Sunday, March 24, 2013

A Chick Ponders Bookish Things: Controlling The TBR Pile

I think we all have TBR piles that are out of control, right? That's why there are reading challenges and read-a-thons dedicated to the art of thinning it out.

But why does that never happen?

If you are like me, you simply can't not stop buying books.

It is even worse now that I have an ereader, because I can't pass up the freebies and cheap reads. Damn those Nook Daily Deals. I've bought more ebooks than I could ever possibly read.

It is like the power of used book stores and Goodwill. I mean how can you pass up paperbacks for a buck or a quarter. (Our local hospital gift store sells used books for a quarter, can you believe that?)  It seems like every day my pile gets larger and larger.

Plus there's Net Galley.

Net Galley is the devil, because those are TBR books with a time limit!

How many of you over extend yourself there?

Come on!

I know I'm not the only one!

There has to be a  way to control my reading cravings?

I think there is, but it involves a cave and a whole lot of a solitude and no internet.

And that would be no fun at all.


1. Chels said...

My TBR keeps growing... and growing and growing. Book club doesn't help either - I have to go into the black hole (aka book shop) to buy the book club read, and usually walk out with at least one extra! I need a long holiday with lots of down time/transit time I think!!

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