Friday, January 6, 2012

2012 Tudor Reading Challenge

2012 Tudor Reading Challenge Hosted by The Musings of ALMYBNENR

The challenge runs from 1 January 2012 to 31 December 2012 (yes, I had this idea two days into the new year and it is now the third day, but if you started a Tudor related book on the on the 1st or later, it counts).
All book formats are allowed for this challenge as long as they have an ISBN number or the equivalent. Both fiction and non-fiction are allowed as well. Re-reads ARE allowed but your review must be a new one.
All the books read for this challenge must be Tudor related. Books that feature any Tudor from Henry VII to Elizabeth I and any spouses, lovers, close family members, or themes count. There are a lot out there, so no worries!
Each month, I will create a new post dedicated to the challenge where you can link your Tudor reviews for that particular month. You do not need a blog to participate! Posting on Goodreads or wherever you post your reviews is fine.
When you add the link(s) of your review(s), please leave the book title and your name/blog (i.e. The Other Tudors (Amber) or The Other Tudors (The Musings of ALMYBNENR)). Do not add your blog link but rather the link that will take us directly to your review.
There is no need to list the books you will read for this challenge in advance. Feel free to list them as you go. Join the challenge at any time before 31 December 2012. Crossovers from other reading challenges do count.
When you sign up, please post the direct link to the post where your books will be listed. If you are on Twitter or Facebook, post a status of what level you plan to complete and link that! If you are on Goodreads, create a shelf of books you hope to read for this challenge and link that! If you do not have any of those, just leave a comment on this post indicating you are signing up and which level you hope to reach. But it IS important that you leave the direct link. Do not just leave the link to your blog’s homepage or your profile, please!!!
Now, for the levels!

  • Henry VII (Creator of a dynasty): 5 books
  • Henry VIII (Larger than life): 10 books
  • Mary I (The first queen of England): 15 books
  • Elizabeth I (Gloriana & the Golden Age): 20 books

I'm going to go for Henry VIII. I have a lot of Tudor books on my TBR pile..but I don't want to overextend myself!

1. Phillipa Gregory - The Queen's Fool (2/28/2012)
2. Phillipa Gregory - The Constant Princess (3/17/2012)
3. Julia Fox - The Sister Queens (4/1/2012)
4. Sandra Byrd - The Secret Keeper (6/6/2012)


    1. Amber at The Musings of ALMYBNENR said...

    I totally understand about not over-extending yourself. Thanks so much for joining!

    Also, very cute blog. I love your layout!

    The Musings of ALMYBNENR

    Blog Design by Use Your Imagination Designs using images from the Tea Time kit and the Saturday Night kit by MK-Designs