Monday, July 15, 2013

TLC Book Tours Book Review: Stephanie Evanovich - Big Girl Panties

Author: Stephanie Evanovich
Title: Big Girl Panties
Publisher: William Morrow
Publish Date: July 9, 2013
Buy: Amazon
Review Copy Provided By: TLC Book Tours & The Publisher
Book Blurb: 
Holly Brennan used food to comfort herself through her husband’s illness and death. Now she’s alone at age thirty-two. And she weighs more than she ever has. When fate throws her in the path of Logan Montgomery, personal trainer to pro athletes, and he offers to train her, Holly concludes it must be a sign. Much as she dreads the thought of working out, Holly knows she needs to put on her big girl panties and see if she can sweat out some of her grief.

Soon, the easy intimacy and playful banter of their training sessions lead Logan and Holly to most intense and steamy workouts. But can Holly and Logan go the distance as a couple now that she’s met her goals—and other men are noticing?

Review: I'm really on the fence with this book. I was super stoked to see that Janet Evanovich's niece had written a book and its a romantic comedy.

The problem for me is it is too much a comedy and not enough romance, mostly because Logan is more than a bit shallow and Holly totally lacks any self esteem. Her parents are elderly hoarders who only want her so she can take care of them. Her husband died of pancreatic cancer...and she's overweight.


Poor Holly.

However she has spunk and that makes things really funny at times.

Holly isn't going to let the super hot guy sitting next to her in coach make her life hell for the flight and through that comes the offer to help her through personal training.

I think that's why this book was a bit off putting for me. Why do all books about fat girls have to be about the struggle to lose weight so that the super hot guy will fall madly in love with them? (Oh and this is coming from a fat girl, m'kay?)

Of course as she loses weight she gets noticed and Logan does start falling for her. Slowly but surely Logan starts to be less shallow, though he still ponders how he's going to get her to lose those last 20 pounds.


I liked the book a lot, but it somehow didn't live up to the hype.

I read this book in one evening. That in itself should prove that it is enjoyable. I found myself laughing out loud many times as I turned the pages. In that respect you can draw comparisons to her aunt Janet. I can definitely see this book being made into a movie too. I just fear that Owen Wilson, Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler might be involved...

Rating; 4 flowers


1. Heather J @ TLC Book Tours said...

I'm glad that there were things you really enjoyed about this book even though there were also things you didn't really like. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on it for the tour.

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