Monday, August 11, 2014

A Chick Ponders Bookish Things: The Keeper Shelf

Its that time of year when I try to declutter. That's not an easy task for a book lover and book blogger. Books seem to arrive at my doorstep on a daily basis, and though I love my ereader, I still love print books too.


I have so many ARCs and review copies that I don't know what to do with them. Some of them I've loved. Seriously, "Cancel The Wedding" that I read in the last few weeks, I loved. Nothing will make me part with that. But there are some that I just don't know what to do with. And my cozy mysteries...I love many of them too much to part with them.

The ARCs will likely go to the YMCA lending library. I like to know some of the books I have are going to be enjoyed again and again.

I have a lot of books I consider 5 flowers in my reviews. I figure those are my keepers. (And some titles, because, they make me feel like I've read something smart...which I don't often do. I like fun reads over thoughtful ones)

Yes, I have several shelves of Harlequins, sue me! I love romance too!

How do you decide what stays on your shelves?


1. Anonymous said...

As long as I still have space I keep them, except when I did not like them. I would love to have a big library when I ever have the money. And I just cannot part with books.

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