Saturday, August 2, 2014

A Chick Ponders Bookish Things: Nook, You Should Have Been So Great

I have a rant about Nook. I bought the first generation Nook way back when, and I loved it. It was a superb product. Then it fell on the floor and the screen cracked. (Insert much crying here)

I have a Nook Color that I use quite a bit, but quite frankly it is too heavy. The weight is one of the reasons why I ended up buying a Nook Simple Touch with the glo light. I am not really a tablet girl. I don't watch tv on my devices or do anything other than use the good reads app and read. I thought the Simple Touch would be perfect.

I loved the light and the battery life is much better than that on the Color, but the product is crap. My touch screen is going, meaning, I can't even get it to turn on properly, let alone get to my books. Some of the other stuff that its been doing is even too ridiculous and hard to explain. It is also past its warranty. Damn!

I also have an HD + which I'm slowly getting used to. I like that I can have the Kindle app on the device as well as my Nook books and my Amazon mp3 app.

It is a shame Nook couldn't have stayed as great as their first ereader, which was really just as good as the Kindle. I loved that you could delete things straight from the device. That was something you can't do on any of the other Nooks.

I understand progress, but I hate that progress ruined a great product.


1. Anonymous said...

This is exactly the reason why I am so hesitant to buy either a kindle or a nook. I want a functioning object that works like a tablet. I have a first generation ipad that now functions as an e-reader but it is just way too heavy. I might look into an ereader in the future, but I really wouldn't know which one to choose.

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