Saturday, September 29, 2012

A Chick Ponders Bookish Things: My Nook Died!

Today started off bad. My mother decided to arrange my schedule for me. That's nothing new, but somehow I knew today that I shouldn't have let her do it.  I'm 38, I should have stood my ground. But I didn't, so my whole morning was a mess.

I was planning on going to the YMCA to run on the elliptical at 7:30, I didn't get there til 2:30 and I had to go to Giant Eagle for groceries afterwards.  I was reading November Surprise for my tour stop on Monday and I was just finishing up my work out when the unthinkable happened. Nanny the Nook (that's what I named my first generation Nook) slipped from its Barnes and Noble case and hit the floor.

Nanny the Nook is now dead, because the impact messed up her screen.

I have a nook color, but now I'm terrified to take it to exercise out of fear that something like this will happen to it.

I loved my first generation Nook.

I'm totally heartbroken now.

Anyone want to cry with me?


heavenisabookstore said...

Well, if you have the replacement warranty, do not under any circumstances mention that you dropped it.

The Mistress of the Dark said...

Its out of warranty since its already 2 years old :(

Lisa said...

Horrible news. At least you have a backup though. I don't know what I would do if that happened. I bought the extended warranty just in case but after two years I would be s.o.l.

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