Monday, January 30, 2012

Bewitching Book Tours Book Review: The Knight & Maggie's Baby

Author: Lisa Mondello
Title: The Knight & Maggie's Baby
Publish Date: August 30, 2011
Buy: Amazon
Review Copy Provided By: Bewitching Book Tours and the author
Book Blurb: Jonah Wallace knows what it’s like to grow up without love. Despite having more money than the Queen of England, his childhood was cold and stale as he grew up in boarding schools. He’s dedicated his life to helping homeless and displaced children find the love and support they need by creating the Haven House Foundation, work that resulted in him being Knighted by the Queen.

Now that he’s living in America, his work is going along just fine…until his grandfather gives fate a little nudge by insisting he take a wife before he can inherit.

Coffee shop owner, Maggie Bonelli, is pregnant and the baby’s dad has gone AWOL. She knows too well the pain of growing up without a daddy. So when Jonah Wallace comes into her shop proposing marriage for a year, she takes him up on his offer, even if it’s only for a year. Live in a mansion and give her baby a name and a daddy to call his/her own. But can they keep their perfect arraignment strictly business…or will fate’s helping hand bring them love at last?

Review: Do you have a sweet tooth when it comes to romance? If you do, this is definitely the book for you. I absolutely loved this book. It was a light, fluffy, fun read that made me think of Hallmark movies. As the story progressed I wanted it to be a Hallmark movie! I could see myself chillin' on the couch watchin' it.


Because it is a perfect fairy tale.

The plot is adorable. A pregnant single mother is proposed to by a wealthy aristocrat who needs a wife for a year to keep the family home.

Now can you see why this story is perfect Hallmark Movie fodder? Seriously! Someone should be begging Lisa for the rights to this story.

There was really no serious conflict in this story. The characters just had to decide they really loved both each other and the baby that Maggie was carrying. I loved that it was the baby that really brought everyone together and that even though both Maggie and Jonah suffered from having imperfect families, it was the love of  family and family tradition that brought them together.

I recommend this book to anyone that loves sweet romance, like the Harlequin Romance imprint or the Christian Love Inspired imprint. This is a great cozy romance to pass a few hours with. It should leave you smiling too, when you've read the last page.

Rating: 5 flowers


1. Lover Of Romance said...

Awesome Review Andrea!! I think I want to go out and buy this one as soon as I possibly can!! Thanks for sharing!

2. Lisa Mondello said...

Yes, thank you for the wonderful review, Andrea. It made my day!

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