Friday, November 8, 2013

Goddess Fish Book Tours Book Review: The Inheritance

Olivia Mayfield

Maggie Willings knew that returning home for her estranged grandfather’s funeral would not be easy, but she never expected the reading of his will to be the most difficult part. The four people named in the will—Maggie, her brother Robert, her ex-boyfriend Andrew, and her grandfather’s far-too-young girlfriend Bethany—are given a challenge: find out the truth about what happened to Maggie’s younger sister Cassandra, who vanished over eight years ago, and win the entirety of the estate.

Maggie is thrown by the strange request, reluctant to drag up painful memories of her sister’s disappearance, and bothered by her lingering attraction to Andrew, who wants to team up to solve the mystery. But there are ten million dollars on the line and Maggie has no idea where to start—or who she’ll be able to trust.


What had her grandfather been thinking? She couldn’t believe he had picked the four of them, four childhood friends and siblings whose lives had splintered so far apart. He was a shrewd man, a calculated risk-taker. And he knew each of them would have a stake in solving Cassandra’s…disappearance. Kidnapping. Murder. Or whatever it was that had happened to her eight years ago.

Obviously, Maggie and her brother had the personal angle in the case, since Cassandra was their younger sister. Both Bethany and Andrew had been close to the family when they were teens, so the two of them would likely know as much about the case as anyone else. Upon chewing these facts over, Grandpa’s reasoning made sense to Maggie, but that knowledge didn’t ease her turmoil.

Her gaze met Andrew’s. He accepted her scrutiny and matched it with a bold, open look of his own. His hand was steady, his face smooth. He’d obviously grown adept over the years at disguising his emotions; she could read nothing on him.

Would he accept the challenge for the money?

Or did he have something else to gain here?

Review: Novellas are usually hard for me to review, but not the Inheritance. This novella is part of a serial about a family with missing daughter. Cassandra disappeared after a party one night eight years ago.

Her grandfather has passed away and as part of his will he's asked certain people to solve the mystery of her disappearance. Oh and speaking of her deceased grandfather, he was involved with a woman half his age, who used to be Maggie's friend!

The Inheritance is part one in this series and only 64 pages long, but oh those 64 pages will turn quickly and when you reach the cliffhanger ending you will want the next book, NOW!

I really love Olivia's writing style. This book read like a soap opera. It is fast paced and full of drama, betrayal, intrigue and family secrets.

This is a series, I definitely want to keep up with!

Rating: 5 flowers


Olivia Mayfield has been an unabashed fan of romance since she was a young teen, secretly devouring her mom’s Harlequins. She has a bachelor’s degree in Creative Writing, as well as a Master’s degree in English, and lives with her family in Ohio. In her free time, she loves reading, shopping, wearing absurdly high-heeled boots, cheesecake, singing karaoke, and harassing her friends.


Olivia will be awarding $25 Amazon or gift card to a randomly drawn commenter during the tour


1. Mary Preston said...

Your review makes me want to grab hold of this now.


2. Anonymous said...

YAY, thanks for having me on your blog!!!

3. Rita Wray said...

Great review, I can't wait to read the book.


4. Stormy Vixen said...

Thanks for sharing the great excerpt and the giveaway. Sounds like a great book and I am looking forward to reading it. Congrats on the completion of the tour. evamillien at gmail dot com

5. Catherine Lee said...

5 flowers. Great review. I like the novella length--a quick read in the evening before bed. It's just right.
catherinelee100 at gmail dot com

6. Kimberly @ Turning the Pages said...

I'm like you, I have a hard time with Novellas as well but this one looks great. I can't wait to read it :)
-Kimberly @ Turning the Pages

+New GFC follower

7. Chelsea B. said...

Hi, Olivia! I've really enjoyed following along on your blog tour! It's been fun getting to read more about you and your book :-)

My best,


8. bn100 said...

Intriguing sounding book

bn100candg at hotmail dot com

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