Today we are welcoming Caridad Pineiro to the blog to talk about this inspiration for To Catch A Princess...So now I turn the blog over to Caridad...
I've always been a history
buff and in part, that's what inspired the Gambling in Love series and my
latest release in it, TO CATCH A PRINCESS.
Ever since reading about the
doomed Romanov family, I've wondered what it would be like to have had such
wealth and lose it in the blink of an eye.
I've also wondered what it would be like to have survived something like
the Russian Revolution, living in exile, and what your life might be like once
that exile was over.
That wondering inspired not
only the Ivanov family in the series, but also Prince Sergei, one of the
villains in TO CATCH A PRINCESS.
The Ivanovs were one of the
lucky Russian royal families. They
managed to survive the revolution with their lives and a bit of their
wealth. The Ivanovs managed to build it
into even greater wealth and this latest generation, Prince Alexander and
Princess Tatiana, have used their finances to build a gambling empire that
reaches from Atlantic City to Monaco to Macao.
But it's not all glamorous
for Alexander and Tatiana. They've
survived kidnappings and a money laundering threat in their Atlantic City
casino. Now they're trying to stay afloat
with the economic downturn and facing the possibility that someone wants to
ruin a big upcoming event by stealing jewelry worth millions of dollars.
Jewelry that belongs to an
assortment of Russian royals that will be attending the big event!
It was lots of fun researching
the various jewels, but also creating a family history for the Ivanovs, Prince
Sergei and one more prince: Detective
Peter Roman, who is living incognito in Atlantic City.
Why is Peter hiding who he
is, especially from Princess Tatiana?
It’s an emotional and
complicated choice Peter has made that will have many consequences for him and
Tatiana as they deal with a marriage bargain made by their parents, the
possible threat to the Ivanov empire, and the theft of millions in precious
I hope you’ll take the time
to check out TO CATCH A PRINCESS. Thank
you for stopping by to visit.

About To Catch a Princess
Untold wealth, a loving family, a solid career in America: the only thing Princess Tatiana lacks is the one thing she really doesn’t want—a husband. Unfortunately, her parents have just arranged her marriage to a royal from the old country. Are they kidding? It’s the twenty-first century!Police Detective Peter Roman is a royal living incognito … and escaping a secret that has haunted his family for years. He’s been quietly in love with his best friend Prince Alexander’s sister for as long as he can remember. Little does she know that he is secretly the Grand Duke to whom she is unwillingly betrothed…
When a series of high-end jewelry heists threatens Tatiana’s exclusive charity exhibition in glamorous Monaco, the two must trap the clever jewel thief before he strikes again. In a fight for their lives, Peter’s secret identity is revealed. With danger and passion increasing to the breaking point, she must decide: catch a thief…or trust the heart of her true love.
To Catch a Princess by Caridad Pineiro
Genre: Romantic Suspense
- Caridad’s Website | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads
- To Catch a Princess on Amazon | Barnes & Noble
- Publication Date: August 26, 2013
- Published by Entangled Publishing - Suspense Imprint
Despite his family’s wealth, Peter had never flown in a private jet.
It was a completely different experience, and one he wasn’t quite sure he liked. But then again, he wasn’t a fan of flying under any circumstances.
Logic told him this was a far safer mode of transportation than a car or train, and that crashing was less likely than getting hit by lightning, but he couldn’t keep from imagining that every little bump or whine of the engines was the beginning of a death plummet.
As the plane banked to one side and the cabin rattled with a bit of turbulence, he clenched his hands on the arms of his seat and gritted his teeth.
He must have made some kind of noise because Tatiana looked up from the papers she had been reading for the last hour or so. “Looking green, much?”
“I’m fine,” he managed to bite out past the tension in his jaw.
She grinned with amusement, then contained it. Unbuckling, she walked to the seat that faced his and sat. “Took me a bunch of flights before I got used to it, too.”
“Feel like a fool,” he admitted, thinking that he was losing hero points with her in a major way.
She laid her hand on the taut muscles of his thigh and smoothed it reassuringly. “Let’s get your mind off the flight.”
His eyebrows shot up in surprise, one thought paramount about how she could accomplish that.
As she realized where his mind had gone, she blushed, and waved her hands. “No way, not the mile high club.”
“Hell, no. Alexander would shoot me just for thinking about it,” he kidded, and actually managed a chuckle, but his comment only brought additional color to Tatiana’s cheeks.
“You thought about it? Really?” she asked with a slight stammer.
The plane did another little bounce, but the last thing he was thinking about now was dying. All he could think about was Tatiana and him in the bedroom on the plane, making love.
“You’re a beautiful woman, Tatiana. I’d have to be dead not to think about about it,” he confessed.
About Caridad Pineiro

Thank you so much for hosting me today! I appreciate your generosity in letting me visit your blog!
Glad to have you :)
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