Title: Doctor Who: The Magic Of Angels
Publisher: BBC Books
Publish Date: Feb 2, 2012
Buy: Amazon
Book Blurb: 'No one from this time will ever see that girl again...'The Doctor, Amy and Rory round off a sight-seeing tour round London with a trip to the theatre. That's when things start to go wrong.The Doctor wonders why so many young girls are going missing from the area. When he sees Sammy Star's amazing magic act, he thinks he knows the answer. Sammy's glamorous assistant disappears at the climax of the act - but this is no stage trick.The Doctor and his friends team up with residents of an old people's home to discover the truth. And together they find themselves face to face with a deadly Weeping Angel.Whatever you do - don't blink!A thrilling all-new adventure featuring the Doctor, Amy and Rory, as played by Matt Smith, Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill in the spectacular hit series from BBC Television.
Review: This is a BBC Quick Reads, so its only about 60 pages long. The plot with the reality star magician Sammy Star and the Weeping Angels is a good one. It is one I almost wished had been made into an episode, except I'm sick to death of the Weeping Angels.
I actually preferred the action in this story to that of the episode that finished off the first half of series 7.
So let's sum this up. The Magician has an Angel that is sending his assistants back in time so it looks like he's actually doing magic.
Good job Sammy, you wanker!
The Doctor, Amy and Rory discover his show on holiday in London while they are being tossed out of ever touristy thing they could visit.
In the show they meet two old ladies that are terrified of the monster.
So there are are characters.
The only ones that come across as they should are the two old ladies Kylie and Amber, who were victims of the show, but have lived long enough to come and see it as their aged selves.
GAH confusing..but it works.
What I hated was how The Doctor, Amy and Rory seemed like caricatures of themselves. They just didn't seem right.
The story itself is probably a more satisfying read for the younger crowd. I think older fans would simply be bored by it or annoyed at the way the characters are portrayed here.
Still, after the last episode with The Ponds, it is a nice tale to read to revisit them.
Rating: 3 flowers
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