Monday, August 5, 2013

Goddess Fish Promotions Author Interview: Tea Cooper

What was your inspiration to write romance?
A desire for a happy ending coupled that with an insatiable curiosity! I write contemporary and historical romances and my inspiration is always a character and then what if….until they find their HEA

Who is your favorite heroine from one of your books and why?
The heroine of A Winning Streak is probably my favorite – Atalante. She is so determined, so very sure of herself and the very best at what she does (she did have a little bit of help from the Gods early on) but when love comes along her world is turned upside down.

Who is your favorite fictional couple?

Kate and Petruchio in The Taming of the Shrew. She was one spirited lady and when ‘ladies’ weren’t supposed to be. That’s probably why Atalante is my favorite heroine.

Who is your favorite romance author?

That’s an impossibly difficult question to answer! Especially as I read just about every genre. It depends on my mood – and with the advent of ebooks it is so easy to discover new authors. I’m going to pass on that one!

What book can you read over and over?

The Lord of the Rings…I know it is not romance but the characters. I wonder what would happen if….NO! And Shakespeare – romance and tragedies.

How do you like your romance novels, sweet or spicy?

Either or both but not too spicy. I like complex characters and a plot that sustains them and sometimes if it is too spicy I lose the characters and the plot.

Tell us about your most recent release.

A Winning Streak is my most recent release with Breathless Press. It’s my take on the myth of Atalante. I like my heroines to be feisty and she was certainly that. There are so many different versions of her story each with a different ending so I decided to jump in and add mine!!

Here’s the blurb.
Will the path of true love incur the wrath of the virgin Goddess Artemis?

Abandoned at birth, Atalante, protege of the goddess Artemis, is forced into an untenable position by her estranged father, the King of Arcadia—renege on her vow of virginity or condemn her suitors to a sacrificial death. The aristocratic courtier, Melanion, cannot believe anyone would be foolish enough to put their life on the line for the dirty little predator whose reputation for speed and cruelty is legendary. That is until he falls under Atalante's spell.

Consumed by desire and jealousy, Melanion is determined to win Atalante's hand or die trying. He calls upon Aphrodite to assist him, little realizing that her noisome brat, Eros, has the pair of them in his sights and is determined to inject a little spice into their lives. Spice that will devastate the path of true love and incur the wrath of the virgin Goddess Artemis.

 The Protea Boys by Téa Cooper

Georgie can run but she can't hide from the man who stalks her dreams and throws her ordered life into a tailspin.

Emotional entanglement is not on George Martin's to do list. She has turned her back on her sophisticated Sydney lifestyle, determined to renovate her parents old flower farm and her shattered ego. However the challenges prove more than she bargained for until a madcap scheme comes to fruition and The Protea Boys are born. The team of efficient, well-tapered six-packs solve her farming problems, but their leader presents a different kind of challenge—their first spark of attraction ignites a passion she cannot ignore.

Tom Morgan likes his women “pretty and entertaining,” not “efficient and driven," but the threat of being co-opted as a wine waiter or worse, chef in his brother’s restaurant encourages him to take up what he sees as the highly amusing challenge of managing The Protea Boys. It is the perfect distraction while he waits for a new assignment—or so he thinks until he realizes he has found the one woman he cannot run away from.
Digital Edition: $4.99 | ISBN: 978-1-77101-991- 0 | Length: 49,000 words
Ebook Page Count:  | Publication Date: May 3, 2013 | PDF – MOBI – EPUB |Heat rating 2
Breathless Press


Copyright 2013, Téa Cooper
All rights reserved, Breathless Press.

A nonchalant silhouette leaning against the side of the black four-wheel drive came into view. Tall and lean, with an Akubra pulled down shadowing his eyes and arms folded across his chest. As Georgie slammed to a halt, he pushed his hat back and winked at her.
"What are you doing here?" she snapped.
Shit, not a very polite way to greet someone.
It was a trick. Hillary had played a huge trick on her.
"Good morning, Georgina." His laconic drawl made the hairs on her arms prickle, and his gaze ran up and down the length of her body; she stopped herself from rubbing her arms just in time. At least six feet four inches of pure muscle and screaming masculinity. The mere sight of him made her hackles rise. This was not one of her ridiculous dreams. She groped around, trying to find something to say, but he offered no help, just kept looking her up and down, waiting patiently.
"I didn't know it was you," she managed to splutter.
"You didn't know what was me?" he said, green eyes sparkling at her. She wanted to slap the ridiculous, audacious grin off his face. He was enjoying every moment of her discomfort.
"Hillary didn't say it was you." She ground the words out between her gritted teeth.
"Hillary didn't exactly say it was you either—but I guessed."
The whole conversation, if you could call it that, got more idiotic by the moment.
Take control. I have to take control.
Blood pounded somewhere inside her head. "So you're here to work, not just making a social call?" She narrowed her eyes, unable to be civil.
"I'm under the impression I'm starting work today. Hillary said you were expecting me, and I should turn up at seven o'clock this morning." He stared pointedly at his watch, accentuating his deliciously muscled forearm. " It's five to, by my reckoning."
"I didn't know it was you." Georgie's brain had stuck, like an old, scratched CD, the phrase stuttered in her head, and she couldn't stop it falling out of her mouth. "I didn't know it was you. Hillary said your name was Morgan."
"It is. Morgan, Tom Morgan." He enunciated the words as though she had a limited command of English.
In an attempt to restrain the recurring urge to hit him, Georgie clenched her fists.
"Remember? I introduced myself after our little adventure with the wombat last week."
How could she forget? She involuntarily moved her finger to her lips, unsure for a moment if her memory of his kiss was real or not, but the glimmer in his eye assured her it was, and she pulled her hand from her face and stuffed it into her pocket.
"Then we spoke on the phone."
"Yes. I remember. It's just I didn't know it was you Hillary had interviewed."
You're burbling, talking nonsense.
Hillary had said his name was Morgan, and she hadn't put two and two together. She dreamed—not dreamed, no, he didn't need to know about her dreams—of him as Tom.
Tom of the predatory green eyes with tawny flecks.
Mr. Leopard Eyes who was watching her with a deal more than a glint of amusement. She sucked in a deep breath and exhaled, enjoying the exasperated puffing sound escaping her lips. Her flesh shivered despite the warmth in her face.
"I can go if you like. It's not a problem. I was looking forward to the job. Thought it would be a challenge working for two lovely ladies."
That's it. That's done it. The patronizing sexist.
She clenched her teeth to prevent the words escaping. Sometime in the not-too-distant future she would explain to this man that she was running the business and she employed him—not the other way around. She'd played this game before, and she had no intention of falling into the trap again.

 A Winning Streak by Téa Cooper

Will the path of true love incur the wrath of the virgin Goddess Artemis?

Abandoned at birth, Atalante, protege of the goddess Artemis, is forced into an untenable position by her estranged father, the King of Arcadia—renege on her vow of virginity or condemn her suitors to a sacrificial death. The aristocratic courtier, Melanion, cannot believe anyone would be foolish enough to put their life on the line for the dirty little predator whose reputation for speed and cruelty is legendary. That is until he falls under Atalante's spell.

Consumed by desire and jealousy, Melanion is determined to win Atalante's hand or die trying. He calls upon Aphrodite to assist him, little realizing that her noisome brat, Eros, has the pair of them in his sights and is determined to inject a little spice into their lives. Spice that will devastate the path of true love and incur the wrath of the virgin Goddess Artemis.

Digital Edition: $2.99 | ISBN: | Length: 20,000 words
Publication Date: June 14th, 2013 | PDF – MOBI – EPUB |Timeless

The sixth day of Thargelion
Mount Parthenius, Arcadia

Purple thunderclouds swirled, and lightning slashed the sky. Artemis the Huntress, goddess of the forests and the hills, stood astride the mountaintop, staring in fascination at the frail human figure edging its way to the cave.
The figure gazed around furtively, then placed a tightly wrapped bundle beneath the shelter of the rocky overhang before stepping stealthily away through the glade of moon-white cyclamen flowers.
A flash of lightning illuminated the interior of a cave. Bounding effortlessly down the mountain, Artemis raged at the folly of mankind.
"Great Zeus above!"
Impossibly huge cerulean eyes stared up at her—the epitome of perfection. Artemis reached down and picked up the swaddled bundle. The scent of the fresh, sweet skin and the flawless rosebud mouth tugged at her heart as she cradled the tiny body close to her breast and raised her fist to the heavens. "This I vow, my little one, you shall become fleet of foot, a huntress, second to none and guided by my ever-watchful eye."
Pulling back the tightly wrapped swaddling, she gazed in awe as the plump, perfectly formed limbs pounded the air. "I name you Atalantê, my princess, for we are as one. In perfect harmony you will grow in my image, your maiden divinity never to be conquered by Eros."
Artemis listened as in the valley below, the Arcadian people held their collective breath. She stilled the lightning and dismissed the thunderclouds. Finally, when the pale sun rose, the frustrated cries of Lord Iasius filled the palace. "Gods! Take back your girl. Give me a boy to inherit my kingdom!"
The acts of men are rarely unheeded by the gods, and Artemis vowed compassion for her little foundling, seeing to her warmth and nourishment until the girl grew tall and nimble, slim of hip—a virgin huntress, in her own image.


Téa writes contemporary and historical romantic fiction featuring strong-minded women and sexy Australian men. Love and life Down Under isn't always easy. Her heroes and heroines have to fight long and hard for what they believe in before they reach their happy ever after.
The Protea Boys is Téa's second Australian contemporary romance and her third Passionfruit & Poetry was published on June 17th. She is currently working on a series of nineteenth century historical romances set in Sydney and the Hunter Valley. Lily's Leap and Matilda's Freedom are available now.
To keep up with all of Téa's news visit her website where you will find links to her blog and social media pages.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


1. Tea Cooper said...

Thanks for hosting me Atalante and The Protea Boys!

2. Goddess Fish Promotions said...

Thank you for hosting today

3. Unknown said...

I thought learning about what you like to read was the most interesting.

4. Anonymous said...

I'm intrigued by the title of the book...The Protea Boys. I know that "protea" is a type of lovely blooming flower...but does that have anything to do with this story?

5. Joseph Hawkshaw said...

Thank you for hosting.

6. Andra Lyn said...

I love getting to know what authors think of their own works! Thanks for sharing!

andralynn7 AT gmail dot com

7. wyndwhisper said...

that we both loved the Lord of the Rings and The Taming of the Shrew!

not many people would put those 2 together. I wonder, do you also love the movie version of A Merchant in Venice (Al Pacino)? it's awesome you should check it out.

the book sounds wonderful and I love the cover, it's gorgeous. I can hardly wait to read it.
thanks for the contest.
tammy ramey

8. Anonymous said...

Interesting to see a Kate and Petruchio fan!


9. Cathy Brockman said...

looks interesting!!

10. Roz @ My Written Romance said...

I liked the part about her favourite fictional couple. The fact that it was a different Shakespearean couple than the usual Romeo and Juliet was even better.

11. Tea Cooper said...

Hi Catherine

The Protea Boys is set on a protea's a little bit autobiographical - with a touch of wishful thinking!! I used to own a protea farm!!

Hi Roz
Kate and Petruchio have been my favourite ever since the Lower Fourth - school summer treat!!

Tammy I love that version of the Merchant...

Thanks for hosting Ms Chick Who Reads - love your website!

Thanks everyone for taking the time to stop by!

12. bn100 said...

these sound interesting

13. Anonymous said...

My Favorite part of the interview was probably Tea's answer about her inspiration to write. Thanks.

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