Friday, April 27, 2018

Historical Fiction Virtual Book Tours Book Review: Madam Of My Heart

Madam of My Heart by Gini Grossenbacher

Publication Date: February 6, 2017
eBook & Paperback; 476 Pages
ISBN-13: 978-0998380605
Series: American Madams, #1
Genre: Historical Fiction/Victorian
Baltimore, 1849. During a scandalous crisis, the young Irish Brianna Baird flees her home at Fells Point. With little cash and only a seamstress's trade, she braves the hypnotic streets of New Orleans. The tantalizing Madam DeSalle lures her to her brothel, then sells her to the dashing but questionable gambler, Edward Spina, who falls in love with her. In a tawdry alliance with these two profiteers, Brianna embarks on a journey through the French Quarter's debauched and glittering Voodoo world. Facing the horrors of slavery, she triumphs by gaining freedom papers for her maid Emma's enslaved husband and son. Brianna and Edward escape with them to San Francisco. There she becomes one of the most sought after madams in the gold rush parlor house trade. But will her fame and pluck be enough to save Edward from the Vigilante noose? This is the first book in the American Madams series.
"A debut historical novel that chronicles the struggles, loves, and joys of an exceptional madam in 19th-century America. Grossenbacher's book, the first in a planned series, dramatizes the early life and busy career of a woman named Brianna Baird. Grossenbacher's prose is both graceful and inventive. She absorbingly limns the various cities Brianna inhabits, from New Orleans and its 'web of Creole cottages, chaotic marketplaces, and secretive balconies, simmering outside her window, ' to the rowdy atmosphere of frontier-era San Francisco. The occasional marvelous metaphor will surprise readers, as when 'the truth hit Brianna like a badly aimed bowling pin.' This isn't just a novel for lovers of history's more prurient corners; it's for everyone who likes well-deployed language and intense stories. A seamier side of American history, engagingly told through one woman's unexpected adventures." -Kirkus Reviews, A Recommended Review

Amazon | Barnes and Noble | IndieBound

Review: The first thing I have to say about this book is that this cover is one of the most beautiful that I've seen in ages. I could go on about it for ages.

Its the first book in a series called American Madams. It isn't often that you see the side of history in romantic fiction. I was instantly drawn to the book.

This is a book about a woman that starts with nothing and becomes powerful. You get to see the dark side of history here.

I love the setting in New  Orleans as well as Baltimore.

This was an amazing book! A must read!

Rating: 5 flowers

About the Author

California author Gini Grossenbacher was a successful high school English teacher until she abandoned grades and term papers, choosing to write historical novels instead. Now she leads small writing groups and coaches other writers. She loves researching the history behind her novels, and enjoys traveling to the setting where they take place. Her hobbies include needlepoint, nature walks, and Scrabble. She lives in the Sacramento Valley where she grew up, east of San Francisco. For more information, please visit Gini's website. You can also find her on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Goodreads.


During the Blog Tour we will be giving away two copies of Madam of My Heart! To enter, please enter via the Gleam form below. Giveaway Rules – Giveaway ends at 11:59pm EST on April 30th. You must be 18 or older to enter. – Giveaway is open to US residents only. – Only one entry per household. – All giveaway entrants agree to be honest and not cheat the systems; any suspect of fraud is decided upon by blog/site owner and the sponsor, and entrants may be disqualified at our discretion. – Winner has 48 hours to claim prize or new winner is chosen.

Book Review: Don't Call Me Cupcake

A cupcake baker with magical abilities suddenly finds herself competing with the unfortunately handsome owner of the fancy new bakery across the street in Golden Heart® Winner Tara Sheets's magical romantic comedy releasing April 24th, 2018.

Rafflecopter for Don’t Call Me Cupcake Blog Tour Giveaway:

Tara is offering one (1) lucky winner a Kindle Fire! To enter, simply fill out the Rafflecopter below:

About Don’t Call Me Cupcake:

Title: Don’t Call Me Cupcake
Author: Tara Sheets
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: April 24, 2018
Publisher: Zebra Shout – Kensington Publishing
Series: The Holloway Girls
Format: Digital eBook / Print
Digital ISBN: 1420146264
Print ISBN: 9781420146264


There’s a very special kind of sweetness to life on Pine Cove Island …

Most families have a favorite recipe or two, handed down through generations. The Holloway women are a little different. Emma Holloway, like her grandmother before her, bakes charms into her delicious cupcakes, granting the recipient comfort, sweet dreams, or any number of good things. It’s a strange gift, but it brings only happiness. Until gorgeous, smooth-talking newcomer Hunter Kane strolls into her shop, Fairy Cakes—and Emma makes the mistake of selling him not one, but three Sweet Success cupcakes.

Hunter, it turns out, is opening a fancy new restaurant and bakery right on the waterfront—Emma’s competition. To make matters worse, the town committee has decided to split the upcoming summer festival contract between the two, forcing Emma to work with her nemesis. But she can’t afford to split her profits. The solution: create a recipe that will make Hunter leave town permanently.

The Holloway charms are powerful. But there are other kinds of magic in the world—like red-hot first kisses, secret glances, and the feeling that comes with falling truly, madly, inconveniently in love . . .

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Copyright© 2018 Don’t Call Me Cupcake
Tara Sheets

That half smile ghosted across his face again and he crossed his arms. It was a simple gesture of relaxed ease, but Emma didn’t buy it. There was a hunger in his dark green gaze that she remembered all too well. The lion was on high alert.
What did you want to talk about?” he asked.
It was wrong,” she blurted.
Hunter’s posture shifted slightly. “You think last night was a mistake.”
Totally. I mean, I never do that kind of thing. Ever. I don’t know what I was thinking, you know?” Here came the babble. She always babbled when she was nervous. “But I know it’s not a good idea to mix my personal life with business. And you and I are just business, so I hope you understand it’s not going to happen again because, you know, I can’t really believe it even happened in the first place.”
His gaze was intense, like he was imagining the things they could do. The things they had done. A delicious shiver skittered up her spine. She forged ahead. “I mean, I just don’t think it should have happened at all. It was kind of crazy and well, contrary to what you may have heard, I’m not actually crazy. Weird, sure. But not reckless like that. At least I never have been in the past. So anyway, I would like to forget about it and, you know, just go on like before,” said the queen of Babble-on. “Normal and stuff.”
Hunter nodded once and glanced down at the floor. He seemed deep in thought, as if he was trying to make a decision.
Emma tried not to notice his muscular arms, crossed against his chest. Nothing sexy about those. Nope. La la la. She could hear the second hands ticking on the wall clock. Tick. Tick.
He pressed his lips together and she suddenly remembered the feel of them, warm and hot against the sensitive spot on her neck. Focus!
When he finally lifted his head, her knees almost buckled. The lion stared back, all wild and hungry and seductive, like he was about to lick zebra chops. He leaned closer.
She should probably back away.
He watched her beneath thick, dark lashes and lowered his gaze to her mouth.
Yup. Definitely backing away soon. She could almost feel the heat of his body on hers and her traitorous limbs ached with the desire to step closer.
His face hovered inches from hers, as if he was waiting for some sign.
Any second now, she would back away. Any second. Emma’s mouth opened on a tiny indrawn breath.
It seemed to be exactly what he was waiting for. The moment his lips touched hers, her limbs flooded with heat. Her body remembered him and was instantly ready.
He gripped her hips and lifted, pulling her flush against him. She wrapped her legs around his waist, completely lost in the kiss that spread like wildfire through her blood. He carried her to the back room, knocking over a bag of sugar on the way as he braced her up against the pantry wall. She gripped the edge of the shelf, sending stainless steel mixing bowls toppling to the floor. The two of them were like a hurricane, demolishing anything that got in the way, and she was helpless to do anything but hang on.
Emma suddenly wanted to feel his skin against hers. She grabbed the hem of his shirt and yanked it up, breaking away from their kiss just long enough to tear it over his head.
A low growl escaped him as he ran his hands up under her apron, sending a jolt of pure desire rocketing through her.
Screwed. She was so screwed. But in this moment, who cared?
She smiled against his mouth and licked his lips. If he was the hungry lion, then she was happy, slow-roasting zebra chops.

Review: Romance and food. That seems to be a recurring theme with my books lately. I really like this too. I love books where food is important. Oh and magic? Can you say, this book is destined to be a Hallmark movie? Really should be. It gives you all those kinds of warm fuzzy feelings.

This is a book that you pick up and don't put down until its done.

This book is totally perfect and all I can do is just Squee about it.

Rating: 5 flowers

About Tara Sheets:

TARA SHEETS is an award-winning author of contemporary romance and women’s fiction. Her work has earned first place recognition in literary contests nationwide and her debut novel, Don’t Call Me Cupcake, won the 2016 Golden Heart® award sponsored by Romance Writers of America®. Tara began her career as an author in the Pacific Northwest, inspired by the rain and the misty mountains and the rivers of Starbucks coffee. She now lives in the warm, wonderful South where she can stand outside with no coat on, and she finds that pretty inspiring too. When not writing, Tara enjoys life with her book-loving family and a book-eating dog named Merlin. She is represented by Sarah Phair at Trident Media Group.

Connect with Tara: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Amazon | BookBub

Book Review: Sugar And Spice and All of Those Lies

About the Author
Evy Journey, SPR (Self Publishing Review) Independent Woman Author awardee, is a writer, a wannabe artist, and a flâneuse who, wishes she lives in Paris where people have perfected the art of aimless roaming. Armed with a Ph.D., she used to research and help develop mental health programs.
She's a writer because beautiful prose seduces her and existential angst continues to plague her despite such preoccupations having gone out of fashion. She takes occasional refuge by invoking the spirit of Jane Austen to spin tales of love, loss, and finding one’s way—stories into which she weaves mystery or intrigue.



About the Book:

Author: Evy Journey
Publisher: Sojourney Books
Pages: 200
Genre: Women’s Fiction/Crime

Cooking a wonderful meal is an art. An act of love. An act of grace. A gift that affirms and gives life—not only does it nurture those who partake of the meal; it also feeds the soul of the creator. These are lessons Gina learns from her mother, daughter of an unfortunate French chef.
Gina is a young woman born to poor parents, a nobody keen to taste life outside the world she was born into. A world that exposes her to fascinating people gripped by dark motives. Her passion for cooking is all she has to help her navigate it.
She gets lucky when she’s chosen to cook at a Michelin-starred restaurant in the San Francisco Bay Area where customers belong to a privileged class with money to spare for a dinner of inventive dishes costing hundreds of dollars. In this heady, scintillating atmosphere, she meets new friends and new challenges—pastry chef Marcia, filthy rich client Leon, and Brent, a brooding homicide detective. This new world, it turns out, is also one of unexpected danger.
Can the lessons Gina learned from her mother about cooking and life help her survive and thrive in this other world of privilege, pleasure, and menace?


Amazon | Barnes & Noble

Review: Sugar and Spice and All of Those Lies is quite the read. Its a short fast paced foodie fic that reads like an episode of a daytime drama set in a restaurant.

As a person that knows a little about the restaurant business, I can say, there is always drama there, especially in the fancier of eateries.

This was a fast paced read, full of romance, intrigue and a whole lot of drama. The cast of characters really runs the gamut here too, with people from the very wealthy to the middle class.

Definitely a good afternoon read!

Rating: 4 flowers

ByLee Broomon December 24, 2017
Powerful book! I feel like this story was one that I will have on my mind for a while. Gina is a gourmet chef, and her life is centered around her food and her dreams of owning her own restaurant. She recently got out of a relationship, not wanting to commit because of her passion for her job. Then a charming rich playboy notices her and won't stop sending her roses. It's an interesting story that has some crazy twists when jealous women come out of the woodwork. Gina doesn't want to have a relationship so she ignores Leon's attentions. Then she meets an intense homicide detective named Brent who catches her heart, but numerous events keep them apart. It's a compelling story with quite a few ups and downs and sometimes I wanted to say to these people, "What is wrong with you people? Can't you just admit you love each other and live your life happy already?!" I highly recommend this book and can't wait to read more by this author.

Book Excerpt:
I’m alive. I’m dead. I’m in-between. In that limbo where my vital signs hover just above death. I rise above my body and look down on it, lying on a gurney. Hospital staff are rushing me along the brightly-lit hallway to the operating room. One of them holds an oxygen mask on my face. Another, a bag of intravenous fluid connected to my veins by a tube.
I’m not ready to die yet. These good people anxious to rescue me don’t know that my resolve is the only thing that is keeping me alive. No, I’m not ready to die—I’ve only just begun to live. I have yet to prove to myself, to the world, that I have what it takes to prevail.
My family—now on their way to the hospital—doesn’t know yet exactly what happened to me. And except for one detective, neither do the police. I see him now by the foot of the gurney, keeping pace with the nurses. He’s scowling, his lips pressed into a grim line.
A tall, taut, and solitary man, he has deep-set gray eyes clouded by too many images of violent death and a lower lip that hangs perpetually open in disgust or despair. So much darkness he has already seen in his thirty odd years in this world. He needs to piece together the facts that constitute the attempt on my life, events that may have led to it, and various fragments of my past to understand what brought me to this point.
The first time I met him, I fell in love with him. There was something primal about him, some paternal, animalistic instinct to save hurt or fallen victims. Like me, maybe. It gave him power and it made him irresistible to me.
But fate is fickle. It teases. It entices. One day, something quite ordinary happens to you. Yet, you sense that that ordinary something can change your life. Not necessarily for something better, but for something new. Fate is dangling before you the promise of a world that, before then, was totally out of your reach. How can you not seize it?
Now, of course, I see the end of that promise. And it’s not where I want to be.
It’s tragic, don’t you think, that the end of that promise should be right here on a gurney, with me fighting for my life? It certainly is not what I hoped for.
How could it end this way? I embraced life, took chances, but half-dead on this gurney, I wonder: Am I paying with my life? But, like I said. I’m not ready to die yet.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

First Look: No Cowboy Required

Welcome to Reno, Nevada, the Biggest Little City in the World! Sweet Home Alabama meets Raising Helen in this sweet small town contemporary romance debut from Golden Heart® Award finalist JoAnn Sky!

Rafflecopter for No Cowboy Required First Look Giveaway:

JoAnn is offering one (1) lucky winner a $50 Amazon Gift Card! To enter, simply fill out the Rafflecopter below:

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About No Cowboy Required:

Title: No Cowboy Required
Author: JoAnn Sky
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: May 14, 2018
Publisher: Entangled Publishing
Series: A Biggest Little Love Story
Format: Digital eBook / Print
Print ISBN: 9781640635012


Enemies make the best partners…

As a photographer in NYC, Grace Harper is a pro at handling the unexpected--which comes in handy when she inherits the ranch home she ran away from seven years ago…along with a young, autistic stepbrother she’s never met. And because nothing ever goes easy for her, Grace finds her frustrating, sexy ex-flame, Noah, taking care of JJ. But she’s getting out of this nowhere town fast, so she’ll have to find a way to keep from throttling Noah—without kissing him first.

Noah Taylor may be enemy number one to Grace, but she needs his help. He knows the girl he used to love is still there, beneath the heels and fancy clothes, so he’ll help her—and keep his distance like she says she wants. Only the more time they spend together, the closer he wants to get. Grace has no intention of staying, but she belongs in his arms—he just has to prove it to her.

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Pre-Order: Amazon | Kobo

Copyright© 2018 No Cowboy Required
JoAnn Sky

He leaned against the kitchen entrance, his own half-eaten sandwich in hand, watching her. “Are you going to avoid me all day?”
She stiffened. She was the New Yorker, used to being direct and dealing with people who got in her face. Yet when Noah did it, it unnerved her. “I’m not avoiding you.” Her pitch was a half-step high, the trait of a liar.
We’ve got to talk about last night.”
She smacked her bread together and turned to face him, using her sandwich as a shield. She straightened her pose, planted her feet apart, and hoped the Wonder Woman stance would give her Amazonian strength. “Last night was a mistake.”
His dark-blue eyes flashed with a determination that told her he disagreed. Her stomach clenched, and the strength she sought eluded her. Instead she stood there, too frightened to move and too weak to stop where they were going.
He came up on her slowly, as if he knew she’d spook and scatter at any sudden movement. He reached out and tucked one blond curl behind her ear. His fingers skimmed her skin. Goose bumps blossomed down her neck, her spine, to her toenails.
And it won’t happen again,” she said with as much conviction as she could muster. “End of discussion.” Her voice squeaked, again betraying her, though no worse than the rest of her body.
He leaned in until his lips were inches from hers. Her breathing hitched. She should have put some distance between them, acres of distance, but her feet stuck to the floor. Her eyes flickered to his lips. They’d been so soft last night and were so close right now. One little taste wouldn’t hurt, would it? She reflexively licked hers.
He moved in. His breath trailed her cheek, and his lips hovered at the edge of her jaw, just below her earlobe. She arched her neck back, giving him more access, then shivered, closed her eyes, and waited to feel his lips on her neck.
Instead, his breath fanned her ear. “Liar,” he whispered. Then he was gone.

About JoAnn Sky:

JoAnn Sky has written for years as part of her job (business and marketing plans and the like). One day she tried her hand at writing for fun—and like it. Now she authors adult contemporary romance and young adult romance with a magical twist as well as children's books.

JoAnn is a two-time Golden Heart® finalist (YA category and Contemporary Short category). Originally from the Midwest, JoAnn currently lives in northern Nevada with her husband a.k.a. love of her life, three teenage children, and three crazy rescue dogs.

Visit her at where you can sign up for her newsletter (and check out for additional information about her children’s books). You can also connect on Twitter at @jaskybooks ( or on Facebook (

JoAnn is represented by the fabulous Nicole Resciniti of The Seymour Agency.

Connect with JoAnn: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads

Goddess Fish Promotions Book Review: A Mother's Gift

A Mother’s Gift
by Charlotte Hubbard


GENRE: Inspirational Romance (Amish)



For Leah Otto, marrying Jude Shetler is a long-held dream come true. As a young girl, she was captivated by his good looks and talent as an auctioneer. When Jude, now a widower with three children, begins to court her, Leah doesn’t hesitate. Other men may not appreciate her tomboy ways, but Jude values Leah’s practical nature and her skill with the animals she tends, and both enter the marriage with joy and optimism.

Three months later, Leah feels as if her world is coming down around her. Her twin teenage step-daughters, Alice and Adeline, are pushing boundaries and taking far too many risks, while five-year-old Stevie deeply misses his mother. Leah, more at ease in a barn tending her goats and chickens than in a kitchen, struggles with her housekeeping duties.

Then a baby is abandoned on their doorstep, and Leah must search her soul. Caring for little Betsy fills her with renewed purpose and the strength to begin pulling her family together. With Jude’s steadfast support, Leah finds that what she once thought of as a happy ending may be something even better—the beginning of a life rich in love, faith, and unexpected blessings.


Excerpt :

Leah, your life will change in ways you can’t anticipate when you marry,” Lenore began softly. She rested her head against the headboard, grasping her daughter’s hand. “When you move into a man’s home—”

Oh, Mama, you’ve already told me what to expect in the bedroom,” Leah interrupted with a nervous giggle. “It’s not as though I haven’t seen the deer and the horses mating.”

Lenore closed her eyes, praying for words that would gently pierce the balloon of maidenly naiveté in which Leah seemed to live. “There’s more to marriage than mating,” she whispered earnestly. “You’ll be moving into a home where Jude and his kids have established their routine. We’ve both heard the rumors about how Alice and Adeline might be behaving inappropriately during their rumspringa—”

They’re sixteen, and they’re very pretty,” Leah quickly pointed out. “Twins are inclined to get into double trouble as part of their nature at that age. I certainly found mischief during my running-around years.”

Lenore sighed again. She wished Raymond were here to help her with this difficult discussion.


Review:  Charlotte Hubbard is one of my favorite writer's of Amish romance, any time I see a book by her, I do my best to get a copy.

With this book we see Leah wed a local auctioneer that is a widower. No one feels that this match is a good one, even though Leah and Jude are really in love. Jude has three children and they are quite a handful. The girls are more than a handful. In fact, Alice and Adeline are more than a handful, at times they are downright hateful creatures. It is really hard to figure out why they are the way they are. Jude's son, Stevie is absolutely precious and a tiny champion for Leah, once he realizes she's not a wicked stepmother.

Leah and Jude have a huge handful with the twins. I never wanted to reach into a book to shake characters before, but these two girls needed shaking. They definitely acted like willful teenagers and then some.

This is a beautiful story of a family with issues coming together. Leah is not your typical Amish wife, but she has a lot of love to give and she is learning to be a good mother.

Then there is the abandoned baby, who becomes the glue that cements the new family together. Little Betsy precious and through her Leah finds herself becoming more and more of a mother. She cares so deeply for the children.

Ms. Hubbard has written a book about life and about love. Its more than a romance. Its a story of family and there are many times that will have you wiping tears.

If you love sweet Amish stories, you have to read this lovely book by Charlotte Hubbard.

Rating: 5 flowers

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Charlotte Hubbard is the acclaimed author of Amish romance and fiction that evokes simpler times and draws upon her experiences in Jamesport, the largest Old Order Amish community west of the Mississippi. Faith and family, farming, and food preservation are hallmarks of her lifestyle—and the foundation of all her novels. A deacon, dedicated church musician and choir member, she loves to travel, read, try new recipes, and crochet. A longtime Missourian, Charlotte now lives in St. Paul, Minnesota, with her husband and their border collie, Vera. Please visit Charlotte online at
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Book Review: Fast Ride

Review and Excerpt Tour for FAST RIDE by Michelle Dayton!

We are excited to celebrate the release of Michelle Dayton’s new release, FAST RIDE! Join in on the fun with reviews, excerpts, plus a giveaway! FAST RIDE is a spicy, surprisingly emotional, contemporary romance, the first in a brand-new series. Find out what happens when Jen Appleton says yes to a one-night stand in a roadside motel with the hot, hot, hot Garrett Tracy.

Title: Fast Ride
Author: Michelle Dayton
Published: April 30, 2018
Publisher: Self-published
Series: Tracy Brothers
Genres: Contemporary Romance
Word Count: 53K


Jen Appleton is the woman who always says yes. To her boss. To her employees. To charity. To everyone except herself. But when she rear-ends a red Porsche on her way home from a nasty day at work, and the man driving the midlife-crisis cliché turns out to be hot, hot, hot, Jen decides tonight’s the night to say yes to things she’s never said yes to before.

Yes, to a one-night stand in a motel.

Yes, to the hottest night on record.

Yes, to anything Garrett Tracy wants to do to her body.

Garrett knows the chemistry between them can only be described as extreme. But it’s just one night. And then he can get back to work convincing his ex-girlfriend to give him another shot.

When Jen approaches Garrett as the only person in Chicago who might solve her massive work problem, he agrees to help—on the condition that Jen will coach him in winning back his ex. As they work on their projects, Jen and Garrett can’t resist the incredible attraction sparking between them. It’s the perfect friends-with-benefits situation. Until Jen’s heart finally forces her to start saying no

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Review: Fast Ride is the first book by Michelle Dayton that I've read. Color me impressed.  I love finding new authors. This is a quick read, less than 200 pages. To be honest, I've always found this to the be about the perfect length for a romance novel. Its all those Harlequin novels I read in high school.

Michelle crafted characters that were fun and likable. Jen and Garrett really have a great chemistry together and the premise of getting Jen to help him win back his ex is a great one. Now granted since this is a romance novel you know how things are going to end up, but it is a wild ride getting there.

The sex between Jen and Garrett is so hot that the pages sizzle. It is really hard to figure out what Garrett sees in Melissa, because they really don't seem to have anything in common, when anytime he's with Jen, they have a great time, and well lots of smoking hot sex.

Yeah, there's a lot of sex here. My dad would call this a smut novel and I wouldn't argue with him, but its the good kind of smut novel because the characters actual have feelings for each other and well, when Garrett went to visit Jen's work friend in the hospital, well you know he's a great guy.

Totally a fun read! It is perfect for a day at the beach.  I look forward to reading more of Michelle's books.

Rating: 4 flowers

Enter to win a $50 Amazon gift card

About Michelle Dayton:

There are only three things Michelle Dayton loves more than sexy and suspenseful novels: her family, the city of Chicago, and Mr. Darcy. Michelle dreams of a year of world travel – as long as the trip would include weeks and weeks of beach time. As a bourbon lover and unabashed wine snob, Michelle thinks heaven is discussing a good book over an adult beverage
Follow Michelle: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Amazon | BookBub

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