Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Revisited Book, Book Review: Tales From Frewyn

Author: Michelle Franklin
Title: Tales Of Frewyn
Publisher: Red Willow Publishing
Publish Date: May 24, 2011
Buy: Amazon
Review Copy Provided By: Book Lovin' Bitches Ebook Tours and the author
Book Blurb: The Haanta Series is the longest, ongoing, online romantic fantasy series. Thousands of readers visit the world of the Two Continents to enjoy the daily short stories featuring all their favorite characters from the Haanta Series novels. In between the business of the books, the commander, Rautu, Otenohi, Unghaahi, Leraa, Kai Linaa and Alasdair enjoy some time together in Diras Castle, but as the stories portray, mischief lies in every corner of the keep where spiders, chocolate pies, petulant giants and grouchy cooks abound.

Review: The first time I read this I wasn't in a great frame of mind. My father had been in the hospital, and I really gave this book a quick read. I enjoyed it then, but I wanted to come back and revisit it when things were a bit calmer on the homefront.

That's not the case now, but I did get to re-read this collection and I have to say, for fans of fantasy, this is really a fun bunch of short stories, many of which revolve around food....erm chocolate. The five second rule is one of the first stories and it really sets the mood for the fun that's to come. There are definitely parts of this book that will have you laughing out loud!

Again, I found that Frewyn reminded me a bit of Discworld because of the super quirky cast of characters that wouldn't be found in your usual novel. If you are a lover of the fantasy genre and are looking for something a bit different, this collection of short stories is definitely a fun read.

Rating: 4 flowers


1. Lover Of Romance said...

Anything that involves Chocolate is worth reading! Lovely Review!

2. Michelle Franklin is a said...

Thanks for the revisit :D I hope you enjoy the rest of the series!

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