Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Doctor Reading Challenge

If you'd like to join me, you're more than welcome to read any of the published Doctor Who books, graphic novels, non-fiction, or other material.  And like most challenges, there are a few (ahem) levels to choose from:

First Doctor - read 2 Doctor Who books
Second Doctor - read 5 Doctor Who books
Third Doctor - read 10 Doctor Who books
Fourth Doctor - read 15 Doctor Who books
Fifth Doctor - read 20 Doctor Who books
Sixth Doctor - read 25 Doctor Who books
Seventh Doctor - read 30 Doctor Who books
Eighth Doctor - read 40 Doctor Who books
Ninth Doctor - read 50 Doctor Who books
Tenth Doctor - read 75 Doctor Who books
Eleventh Doctor - read 100+ Doctor Who books

All the usual rules apply...
*challenge runs 1 January to 31 December 2012 - any books must be read in the 2012 calendar year to count
*any format is allowed
*cross-overs between challenges allowed
*link your post/reviews from your blog, goodreads, shelfari, librarything or the comments section (no blog necessary!)
*no list is needed beforehand - you can choose as you go (or change your choices!)

I'm going to go for The Second Doctor because I only have 5 Who books and getting them is a pain in the bippy here in the US. Apparently the BBC doesn't realize there are plenty of Whovians on this side of the pond!!

1. Oli Smith - Doctor Who: Blackout


1. Aleksandra said...

I signed up for this challenge, too :) Happy reading!

2. Jenn C said...

Thanks for joining! I can't wait to see what you choose.

My Doctor books are courtesy of the local library...and since their stash is mini, the interlibrary loan department.

BTW, I love your blog header!

Blog Design by Use Your Imagination Designs using images from the Tea Time kit and the Saturday Night kit by MK-Designs