Thursday, July 4, 2013

My Birthday Loot

I celebrated my 39th birthday on Tuesday.

OK, I didn't celebrate, my mom ended up in the hospital Tuesday morning, but I did manage to have a bookishly nice birthday.

I got a lovely tote from Barnes and Noble...a cookie cookbook..cos I love making cookies...2 Doctor Who books and two fabulous cozy mysteries.

For a day that wasn't really all that great...I did get some great stuff. Oh and I got a $50 Barnes and Noble gift card!


1. Ruz said...

Awwwww sorry to hear about your mom. :( Hope you have an enjoyable birthday with the books!

Happy Birthday and take good care!

2. Yvonne said...

I hope your mom is okay!

Happy Belated Birthday!

3. Diana said...

Enjoy your birthday loot! Hope you mom is doing better.

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