and HER LAST LOVE is live!


Women were not on my radar. My business was all

I needed.

Then she walked into my shop and changed all that with

one look.

How was I going to convince her I wouldn’t

burn her like her ex?


Men were not on my radar. After being left at the altar,

I realized I needed to focus on myself and my job.

Then he walked into the room, and everything shifted.

Could I trust him enough to share my secret and move on?

I guess only time will tell…

After all, 425 Madison is the perfect place to fall in love.

Read Her Last Love toady!

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copyright @ Marcie Shumway 2020

“No man is ever going to be good enough for my little girl,” he whispered huskily. “But Travis is pretty damn close.”

I laughed lightly and rolled my eyes to the ceiling to ward off the waterworks. With a soft kiss to my cheek, my father released my hands and moved to my side. Looping my arm through his, I used the other hand to pick up my dress, so it didn’t drag as we walked down the stairs. With a nod of satisfaction that everyone was ready, my mother ushered the girls out with the exception of Anna and led the way down the hall. My father and I followed with my cousin on my heels, making sure the train on the dress stayed off the floor.

My face hurt; my smile was so broad. Everyone around me was as well, and I felt like I was floating on a cloud. We reached the stairs, and I kept my eyes on my feet, so I didn’t trip, allowing my father to lead me. When I reached the bottom, I looked up and found Max, the best man, waiting at the back door with a look on his face that I couldn’t identify. Confusion and concern rolled through me since he should have been at the altar with Travis.

“What’s going…”

“I’m sorry, Kat,” he apologized, cutting my question off.

I gulped.

“Sorry for what?”

My stomach rolled with nausea.

“We can’t find Travis.”

“What do you mean you can’t find him?” I asked, shaking my head.

I felt Anna come to my side and felt her hands grip my elbow while my mother moved to my father’s other side. A united front as we’d been my entire life. It brought little comfort, especially when the next words came out of his mouth.

“He packed a bag and took off,” he explained, tugging gently on his tie. “He won’t answer his phone.”

“His parents?” I choked out.

“His mother left last night, and his father is here, but severely hungover. He doesn’t know where he is either.”

My knees threatened to buckle. This was a mistake. Something must have come up at the office, and he ran late coming back. He would be here. He had to be here. We were getting married.

“This was with my tux.”

The envelope, marked with the bed and breakfast logo, had my name on the front in his clear, concise handwriting. I didn’t fight the tears, I let them flow down my cheeks as I took it from him with a shaky hand. Without letting go of my father, I opened it and pulled out the small piece of paper.

I can’t go through with this. I’m sorry.

Read Her Last Love Now!

About Marcie Shumway

Marcie Shumway is a small-town girl, born and raised in Maine. She resides with her high school sweetheart on a family-owned farm just miles from where she grew up. Her hubby and their four furbabies are her first loves, but they are followed closely by her writing, apple pie, and chocolate.

Marcie started writing short stories in middle school for her classmates to enjoy. They were always love stories with happy endings and spurred her dream of being a published author. Chasing that dream as an adult, she continues to write stories for her readers to love. An avid reader herself, Marcie thrives on the books of her favorite authors and when not writing, can be found curled up in her favorite spot with a good book in hand.

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About the 425 Madison Series

Welcome to 425 Madison Ave the perfect place to fall in love. Rounding out the summer with some hot city nights and coasting into fall with more cool characters at this famous high-rise, 425 Madison is returning for a third season!

With some familiar faces and some brand new residents - you'll be sure to find an author you love and a trope to ignite your taste buds after all 425 Madison IS the perfect place to fall in love!

We’ve got an amazing line of up must-read romance authors including, Lauren Helms, Allie York

J Marie, Kay Gordon, Marcie Shumway, Aubree Valentine, S.L. Sterling, and Fiona Tulle

Prepare for pages packed with new romances, characters, and tropes all from the same well-loved high-rise apartment building in NYC.

Season One and Two feature stories from some of your favorite romance authors: Leigh Lennon, MK Moore, Allie York, Aubree Valentine, Kay Gordon, Lauren Helms, Sylvia Kane, Katy Ames, KC Enders, Marci Shumway, and C. Lesbirel. All these authors came together, each with a standalone romance for you to enjoy. Covering all of your favorite tropes each tale offers you something new, something different.

Make sure to follow the 425 Madison Avenue Facebook page for more on release dates, cover reveals, and author spotlights. For exclusive excerpts, giveaways, and news subscribe to our 425 Madison newsletter!

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Catch up on the first two seasons, available exclusively in Kindle Unlimited!

Forever Write PR Release Blast: Seconds


He’s a celebrity chef but he’s no gentleman, and he doesn’t care. Until karma bites him on the ass. Cam Johns’ dark retelling of Rapunzel is a second chance romance that will leave you craving more from this hot celebrity chef and salivating for SECONDS. Part of the Internet Famous Collection, SECONDS is now live!

Braxton Knight always had his mind set on becoming a celebrity chef. So much so that he forgot how to be a gentleman. His arrogance destroyed the confidence in many women, until he met the one woman who didn’t fawn over his every move. Phoenix Brighton. Soon, karma would come back to bite him in the ass that would devastate his future. Or so he thought. Turns out, it’s sometimes possible to find your second chance. Cam Johns’s dark retelling of Rapunzel is a second chance romance that will leave you craving more from this hot celebrity chef and salivating for SECONDS.

Read Seconds today!

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Copyright 2020 @ Cam Johns

My ears are flooded with the noises spewing from the intercom, frustrating my subconscious. The constant borage of feet pattering along the halls, totally disregarding my belligerent sobbing, only encourages the anger that’s slowly building within me. Sobbing that becomes obnoxiously louder the more I think of her smile. Her embrace. Her soft touch against my thick, hardened exterior. A touch that will never be felt again. All because of choices I made. Decisions that kept me from being by her side and bringing us here. A place I’ll never return to that’s full of saddened, lonely people facing life-altering decisions. Just as I have. A decision that has been taken from me because we weren’t married yet. So, her heartless fucking parents made that irrevocable decision to pull the plug. Exiling my pleas to hold off and give her more time. More time to fight … for her life … for us … for me. But, those pieces of shits don’t even acknowledge my need to keep her alive. Regardless of what the doctors say, they are not always right. They can actually be wrong. But as it turns out, they are all against me. I am the one that’s wrong. Well fuck them! Fuck their judgments. Fuck their forsaken attitudes. Fuck their cavalier convictions. Fuck. Them. I slowly peel myself up from the hospital floor, wiping the remaining tears from my face ignoring the dampness of my torn t-shirt. I stand across from her room, staring through the glass watching her life drain from her body. Her parents laying across their daughter, crying just as hard as I was on the outside… but I know what lies beneath those outlying emotions. Emotions that I learned were false many years ago. Emotions that propelled their daughter directly into my arms. And what signed her DNR, in my opinion. But they’ll get what’s coming to them. One way or another. Even if it takes my own knife wielding hands.

Read Seconds today!

About Cam

Cam Johns began her career as a published author in 2016 with the release of her first book - Arousing Consequences - to the trilogy, The Arousing Series. However, actually publishing wasn't part of her plan. After her husband was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, she found that writing became a great way to relieve the tension and mounted pressures that come with watching someone she loves suffer from such a harsh diagnosis. It was her husband that pushed her to share her voice, regardless of how erotic that voice would become. Live. Love. Laugh. A well-known mantra that has become her way of living. Live, by accepting the things you cannot change. Love, the ones closest to you as if there's no tomorrow. Laugh, each day because sadness will get you nowhere!

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About the Internet Famous Collection

Subscribe to the Hotness.

Whether they accidentally rose to fame or staked the claim, these modern-day princes are social media royalty. Follow the Internet famous celebs as they deal with fame, power, and the consequences of falling in love. Each story is a STANDALONE fairytale retelling with an HEA and swoon-worthy alphas. There's a little something for every book craving.

Want to keep up with all the Internet Famous Collection news? LIKE the Rewritten Fairytales Facebook page!

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This promotional event is brought to you by Forever Write PR

Monday, October 12, 2020

Forever Write PR Release Blast: Devoted


She could restore her family’s name and prove to her father she’s just as capable as her brothers. If only male heirs weren’t the only ones allowed to compete. Jade Royal's lesbian romance, DEVOTED, changes up The Legend of Hua Mulan. A spicy must read that defies the rules of gender identity and war. Part of the Internet Famous Collection, DEVOTED is now live!

Samirah has the chance to restore her family's name. Going to war would show her father that her brothers weren't the only ones capable. Problem with that? Only male heirs can compete in the competition. But winning could fix everything. How could she focus when Ava, her campaign manager, enticed her to find love? There was too much at stake. Being crowned King was the only option. Right? This Lesbian Contemporary Romance is a retelling of The Legend of Hua Mulan, a story where female warriors are born.

Read Devoted today!

Available on Amazon on FREE with KU

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Copyright 2020 @ Jade Royal

I couldn’t tell you anything about Ava’s apartment. We entered in the dark. She told something named Cola that she was home and to go lay down. From the taps of paws on the floor, it had to be a dog. Then we were going directly to her room.

“We don’t have to do this, Ava.” We still needed to talk.

“I want to. Need to. Amir, for the past two weeks, I’ve been trying to rationalize this attraction to you, and I can’t. I…”

Placing my finger to her lips silenced her insecurities.

My lips on her neck silenced her thoughts.

The sweetest sigh escaped. Things were definitely going in the right direction. Sliding my hand around, I caressed the exposed skin on her back while trailing kisses over her neck, shoulders, and arms.


Unzipping her dress came next. Followed by removing her panties and bra. As I exposed her, my lips claimed each place. I couldn’t keep my mouth off of her. Her hands stayed in my hair, caressing the tresses and pulling me closer. Time passed and still I took my time to savor every inch of her.

Read Devoted today!

About Jade

When the voices begin to speak, Jade Royal sits down in her lab to write the tale. The story unfolds with each keystroke as she listens to her instincts bring the words to life. For as long as she can remember, Jade has always expressed her creative nature artistically, especially by writing. She refers to herself as “Slave to the Pen” because it’s difficult for her to resist the call to write.

Jade resides in Cincinnati, Ohio where she was born and raised. She has many siblings and is very family oriented. She spends Sunday evenings eating dinner with them keeping the bond between family nice and strong.

As an international bestselling author, Jade hopes to pull in her readers to experience a community of stories that they can relate to on various levels. The emotional roller coaster that is bestowed will hopefully make her readers stalk her words and provide literate entertainment.

For more information on Jade Royal, follow her on her website and social media avenues.

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About the Internet Famous Collection

Subscribe to the Hotness.

Whether they accidentally rose to fame or staked the claim, these modern-day princes are social media royalty. Follow the Internet famous celebs as they deal with fame, power, and the consequences of falling in love. Each story is a STANDALONE fairytale retelling with an HEA and swoon-worthy alphas. There's a little something for every book craving.

Want to keep up with all the Internet Famous Collection news? LIKE the Rewritten Fairytales Facebook page!

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