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Copyright S.E. Rose 2020

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About the Holiday Springs Resort Series

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Copyright S.E. Rose 2020
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About the Holiday Springs Resort Series
Publication Date: September 24, 2020
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Copyright Moni Boyce 2020
To my surprise, Jack walked into the kitchen with a towel slung low on his hips and opened up the refrigerator. Leaning on the door, he peered inside. I was trying to keep my gaze on the documents in front of me, but I kept looking up to check out his ass in that towel. Part of me kept hoping it would accidentally fall off. Of course, now I found myself pissed off that, once again, I was having impure thoughts about Jack. I slammed my pen onto the table. “Why are you practically naked?” Slowly, he closed the refrigerator door and turned to address me. Damn. Maybe I should have kept quiet. All his sexy goodness was on display for me to see. For a millisecond, I faltered and nearly forgot why I was upset. “You’re not the only one here, you know. We have to share this place…” My tongue darted out and licked my suddenly dry bottom lip. Was his chest and six-pack abs glistening in the light coming from the window, or was I imagining things? Stop. “You can’t just walk around here half dressed. What if someone showed up?” “Are you expecting someone?” He wore an amused expression while he asked the question. I crossed my arms over my chest. “No… but that doesn’t matter. Put on a shirt.” Why was he so infuriating? “How would you like it if I pranced around here in my bra…” That had been the wrong thing to say. “Or panties… or nothing at all.” I lost steam when I realized the picture I was painting. Being pissed and horny clearly was a bad combination. I wasn’t thinking right. “I don’t see a problem.” He gave me a lecherous grin that exposed his teeth and revealed his want. “Just have some consideration and stop being selfish.” I hurled at him. That order quickly erased any goodwill he was feeling towards me. His look was thunderous. “I’m getting real tired of you making me out to be the bad guy here.” He gripped the back of one of the kitchen chairs until his knuckles turned white. “You’re asking me to have some consideration?” The incredulous scowl he wore caused his eyebrows to rise to his hairline. “You’re right, Maddie. We are sharing this house. You’d do well to remember that when you crank the heat up to freaking eighty degrees. How about that for consideration? Not all of us want to walk around in a sauna.” He threw his hands up. “It’s so damn hot in here, what am I supposed to wear? I’ll sweat to death. So unless you’re going to compromise on the temperature I’m going to wear whatever I damn well please around here, even if that means I walk around here naked.” I swallowed at the thought of him walking around the cabin naked. Other parts of my anatomy that I didn’t care to acknowledge quivered at the thought. Angrily, I stood. “Don’t threaten me. It always has to be your way.” Before I knew it, we were yelling over top of each other, trying to be heard. A few minutes later, Jack put his thumb and forefinger in his mouth and whistled, bringing the yelling match to its end. I was so agitated my breathing was erratic. Seconds passed, where we stood glowering at each other like two junkyard dogs that had squared off, but there wasn’t a victor. Jack’s shoulders slumped and the fight drained away in front of my eyes. He stared at me, but no longer was his look filled with outrage. “It’s been ten years, Maddie. You gonna stay mad at me forever?” His voice was weary, tired, and bordered on sad.Only on Amazon + Read for FREE on Kindle Unlimited
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About the Holiday Springs Resort Series
Copyright 2020 @evelyn sola
“I want to see you again. Meet me tomorrow.” It’s not a request, it’s an order. I shrug out of his touch and take a step away from him. “Are you crazy? No.” “Why not?” he asks, his eyes more piercing than ever. “A million reasons. You’re my mother’s boss, and she hates you, by the way. Why would I go out with someone who’s been so awful to my mother? Oh, and you’re old. You’re my mother’s boss,” I repeat. “And Glen’s already asked me out and about a million other reasons!” I whisper-yell the last part to make sure he gets it. “The Glen issue is simple. Tell him to fuck off. I have not been awful to your mother. She’s been hostile toward me since the day I stepped foot in the office. She has a problem with me because I’m not my uncle. And what other reasons? Are you talking about my melanin deficiency? What the hell century are you living in? You think I care about that? And I want to see you again, not your mother. And thirty-six is hardly old.” “Thirty-six! That’s older than I thought. Holy shit!” I yell. “Do you realize when I was thirteen you were already twenty-six?” “Unless I was asking you out when you were thirteen and I was twenty-six, I don’t see the problem.This promotional event is brought to you by Forever Write PR
Title: Something New
Author: B. Ivy Woods
Release Date: 12/04/2020
Series: Holiday Springs Resort, #6
Tropes/Genres: Jilted Bride Romance, Contemporary Romance, Holiday Romance
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About the Holiday Springs Resort Series
Life was good. I had a great job, amazing people surrounding me, season tickets to see my favorite hockey team play, and a cat that I could cuddle. Although it didn’t seem glamorous, I was happy. But when the shy, handsome, and somewhat awkward hockey player slid into my life, I realized that I could be happier. I wanted to be more than just content with life.
I knew I wanted to be a hockey player from the moment I put on my first pair of skates. I played
hard for the Titans, proving that I belonged on the top line. But just when I finally made it, an injury took me out of the game. While feeling sorry for myself and waiting to heal, I met the bubbly, beautiful, and smart pediatrician who brought me to my knees. She made me see that there was more to life than scoring goals. A love of the game helps bring these two together and onto a path towards a different kind of love.
Cheyenne and Kamden’s road isn’t as smooth as ice, though. What happens when Kam’s recovery isn’t easy and his position on the team is threatened? Cheyenne has to figure out how to break down his defense and Kam has to realize that he might not always be the one to score the game-winning goal.
After all, 425 Madison is the perfect place to fall in love.
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Copyright @Kay Gordon 2020
An older man was telling us all about how he’d once considered buying a hockey team, and I was doing my best to feign interest. I let my gaze wonder, so I could people watch, though, and I did a double-take when I caught sight of a woman speaking with a small group of people.
She was wearing a dark purple dress that fell to the floor and long sleeves that went to her wrists. The fabric dipped low on her chest, teasing at the cleavage underneath. The dress was tight at the waist, though, and showed off every curve she had. Her blonde hair had big curls in it, and the tips looked like they reached her shoulders. She appeared to be about three or four inches shorter than me, but I was willing to be everything I had that she had on some killer heels under that dress.
It wasn’t just the way she looked that caught me, though. It was the way she held herself. She was smiling as she spoke, and it was obvious that she had every man around her eating out of her hand. They laughed at whatever she was saying, and she appeared to be enjoying herself.
She was captivating.
“What do you think, Mr. Matlock? Do we have a chance at a repeat of the cup?”
I reluctantly peeled my eyes away from the woman to focus on the man in front of me. With a fake smile on my face, I shrugged.
“I think there’s always a chance. We have plenty of time to turn it around.”
When I glanced back at the woman, I saw that she had removed herself from the group she was with and was heading toward the silent auction table.
“Excuse me for a moment, will you?” I didn’t wait for anyone to reply before walking away.
The woman was looking at one of the lots that included a hot air balloon ride when I walked up. I cleared my throat and fought against shoving my hands into my pockets– a nervous habit of mine.
“A hot air balloon ride, huh?” I wanted to cringe at the lame words leaving my mouth, but I couldn’t stop them. “I’d probably faint before I left the ground.”
The woman looked up at me with a polite but disinterested smile on her face that told me she thought my line was cheesy, too. “Afraid of heights?
When her emerald green eyes met mine, recognition and realization dawned on me.
It was the woman from the game.
Kay Gordon is a married mother of two living near the west coast. She spends her days teaching young, impressionable minds in public school and evenings typing away furiously once her children are in bed. Her favorite genres to read are Contemporary Romance and New Adult/College romance, although she rarely denies a good paranormal or dystopian! When she's not teaching or writing, Kay loves to spend time with her family. They're all a bunch of nerds who can quote Disney movies and Star Wars quickly!
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Copyright @Kim Bailey 2020
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About the Holiday Springs Resort Series
A Very Witchy Yuletide
by D. Lieber
GENRE: Contemporary pagan holiday romance
First love is hard to forget, and even harder to ignore…
Evergreen Pendre wasn’t planning on going home for Yule. But when her Mom tells her the old coven is coming for a visit, she wants to see everyone. Well, almost everyone.
After four and a half years, Sawyer Collins finally has a chance to reconnect with his first love, Eeva Pendre. He might have been too shy to tell her how he felt before, but he’s changed. And he’s determined not to let her slip away this time.
As the coven prepares for Yule, they are reminded that not everyone has the holiday spirit in this contemporary Pagan holiday romance.
Sawyer looked up just as Eeva stopped short upon entering the living room. She was still in her pajamas: flannel plaid pants with an oversized hoodie and fuzzy socks. Her long, brown hair was dyed a dark green, and it was still messy from sleep.
His heart throbbed in his chest, and he held his breath as he met her deep ocean blue eyes. His memories hadn’t done her justice.
“Hey,” he said lamely. “It’s uh…been a while.” He cleared his throat, his own voice sounding hoarse and uneven in his ears.
She blinked as if she’d forgotten who he was then frowned. “Yeah, I suppose that happens in life… How is…everything? I mean, I hope you and your mom are doing all right.” Her tone was distant and polite. Formal.
His stomach clenched as his raised hopes deflated. “Yeah, everything’s fine. We’re both good. And you?”
As the strained silence grew between them, Sawyer grasped for something to say. Anything. “So…my mom says you’re graduating soon. What are you studying?” He knew very well she was studying history. It didn’t matter that he’d said more times than he could count that he didn’t care. The moment his mother mentioned her, he’d always internalized the information. And he’d taken more than a few glances at her social media profiles over the years, though he’d gotten better about that.
“Eeva!” his mother called, entering the room before they could struggle on in their conversation.
Review; I've never really read a book about "real" witches. When I've read witchy books..well it ends up being more like Sabrina and Samantha Stephens.
But suffice to say I read this one and really enjoyed learning a bit more about the pagan religion. That for me set this book apart from my usual reads. Also its kind of new adult as our characters are in the college/just out of college age bracket, its also stepping out of my comfort zone a bit.
It was also nice to see a main character that has a disability, Evergreen is blind-ish.
This is a friends to lovers romance with a twist. This isn't your typical holiday romance. This isn't Christmas. This is Yuletide. I love learning about religions.
But I will say that the relationship between Eeva and Sawyer frustrated the hell out of me for the most part. Its pretty much a clean romance until the last part of the book, when THEY FINALLY GET TOGETHER, but then they don't. At the halfway point of this book I was already yelling at them to just have sex already.
Rating: 4 flowers
AUTHOR Bio and Links:
D. Lieber is an urban fantasy author with a wanderlust that would make a butterfly envious. When she isn’t planning her next physical adventure, she’s recklessly jumping from one fictional world to another. Her love of reading led her to earn a Bachelor’s in English from Wright State University.
Beyond her skeptic and slightly pessimistic mind, Lieber wants to believe. She has been many places—from Canada to England, France to Italy, Germany to Russia—believing that a better world comes from putting a face on “other.” She is a romantic idealist at heart, always fighting to keep her feet on the ground and her head in the clouds.
Lieber lives in Wisconsin with her husband (John) and cats (Yin and Nox).
Published Works:
Conjuring Zephyr June 2016
The Exiled Otherkin November 2017
Intended Bondmates June 2018
In Search of a Witch’s Soul (Council of Covens Noir, #1) March 2019
Dancing with Shades (Council of Covens Noir, #0) August 2019
Once in a Black Moon March 2020
A Very Witchy Yuletide October 2020
Website: www.dlieber.com
Twitter: www.twitter.com/AuthorDLieber
Goodreads: www.goodreads.com/dlieberwriting
Bookbub: www.bookbub.com/profile/d-lieber
D. Lieber will be awarding a hand carved tree of life tarot/jewelry/keepsake box (carved by DhewaDecor) to a randomly drawn winner (US ONLY) via rafflecopter during the tour.
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Title: No Gravestone Unturned
Publisher: Solstice Publishing
Publish Date: Oct 5, 2020
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Book Blurb:
It’s October in Cobble Cove, and Alicia is busy preparing for the library’s Halloween party when she learns that John’s aunt from Florida has died and that John’s cousins and their spouses are coming to town to bury their mother. The day after the funeral, the caretaker’s son is found dead by John’s grandfather’s gravestone, from a blow on the head. The only witness seems to be Sneaky the library cat, who, having left the library, turned up at Alicia’s door with blood and dirt on him.
Debbie De Louise is an award-winning author and a reference librarian at a public library on Long Island. She is a member of Sisters-in-Crime, International Thriller Writers, the Long Island Authors Group, and the Cat Writers’ Association. She has a BA in English and an MLS in Library Science from Long Island University. Her novels include the four books of the Cobble Cove cozy mystery series: A Stone’s Throw, Between a Rock and a Hard Place, Written in Stone, and Love on the Rocks. Debbie has also written a romantic comedy novella, When Jack Trumps Ace, a paranormal romance, Cloudy Rainbow, and the standalone mysteries Reason to Die and Sea Scope. Her latest book, Memory Makers, is a medical thriller. She lives on Long Island with her husband, Anthony; daughter, Holly; and three cats, Stripey, Harry, and Hermione.
Author Links Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/debbie.delouise.author/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/Deblibrarian Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/2750133.Debbie_De_Louise Amazon Author Page: http://amzn.to/2bIHdaQ All Author: https://allauthor.com/author/debbiedelouise/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/debbie_writer/ Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/debbiedelouise/ Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/profile/debbie-de-louise Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/debbiedelouise Debbie’s Character’s Chat Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/748912598599469/ Website/Blog/Newsletter Sign-Up: https://debbiedelouise.com Sneaky the Library Cat’s blog: https://Sneakylibrarycat.wordpress.com Purchase Link - Amazon -
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Title: The Signature of All Things
Publisher: Riverhead Books
Publish Date: Oct 1, 2013
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Book Blurb: In The Signature of All Things, Elizabeth Gilbert returns to fiction, inserting her inimitable voice into an enthralling story of love, adventure and discovery. Spanning much of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, the novel follows the fortunes of the extraordinary Whittaker family as led by the enterprising Henry Whittaker—a poor-born Englishman who makes a great fortune in the South American quinine trade, eventually becoming the richest man in Philadelphia. Born in 1800, Henry's brilliant daughter, Alma (who inherits both her father's money and his mind), ultimately becomes a botanist of considerable gifts herself. As Alma's research takes her deeper into the mysteries of evolution, she falls in love with a man named Ambrose Pike who makes incomparable paintings of orchids and who draws her in the exact opposite direction — into the realm of the spiritual, the divine, and the magical. Alma is a clear-minded scientist; Ambrose a utopian artist — but what unites this unlikely couple is a desperate need to understand the workings of this world and the mechanisms behind all life.