Title: Devil May Care
Publisher: Entangled Select
Publish Date: Feb 26, 2013
Buy: Amazon
Review Copy Provided By: The publisher in exchange for an honest review
Book Blurb:
Weddings are hell…
After a month of planning not one, but two, demonic weddings, all Faith Bettincourt—the youngest Crown Princess of Hell—wants is to spend some quality time with her angelic boyfriend, Matt. But when a ghost from Matt’s past walks through Faith’s apartment door, her preoccupation with the weddings from Hell is all that’s keeping her from turning his ex, in all her devious angelic glory, into a down throw pillow.
Which is about when Matt’s zealous mother declares war on Faith’s family.
Now Faith will stop at nothing to stop the craziness and make sure the impending nuptials go off without a hitch. All she’s got to do is rescue one of the grooms and go up against an army of so-called do-gooders, and everything will go back to normal. Or as normal as it can be where the Devil's spawn is concerned. With any luck, she might just be able to resuscitate her love life while she's at it.
Review: OMG there are demons in Pittsburgh! I've always known it! Seriously! Just walk down any street in the South Side or Oakland!
Ok, but back to the story.
This is book two in a series. Guess who hasn't read book 1!
If you guessed this Chick, then you are right.
I always do that. I'm always late for the party etc, however, I hadn't heard there was a book one, I wouldn't have known, the book stands on its own quite well.
Oh and can I say, paranormal comedic romance? Set in Pittsburgh?
Yeah, I can't get over the whole Pittsburgh thing.
This story was so hilarious.
Imagine the youngest daughter of the devil working as a pediatric nurse, and no she doesn't kill off her patients! She's good at her job and she cares about her patients! But that doesn't mean she's not snarky, sarcastic and downright fun to read about.
And she's got weddings to deal with, an ex-fiance and her boyfriend's ex girlfriend living in her apartment, not to mention the biggest dysfunctional family around. Oh and her boyfriend's mother kidnaps her brother, who is marrying her friend Lisa.
There's a lot of drama and fun and some really interesting paranormal elements. A few highlights involve Jesus, who they call J and the imps and sprites.
It was definitely not what I was expecting, but it was and I loved it and I loved the characters.
This is a light, fun and fantastic read. I have to find the first book though, so I can be caught up when the third book comes out and I have to find out what happens between Faith and Matt.
Rating: 5 flowers
Author Links:
Patricia’s website: http://www.patriciaeimer.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/patriciaeimer
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/patriciaeimerofficialpage
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Devil-May-Care-Speak/dp/1620610876
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