Thursday, September 6, 2012

A Chick Ponders Bookish Things: Predictability

I'm reading a book right now that is so predictable that I want to toss it down the stairs. But since I've gotten several chapters in, I don't want to abandon it. It is by an author I usually love too, so that really makes this hard.

Have any of you read Cocktails For Three? It is really driving me up the wall. I want to like it but it is a difficult read, especially when 30 pages in, you know there's an evil character that is going to try to ruin the lives of at least one of the 3 main characters.

Ho hum.

It is a good thing that this book is only about 300 pages long. I've heard a lot of good things about this book, so I'm hoping that even though I'm pretty sure I have part of the story figured out that the in between will be worth reading.


Angela's Anxious Life said...

I hate when I just know things... like love triangles. They seem to be in all books now. And series... I just finished The Map of Time thinking things were all wrapped up when I should've guessed. It's a series!

Angela's Anxious Life

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