Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Book Review: A Life That Fits

Author: Heather Wardell
Title: A Life That Fits
Publisher: Createspace
Publish Date: June 1, 2011
Buy: Amazon
Review Copy Provided By: The author
Book Blurb: Twenty-eight-year-old Andrea returns home from a business trip to find Alex, her boyfriend of fourteen years, nervously waiting for her. Assuming he's finally going to propose, Andrea's instead horrified to learn he's been cheating on her and is leaving to be with the other woman, who he calls Andrea's opposite.
At first Andrea's paralyzed by shock and sadness, but the business analyst soon forms a plan: change every last detail of her life and become her opposite so Alex will come back to her.

It's a challenge at first, but soon Andrea's loving the changes she's making, the new activities she's doing, and the new people in her life. But will she change enough to get Alex back? And if she does, will he fit into the wonderful new life she's creating for herself?

Review: If you haven't read a book by Heather Wardell yet, you need to. I absolutely adored A Life That Fits, and that's not only because the main character has the same name as I do.

Heather's characters are remarkably real, with normal problems and normal existences. When  you read one of Heather's books you feel like the characters are your friends, and Andrea is no different in A Life That Fits.

Everything is falling apart for for her, when her boyfriend of 14 years decides he wants out. I think Andrea behaves the way most people who are dumped but still feel that they are in love with the ex act. She does what she thinks would get her ex back with her. In the process she discovers herself, as well as interests that help her grow as a person.

She makes a lot of changes but things don't completely go swimmingly for her. She has co-worker that is a backstabber...her ex comes back..just as she might be having feelings for someone else.

I have to say the whole time Alex re-entered the picture I screamed at Andrea to ditch his sorry butt. As we learned about his cheating and the numerous women he went through after the breakup, I couldn't like him at all, and I couldn't believe Andrea would want him back in her life, especially with her growing feelings for Loren.  Now he was a guy I could really love.

If you are up for a read about "real people" check out A Life That Fits or any of Heather's other books!

Rating:  5 flowers


1. quirky girls said...

This reminds me of Legally Blonde. Elle decides to try to get into law school to get Warner back. That is one of my favorite movies. I think I would like this book. Hopefully, Andrea does NOT end up with Alex. Ugh. Must read to find out, yes? :)


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