Friday, January 20, 2012

A Chick Ponders Bookish Things

How is your January reading shaping up? I'm starting my ninth book and as I look back on this month I see a lot of superb books. That's really great. The fact that there was only one book that I considered sub-par in my finished pile makes me smile.

I hope the rest of the year turns out as good, book wise. I know from the pile of books, old and new, sitting around on my shelves, that this is definitely going to be a good year, as long as I have time to read everything that I want to read.

How is the year looking for you, on the book front?


1. Nikki - Notes of Life said...

I haven't read as many as you, but I've certainly read more books so far this month than I usually have done. Hopefully I can keep this up :)

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